The MA will take place on Wednesday afternoon, 08.02.2017, 14:15 o´clock, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) – Campus Etterbeek, 2 boulevard de la Plaine / Pleinlaan, Building D, auditorium
D08, 1050 Brussels (Belgium).

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en meeting
08.02.2017 - 08.02.2017

Loja, UTPL, Centro de convenciones
1st of December 2016

The participation at the symposium is free. If you want an electronic certificate for your participation, please fill out until the 29th of November at the latest this form and then register your participation during the Symposium at anytime.

State: 11.11.2016

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
01.12.2016 - 01.12.2016

 Members of the German Research Consortium met two of their many obligations: They published another high-ranking, multi-author paper and summarized their research results in a booklet for knowledge transfer. The Coordinators also describe how the research stations will operate from now on and how research will continue in a new Research Unit after the official end of the present Research Consortium.

The Science News cover a plant-frugivore network analysis and progresses towards reliable and easy to measure indicators for biodiversity, climate change and land-use alternations in the tropical mountain rainforest, as well as pine-fungi relationships and carbon stocks in Pine plantations in the Paramo ecosystem.

DOI and Download:



Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
28.10.2016 - 28.10.2016

"Forscher stellen neue Aspekte zur Landnutzung in den Tropen vor; Mosaik-Bewirtschaftung beeinflusst Umweltschutz, Profit und Sicherheit

Wie muss eine Landschaft genutzt werden, um sowohl ökologische als auch sozioökonomische Anforderungen zu erfüllen? Diese Frage hat ein internationales Forscherteam unter Beteiligung von Wissenschaftlern aus Marburg und Gießen am Beispiel aufgegebener Weideflächen im Regenwald Ecuadors beantwortet. Mithilfe von Simulationen stellten die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler fest, dass der Schlüssel zur Lösung in einer möglichst vielfältigen Bewirtschaftung liegt. Die Ergebnisse wurden jetzt in „Nature Communications“ veröffentlicht."


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
13.06.2016 - 13.06.2016

The next member assembly of PAK 823-825 will be held in Göttingen shortly before the opening ceremony of the gtö-conference.

Date: Thuesday, 23 February 2016

Time: 10:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Venue: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen



Hörsaalgebäude Geowissenschaften und Geographie 

Goldschmidtstr. 1

37077 Göttingen

Lecture hall: NM 14

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en conference
23.02.2016 - 23.02.2016
The issue presents a bunch of Science and Knowledge-Transfer News. The first full-length paper in this journal shows in a model how the equilibrium between the pasture grass (Setaria) and the competing weed (bracken) depends on the temperature of the site, in other words on the elevation of the pasture.
In the mountain rainforest, tree roots and the mycorrhiza fungi respond species-specifically to nutrient manipulations. Phosphate liberating soil enzymes depend on climatic conditions and thus on the altitudinal gradient. A study of the altitudinal gradient of tree assemblages disproved the general validity of the Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis. Using water use efficiency of the leaves and the total water consumption of the tree allows determination of its daily carbon uptake. Sodium availability could play an essential role in litter decomposition. In the dry forest different tree functional types can be recognized by quantification of their water relations.
How to create a soil map for remote or less accessible areas? The Transfer News present a sampling design for digital soil mapping that closes the gap between the statistical desired quality of samples and operational applicability. The high resolution climate indicator system can be used to recognize climate change in southern Ecuador. In a workshop on the National Bird Day researchers from the Platform shared their dedication to bird diversity and seed dispersal with students from Zamora Chinchipe. Two more workshops transferred knowledge about science-directed advances in ecosystem monitoring and about the rehabilitation of abandoned areas for production and protection. More than 50% of the visits of the Data Warehouse are from outside the Research Consortium and climate data are expectedly the champions of downloads. News from the ECSF research station, the infrastructure provider NCI as well as the successful completion of three PhD thesis by Ecuadorian students round off this issue.
Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
11.12.2015 - 11.12.2015

