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Downscaled air temperatures at Valley and Ridge Position in a TLCF in dry season
Dataset ID: 555
Last updated: 2024-08-15
Dataset creators: Marius Pohl
Contact: Marius Pohl
Maik Dobbermann
Temporal coverage: 2007-09-22 00:00:00 - 2007-10-24 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guyana
Geographic coverage: Tropical Lowland Cloud Forest - Study area (WGS 84, EPSG 4326)
Abstract: contains temperature measurements at valley and ri...
Additional info: ridge Station: 4.04534, -52.67833 valley Station:...
Keywords: | era5 | cloud cover | cold air drainage |
Intellectual rights: LCRS
Entity name: dry_season_downscaling_results_default
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Downscaled temperature at ridge position (T_downscaled_ridge) [Degrees Celsius]
Downscaled temperature at valley position (T_downscaled_valley) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature at ridge (T_ridge) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature in valley (T_valley) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature 2m height (T2M) [Degrees Celsius]
Cold Air Drainage Conditions (cadcons) (Unitless)
emissivity threshold (thr) [Unitless]
low cloud cover (LCC) [Percent]
total cloud cover (TCC) [Percent]
Entity name: dry_season_downscaling_results_modified
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Downscaled temperature at ridge position (T_downscaled_ridge) [Degrees Celsius]
Downscaled temperature at valley position (T_downscaled_valley) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature at ridge (T_ridge) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature in valley (T_valley) [Degrees Celsius]
temperature 2m height (T2M) [Degrees Celsius]
Cold Air Drainage Conditions (cadcons) (Unitless)
emissivity threshold (thr) [Unitless]
low cloud cover (LCC) [Percent]
total cloud cover (TCC) [Percent]

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