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Egli, S.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2018): A Hybrid Approach for Fog Retrieval Based on a Combination of Satellite and Ground Truth Data. Remote Sensing 10(4), 1-26.
Schulz, M.; Li, C.; Thies, B.; Chang, S. & Bendix, J. (2017): Mapping the montane cloud forest of Taiwan using 12 year MODIS-derived ground fog frequency data. PLOS ONE 12(2), 1-17.
Schulz, M. (2017): Delineating the montane cloud forest of Taiwan LCRS, phd thesis
Schulz, M.; Thies, B.; Chang, S. & Bendix, J. (2016): Detection of ground fog in mountainous areas from MODIS (Collection 051) daytime data using a statistical approach. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9, 1135 - 1152.
Gultepe, I.; Tardif, R.; Michaelides, S.; Cermak, J.; Bott, A.; Bendix, J.; Müller, M.; Pagowski, M.; Hansen, B.; Ellrod, G.; Jacobs, W.; Toth, G. & Cober, S. (2007): Fog Research: A review of past achievements and future perspectives. Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 1121-1159.
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