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Schmelz, M. (2011): Effekte von Stickstoff- und/oder Phosphorzugaben auf Blattmorphologie, Blattnährstoffgehalte und Herbivorie in einem ecuadorianischen Bergregenwald University of Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Keidel, K. (2012): Atmospheric Deposition into a Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Ecuador: Trends in Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, diploma thesis
Wäge, J. (2012): Der Einfluss von Stickstoff - und/oder Phosphorzugaben auf die Herbivorie in einem tropischen Bergregenwald in Südecuador University of Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Seeger, J. (2012): Der Einfluss von Meereshöhe, Topographie und Bodeneigenschaften auf die Blattmorphologie und -nährstoffgehalte südecuadorianischer Bergregenwaldbäume University of Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Link, R. (2010): The variation of wood specific gravity and aboveground biomass along gradients of topography and elevation in tropical montane forests of southern Ecuador University of Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Valentin, A. (2011): Der Einfluss von Meereshöhe und Topographie auf Biomasse und Morphologie von Feinwurzeln in Südecuadorianischen Bergwäldern University of Göttingen, master thesis
Bruns, K. (2011): Effekte von Stickstoff- und/oder Phosphorzugaben auf die Baumregeneration in einem ecuadorianischen Bergregenwald University of Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Fries, A. (2012): Implementation of new methods for the regionalization of climate data Uni Marburg, phd thesis
Hamer, U.; Rumpel, C. & Dignac, M. (2012): Cutin and suberin biomarkers as tracers for the turnover of shoot and root derived organic matter along a chronosequence of Ecuadorian pasture soils. European Journal of Soil Science online, 1-12.
Unger, M.; Homeier, J. & Leuschner, C. (2012): Effects of soil chemistry on tropical forest biomass and productivity at different elevations in the equatorial Andes. Oecologia 170, 263-274.
Wittich, B.; Horna, V.; Homeier, J. & Leuschner, C. (2012): Altitudinal decrease in photosynthetic capacity in tropical trees: A case study from Ecuador and a pantropical literature analysis. Ecosystems 15, 958-973.
Brehm, G.; Bodner, F.; Strutzenberger, P.; Hünefeld, F. & Fiedler, K. (2011): Neotropical Eois (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): Checklist, Biogeography, Diversity, and Description Patterns. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104, 1091-1107.
Bodner, F.; Strutzenberger, P.; Brehm, G. & Fiedler, K. (2012): Species Richness and Host Specificity among Caterpillar Ensembles on Shrubs in the Andes of Southern Ecuador. Neotropical Entomology n/a, n/a.
Knoke, T. & Huth, A. (2011): Modelling Forest Growth and Finance: Often Disregarded Tools in Tropical Land Management. In: Guenter, S., Weber, M., Stimm, B., Mosandl, R. (eds.): Silviculture in the Tropics (S. Guenter et al. (eds.), Silviculture in the Tropics Tropical F), Springer, 129-142.
Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Hildebrandt, P. & Knoke, T. (2012): Avoiding the loss of shade coffee plantations: how to derive conservation payments for risk-averse land-users. Agroforestry Systems online, online.
Silva, B.; Roos, K.; Voss, I.; König, N.; Rollenbeck, R.; Scheibe, R.; Beck, E. & Bendix, J. (2012): Simulating canopy photosynthesis for two competing species of an anthropogenic grassland community in the Andes of southern Ecuador. Ecological Modelling 239, 14-26.
Breuer, L. (2012): Simulating ecosystem functioning of tropical mountainous cloud forests in southern Ecuador. Ecological Modelling 239, 1-2.
Vorpahl, P.; Elsenbeer, H.; Märker, M. & Schröder, B. (2012): How can statistical models help to determine driving factors of landslides?. Ecological Modelling 239, 27-39.
Dislich, C. & Huth, A. (2012): Modelling the impact of shallow landslides on forest structure in tropical montane forests. Ecological Modelling 239, 40-53.
Hamer, U.; Potthast, K.; Burneo Valdivieso, J.I. & Makeschin, F. (2012): Nutrient stocks and phosphorus fractions in mountain soils of Southern Ecuador after conversion of forest to pasture. Biogeochemistry in press, 1-16.
Ließ, M.; Glaser, B. & Huwe, B. (2012): Making use of the World Reference Base diagnostic horizons for the systematic description of the soil continuum - Application to the tropical mountain soil-landscape of southern Ecuador. CATENA 97, 20 -30.
Crespo, P. (2012): Analysis of the rainfall runoff processes of Andean ecosystems in southern Ecuador: using hydrometric, tracers and modeling approaches University of Giessen, phd thesis
Trachte, K. (2011): Cold Air Drainage Flows and their Relation to the Formation of Nocturnal Convective Clouds at the Eastern Andes of South Ecuador Philipps-University Marburg, phd thesis
Illig, J. (2007): Structure and functioning of oribatid mite communities along an elevational gradient of tropical mountain rainforests TU Darmstadt, phd thesis
Heppner, S. (2010): Vegetative Vermehrung einheimischer Baumarten in Südecuador Physiologische Grundlagen und deren Umsetzung University of Bayreuth, phd thesis
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M.; Rueß, L. & Scheu, S. (2010): Carbon and nutrient limitation of soil microorganisms and microbial grazers in a tropical montane rain forest. Oikos 119, 1020-1028.
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2010): Micro- and Macroscale Changes in Density and Diversity of Testate Amoebae of Tropical Montane Rain Forests of Southern Ecuador. Acta Protozool. 49, 17-28.
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2012): How does litter quality affect the community of soil protists (testate amoebae) of tropical montane rainforests?. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 80, 603-607.
Krashevska, V. (2008): Diversity and community structure of testate amoebae (protista)in tropical montane rain forests of southern Ecuador: Altitudinal gradient, aboveground habitats and nutrient TU Darmstadt, phd thesis
Göttlicher, D. (2010): Plant Functional Types for Land Surface Modelling in South Ecuador - Spatial Delineation, Sensitivity and Parameter Determination Philipps-University Marburg, phd thesis
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