D4 Catchment scale hydro-biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic diversity under global change
[funded by DFG]
IP de este proyecto:
Prof. Dr. Lutz Breuer
Resumen del proyecto:
Catchment scale hydro-biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic diversity under global
Descripción del proyecto:
The proposed research contributes to the following overarching goals: (i) better
understanding of the complex hydro-biogeochemical and biological interactions in tropical montane forest systems under natural and altered conditions; (ii) the integration
of this knowledge in an integrated modeling system that will be tested to long-term and spatially dense datasets; and (iii) prognosis of the likely impact of climate change scenarios on the hydro-biogeochemical and biological processes considering for each
process the uncertainty range on the prediction. A main deliverable of the project will be the expanded CMF modeling tool enabling the simulation of the combined impact of land use and climate change on hydro-biogeochemical processes and biological interaction. The project follows the general philosophy of cooperative researchers between experimentalists and modelers, thereby facilitating the implementation of state-of-theart system understanding into simulation tools. The integrated modelframework developed in D4 will therefore allow to assess the likely impacts of global change on tropical montane rainforest ecosystems of Ecuador.