On 3 June, Agustín Carrasco saw an Andean bear at one of the core plots at the Estación científica San Francisco. This was an extremely lucky encounter, as Andean bears are hardly seen at Podocarpus National Park. Even luckier are we that Agustín had his camera with him and filmed the bear only a few meters away in this exciting moment. Endemic to the Tropical Andes, the Andean bear is the only extant species of bear in South America. The more it is astonishing that so little is known about its population densities and trends. Andean bears are reported to move along altitudinal gradients, following seasonal patterns of food resources. They are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. Mostly habitat loss is threatening their existence.


Download video

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en general
05.11.2015 - 05.11.2015

El proximo simpósio de la plataforma de investigación se realizara el 7. y 8 de octubre en Loja / Ecuador. El programa detallado sera publicado con tiempo adecuado

Autor: Ruetger Rollenbeck | publicado en conference
07.10.2015 - 08.10.2015

Tenemos el agrado de invitarles muy cordialmente al simposio internacional de la Plataforma de Investigación y Monitoreo, lo cual se realizará los días 7 y 8 de octubre en la UTPL, Loja:

Plataforma de Investigación y Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad y de los Ecosistemas en el Sur de Ecuador

Presentación de avances y resultados de investigación

7 y 8 de Octubre 2015

Centro de Convenciones UTPL

Loja - Ecuador

Programa para descargar

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
07.10.2015 - 08.10.2015

El dia 6 del octubre 2015 se realizara un taller del supprograma C - Monitoreo al escala traversa: Biodiversidad y funciones del Ecosistema, justo antes del simposio. Mas informacion se distribuye por email.

Autor: Ruetger Rollenbeck | publicado en meeting
06.10.2015 - 06.10.2015

Since mid-august the Cotopaxi volcano is in an eruptive process. We don’t expect any direct impact at our three research sites, but air traffic can be affected, leading to delays or cancellations of flights, and areas around the Cotopaxi (including parts of the valley east of Quito (Cumbayá, Tumbaco, Valle de los Chillos)) could be affected directly. Please find here additional information from the German Embassy about the situation and keep yourself informed.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
30.09.2015 - 31.12.2015

Seit 13.08. kommt es in Ecuador zu landesweiten Streiks mit Straßensperren und Demonstrationen. Vor Überlandreisen wird empfohlen, sich über die aktuelle Situation auf der geplanten Route zu informieren. Sollte sie von den Streiks betroffen sein, wird davon abgeraten die Fahrt durchzuführen. Es wird empfohlen sich unbedingt von den Demonstrationen und Straßensperren fernzuhalten.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
28.08.2015 - 28.08.2015

In der Ausgabe 9 vom Juli 2015 des Newsletters der deutschen Botschaft Quito "1-Blick, Deutsche Aktivitäten und Projekte in Ecuador" finden zwei unserer Forschungsprojekte Erwähnung.


Regnet es im tropischen Bergregenwald wirklich so viel?
Besuch vom deutschen Botschafter und seiner Frau auf der Estación Científica San Francisco


Bericht vom Transfer-Projekt der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
"Operational rainfall monitoring in southern Ecuador"



Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
25.08.2015 - 25.08.2015

 Durch Ascheeruptionen des Cotopaxi kam es am 14.08. zu Annullierungen von Flügen nach Loja und Cuenca. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor Flugreisen über mögliche aktuelle Einschränkungen.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
21.08.2015 - 21.08.2015

After the coordinators’ updating of the state of research and introducing the new name of this publication, they summarize the important elements of the program for knowledge transfer to stakeholders. The local advisory board informs about a landslide which hit research grounds. Science papers in this issue
• compare tropical montane elevation transects in Ecuador and Peru
• analyze the relationship of decomposer communities and leaf litter types
• demonstrate how fertilization influences the amount of bio-available phosphorus
• reveal that nutrient availability stimulates mineralization of dissolved organic matter
• show that image textures can supersede functional biodiversity analysis
• provide insights into the transformation from abandoned sites to valuable pasture land.
A report presents the completed construction of the last radar of the RadarNet Sur that is situated on a mountain peak and is the highest operating weather radar worldwide. The Data Warehouse manager describes the results of a survey taken to increase data quality and usability. And two workshops transferred gained knowledge on how to perform terrain analyses with the geographical in¬formation system SAGA.


