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Beck, E.; Paladines, P.; Paladines, R.; Matt, F.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2019): Alexander von Humboldt would have loved it: Estación Científica San Francisco. Ecotropica 21, 201 99.
Rodriguez, R.; Mabres, A.; Cruz, G.; La Madrid, R.; Rollenbeck, R.; Scipion, D. & Silva, Y. (2019): Radar de lluvias en Piura para observar El Niño. BOLETÍN TÉCNICO 4(6), 9-12.
Seidel, J.; Trachte, K.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Figueroa, R.; Celleri, R.; Bendix, J.; Fernandez, C. & Huggel, C. (2019): Precipitation Characteristics at Two Locations in the Tropical Andes by Means of Vertically Pointing Micro-Rain Radar Observations. Remote Sensing 11(24), 2985.
Urbich, I.; Bendix, J. & Müller, R. (2019): The Seamless Solar Radiation (SESORA) Forecast for Solar Surface Irradiance—Method and Validation. Remote Sensing 11(21), 2576.
Vorndran, M.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2019-10-26). Forecasting radiation fogbycombining station measurementsandsatellite data usingmachine learning. Presented at AK Klima, Jesteburg.
Turini, N.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2019): Estimating High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Rainfall from MSG1 and GPM IMERG Based on Machine Learning: Case Study of Iran. Remote sensing 11(19), 2307.
Kolbe, C.; Thies, B.; Egli, S.; Lehnert, L.; Schulz, M. & Bendix, J. (2019): Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the Geostationary Orbit — Part 1 : Precipitation Area Delineation with Elektro-L2 and Insat-3D. Remote Sensing 11(19), 2302.
Jung, P.; Schermer, M.; Briegel-Williams, L.; Baumann, K.; Leinweber, P.; Karsten, U.; Lehnert, L.; Achilles, S.; Bendix, J. & Büdel, B. (2019): Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert1. Journal of Phycology 0(0), 1-22.
Jung, P.; Emrích, D.; Briegel‐Williams, L.; Schermer, M.; Weber, L.; Baumann, K.; Colesie, C.; Clerc, P.; Lehnert, L.; Achilles, S.; Bendix, J. & Büdel, B. (2019): Ecophysiology and phylogeny of new terricolous and epiphytic chlorolichens in a fog oasis of the Atacama Desert. Microbiology Open 8, 1-21.
Lehnert, L.; Meyer, H.; Obermeier, W.; Silva, B.; Regeling, B.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2019): Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: The hsdar Package. Journal of Statistical Software 89(12), 1-23.
Wallis, C.I.B.; Homeier, J.; Peña, J.; Brandl, R.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2019): Modeling tropical montane forest biomass, productivity and canopy traits with multispectral remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 77-92.
Drönner, J.; Egli, S.; Thies, B.; Bendix, J. & Seeger, B. (2019): FFLSD - Fast Fog and Low Stratus Detection tool for large satellite time-series. Computers & Geosciences 1, 1-36.
Egli, S.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2019): A spatially explicit and temporally highly resolved analysis of variations in fog occurrence over Europe. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 1, 1-20.
Knerr, I.; Dienst, M.; Lindén, J.; Dobrovolný, P.; Geletic, J.; Büntgen, U. & Esper, J. (2019): Addressing the relocation bias in a long temperature record by means of land cover assessment. Theoretical and Applied Climatology , 1-11.
Miehe, G.; Schleuss, P.; Seeber, E.; Babel, W.; Biermann, T.; Braendle, M.; Fahu, C.; Coners, H.; Foken, T.; Gerken, T.; Graf, H.; Guggenberger, G.; Hafner, S.; Holzapfel, M.; Ingrisch, J.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Lai, Z.; Lehnert, L.; Leuschner, C.; Li, X.; Liu, J.; Liu, S.; Ma, Y.; Miehe, S.; Mosbrugger, V.; Noltie, H.J.; Schmidt, J.; Spielvogel, S.; Unteregelsbacher, S.; Wang, Y.; Willinghöfer, S.; Xu, X.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Opgenoorth, L. & Wesche, K. (2019): The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands - Origin, functioning and degradation of the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem: Kobresia pastures of Tibet. Science of the Total Environment 648, 754-771.
Guallpa, M.; Orellana-Alvear, J. & Bendix, J. (2019): Tropical Andes Radar Precipitation Estimates Need High Temporal and Moderate Spatial Resolution. Water 11(5), 1-22.
Orellana-Alvear, J.; Celleri, R.; Rollenbeck, R. & Bendix, J. (2019): Optimization of X-Band Radar Rainfall Retrieval in the Southern Andes of Ecuador Using a Random Forest Model. Remote Sensing 11(14), 1632.
Gonzalez-Jaramillo, V.; Fries, A. & Bendix, J. (2019): AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Remote Sensing 11(12), 1-22.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.; Pohl, M.; Gianonni, S.M.; Silva, B.; Seibert, R.; Laser, H.; Moser, G.; Müller, C.; Luterbacher, J. & Bendix, J. (2019): Grassland ecosystem services in a changing environment: The potential of hyperspectral monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment 232, 111273.
Yuan, N.; Moser, G.; Müller, C.; Obermeier, W.; Bendix, J. & Luterbacher, J. (2018): Extreme climatic events down- regulate the grassland biomass response to elevated carbon dioxide. Nature Scientific Reports 8, 17758.
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