Cite as:
Reinhardt-Imjela, C.; Maerker, K.; Schulte, A. &amp; Kleber, A. (2018): <b>Implications of hydraulic anisotropy in periglacial cover beds for flood simulation in low mountain ranges (Ore Mountains, Germany)</b>. <i>DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin</i> <b>149</b>(2-3), 86-101.

Resource Description

Title: Implications of hydraulic anisotropy in periglacial cover beds for flood simulation in low mountain ranges (Ore Mountains, Germany)
FOR816dw ID: 17
Publication Date: 2018-01-01
License and Usage Rights:
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Christian Reinhardt-Imjela
Individual: Katja Maerker
Individual: Achim Schulte
Individual: Arno Kleber
Abstract<br/> The simulation of floods with conceptual rainfall-runoff models is a frequently used method for various ap -<br/> plications in flood risk management. In mountain areas, the identification of the optimum model parameters<br/> during the calibration is often difficult because of the complexity and variability of catchment properties and<br/> hydrological processes. Central European mountain ranges are typically covered by Pleistocene periglacial<br/> slope deposits. The hydraulic conductivity of the cover beds shows a high degree of anisotropy, so it is impor -<br/> tant to understand the role of this effect in flood models of mesoscale mountain watersheds. Based on previ -<br/> ous field work, the study analyses the sensitivity of the NASIM modeling system to a variation of vertical and<br/> lateral hydraulic conductivity for the Upper Flöha watershed (Ore Mountains, Germany). Depending on the<br/> objective function (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, peak discharge), two diametric parameter sets were identified<br/> both resulting in a high goodness-of-fit for total discharge of the flood events, but only one reflects the hydro-<br/> logical process knowledge. In a second step, the knowledge of the spatial distribution of the cover beds is used<br/> to investigate the potential for a simplification of the model parameterisation. The soil types commonly used<br/> for the spatial discretisation of rainfall-runoff models were aggregated to one main class (periglacial cover<br/> beds only). With such a simplified model, the total flood discharge and the runoff components were simulated<br/> with the same goodness of fit as with the original model. In general, the results point out that the anisotropy in<br/> the unsaturated zone, which is intensified by periglacial cover beds, is an important element of flood models.<br/> First, a parameter set corresponding to the hydraulic anisotropy in the cover beds is essential for the optimum<br/> reproduction of the flood dynamics. Second, a discretisation of soil types is not necessarily required for flood<br/> modeling in Central European mountain areas
| flood simulation |
Literature type specific fields:
Journal: DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin
Volume: 149
Issue: 2-3
Page Range: 86-101
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Katinka Thielsen
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