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
22.05.2015 - 22.05.2015

A new species of Pholidobolus (Squamata:
Gymnophthalmidae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador

Omar Torres-Carvajal, Pablo J. Venegas, Simón E. Lobos, Paola Mafla-Endara, and Pedro M. Sales Nunes

Abstract.—We describe a new species of Pholidobolus lizard from the Amazonian slopes of the Andes of southern Ecuador. Among other characters, the new species differs from other species of Pholidobolus in having a distinct diagonal white stripe extending from the fourth genial scale to the fore limb. We present a phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data as additional evidence supporting delimitation of the new species, which is sister to all other species of Pholidobolus. Our phylogeny further supports the south-to-north speciation hypothesis proposed for other lizard clades from the northern Andes.

Download paper as pdf.

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en general
02.12.2014 - 02.12.2014

Scientists working in the tropical mountain rain forest of the San Francisco Valley report first results: They depict the impacts of nutrient additions on mycorrhiza as well as on the activity of phosphomonoesterases in the organic layer. Others describe the relationship between canopy evapotranspiration and leaf transpiration derived from a novel observational approach. First research results can also be presented from the other two ecosystems under investigation: leaf phenology and tree water use was analyzed in the dry forest at Laipuna whereas the effects of roads on the avifauna were studied in the Cajas Páramo. One group explains which trees and plots are now equipped with logging band dendrometers and another provides first results on the suitability of functional biodiversity indicators. The afforestation project “Nuevos Bosques para Ecuador” also gives a report and the Data Warehouse now has expanded to Ecuador. The Newsletter rounds off describing the successful approval of the dry forest area in the provinces Loja and El Oro as an UNESCO biosphere reserve where the application initiative was mainly pushed by the non-university partner NCI, supported by the DFG-PAK scientists. It should be stressed that all three DFG-PAK research sites now belong to three different UNESCO biosphere reserves.


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
18.11.2014 - 18.11.2014
Book Review: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador by Sandra Luque


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
12.11.2014 - 12.11.2014

 Article on the website of the UTPL about the project of Prof. Dr. Thomas Knoke: "Agricultura sustentable e inclusión en el mercado de los servicios eco sistémicos"


Link in the article:
Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
17.10.2014 - 17.10.2014

The conference will be held from 2. - 3. October 2014 (Thursday-Friday) at the UDA in Cuenca/Ecuador.

Travel information on flights in Ecuador, transport between Loja and Cuenca and hotel addresses (pdf)

Symposium program as pdf

Hotel and transport informations as xlsx

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en conference
02.10.2014 - 03.10.2014

3. Forum Für ecuadorianische Studenten in Europa - Wettbewerb zur Anerkennung für die wissenschaftliche Forschung, Berlin / Oktober 2014.

Infos in pdf.

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en general
22.09.2014 - 31.10.2014

The first MRp|SE Newsletter offers research and knowledge transfer results: The test of models for small scale plant distributions shows the advantages of ensemble approaches. This result as well as a new method to analyze canopy evapotranspriation and leaf photosynthesis were awarded with poster prizes. A medical technique helps to study wood anatomy. In contrast to previous data the analysis of fertilized phosphorus revealed that it is not only retained in above-ground biomass and the organic layer but also enters the mineral soil. Mean transit times of water in the catchment and transit time distribution functions where modeled and can be related to land use effects. The Newsletter also explains the usefulness of digital soil maps and the prerequisites for developing local climate indicators. The designs of research plots and new research infrastructures are introduced and the characteristics of the second radar in the Radar Net Sur are summarized. Four of the SENESCYT Bundle Projects describe their research objectives. New in the Data Warehouse are a tool for control of funds consumption and a new booking tool. NCI already awaits researchers at the new Laipuna station.


Download (

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
05.05.2014 - 05.05.2014

 "La creación de esta institución fue el anuncio que hoy dio la Ministra de Ambiente, Lorena Tapia, en el marco de la inauguración de “La Plataforma de Monitoreo e Investigación de la Biodiversidad y los Ecosistemas en el Sur del Ecuador”."


download as pdf

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
04.03.2014 - 04.03.2014

Along the gtö conference in Freising our first member assembly of the DFG-PAK 823/4/5 will take place.

Please find the official invitation and a venue plan.

Alongside the assembly our datawarehouse manager Rütger Rollenbeck will be available to answer questions and help you regarding the handling of our datawarehouse.


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en conference
28.02.2014 - 28.02.2014

"Der Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBIO e. V.) ehrt den Pflanzenphysiologen und Biodiversitätswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Erwin Beck mit der Treviranus-Medaille."

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en general
06.11.2013 - 06.11.2013

Bericht auf der Webseite der DFG zur "Eröffnung der Plattform für Biodiversität, Ökosystem-Monitoring und -Forschung in Südecuador"


Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
06.11.2013 - 06.11.2013

Lista la plataforma para investigar proyectos en la reserva de biosfera El Cajas

(download pdf)




Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en press
17.10.2013 - 17.10.2013

Detailed information can be found here.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
18.09.2013 - 30.09.2013

Download pdf.

Im Fachbereich Geographie ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt (01.10.2013) befristet für 3 Jahre die Stelle einer/eines
Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters
zu besetzen. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 des neuen Tarifvertrages des Landes Hessen.

Zu den Aufgaben gehören wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen im DFG Paketbündel (PAK 823-825) „Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador“ (weitere Infos unter

Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst: Design und Weiterentwicklung des Data Warehouses (s. dazu der Forschungs-Plattform, Weiterentwicklung der webbasierten Schnittstelle zusammen mit unseren Partner der Technischen Universität in Loja (UTPL), Management des Datenflusses, Pflege des Daten-bestandes, datentechnische Beratung und Koordination der wissenschaftlichen Teilprojekte der Plattform sowie intensive Kommunikation und Abstimmung u.a. in Datenbankworkshops mit den universitären und außeruniversitären Partnern des Forschungs- und Forschungstrans-ferprogramms, auch vor Ort.

Vorausgesetzt werden ein überdurchschnittlicher Abschluss in Geographie, Umweltinformatik oder einer verwandten Umweltwissenschaft mit engem Bezug zu Geoinformatik, profunde Kenntnisse von Geo-/Biodiversitäts-Datenbankstrukturen sowie deren Betrieb und Design, Kenntnisse in Programmier- und Open Source Werkzeugen (z.B. Java, Apache Tomcat, PHP, MySQL etc.), guter Überblick über ökologische Metadaten- und Datenstandards sowie Map-Server Technologien und web-basierte Analyse-Tools (z.B. R Schnittstellen). Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse sowie unbedingter Wille und ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten zu fachübergreifenden Kommunikation werden vorausgesetzt. Spanischkenntnisse sind erwünscht.


Bewerbungsunterlagen sind bis zum 20.09.2013 unter Angabe der Kennziffer fb19-anz-IV--2013 an den Herrn Dekan des Fachbereichs Geographie der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschhausstr. 10, 35032 Marburg, zu senden.

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en jobs
28.08.2013 - 20.09.2013

"The research group of Geoecology (Geography, Department of Geosciences) invites applications for
One PhD Student Position in Soil Science (65%, TV-L E13)
within the multidisciplinary project “Tropical Mountain Forest” granted by the German Science Foundation ( Combining monitoring and measurements of functional diversity, several research groups perform interdisciplinary research to understand the relationships between landscape change, biodiversity, biological interactions, and ecosystem processes and services."

see full job advertisement as pdf

Application deadline is April 21st, 2013

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en jobs
21.04.2013 - 21.04.2013

20 groups of scientists representing a multitude of scientific disciplines summarize major results of their research in this last issue of the TMF Newsletter: They report about science-directed and sustainable land-use systems and present protocols for optimization of sustainable forest and pasture management. Specific reactions of species and of the ecosystem tropical mountain forest (TMF) to increasing loads of nutrient input are shown. The researchers also summarize effects of altered precipitation and temperatures on nitrogen fluxes as well as on plant and animal diversity. They furthermore improved their hydrological models of water fluxes. Landscape parameters and forest dynamics were analyzed to improve landslide models. New animal species and mycorrhiza types are presented, mycorrhiza biomass were determined, and it was analyzed which mycorrhizae foster young trees. How environmental change influences climate and the ecosystem is demonstrated. The milestones achieved in the data warehouse are visualized. The researchers also offer new methods and introduce species to successfully monitor global change impacts.


Download TMF Newsletter no 19

Autor: Maik Dobbermann | publicado en newsletter
18.03.2013 - 18.03.2013

Loja Airport
The Loja airport in Catamayo, La Toma was reopened mid of December 2012. Besides Tame, now LAC also operates flights between Quito and Loja.

Quito Airport
The airport of Quito moved end of February to its new location in the outskirts of Quito. Transfer to or from Quito takes between 1 to 2 hours depending on the traffic and transport media. There are public buses, airport shuttle buses between the new and the former airport and of course taxis.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
25.02.2013 - 16.03.2013

The 30th of September 2012 ALL cell phone numbers in Ecuador change, as they will be increased from nine digits to ten digits. There will be a “9” added right after the first zero. When you call from abroad the “9” will be added right after the Ecuadorian country calling code.

Example: Movistar cell phone number of the ECSF
Calling from Ecuador:
Before:    095 950393
After:     0 9 95 950393 

Calling from abroad:
Before:    +593 95 950393
After:     +593 9 95 950393 

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
30.12.2012 - 31.12.2012

The speakers give a glimpse on the complex on-site review procedure of the projects which constitute the German part of the new Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador. They also report about the Status Symposium which enjoyed a numerous audience.

NCI reports about the application to the UNESCO for the first biosphere reserve in the Ecuadorian Western Cordillera comprising the entire ecological gradient from the Paramo to the Pacific.

The Science News present an investigation of the famers' preferences of land use options for the recultivation of abandoned agricultural areas. An analysis of nitrogen fixation shows why nutrient budgets should include the canopy.

The data manager and the webmaster analyze the usage of the RU's data warehouse.


Download the Newsletter no 18

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en newsletter
03.12.2012 - 03.12.2012

The annual status symposium of the research unit will take place on Friday morning, 19th of October at the UTPL in Loja (8:30 - 13:00).

Scientists will present latest research results to the interested public. Everybody is invited to join this symposium. The talks will be given in Spanish language.

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en conference
19.10.2012 - 19.10.2012

The review symposium for the new project application (Platfrom for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador) will take place at the UTPL in Loja on 18th of October (9:00 - 19:00).

Please not that only applicants and named cooperation partners are allowed to join this meeting.

A public symposium will take place on 19th of October.

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en meeting
18.10.2012 - 18.10.2012

The Newsletter no 17 presents a summary of five years of research (Speakers’ Corner) and provides insight in latest results of the nutrient addition experiments, the competition between bracken and pasture grass, mycorrhization, climate change research and recent modelings, the advances of the data warehouse and the Laser Scanning Mission as well as achievements in afforestation experiments (Science News). This issue also informs about recent progress of the foundation NCI, the status of the two transfer projects and the biodiversity results of the cooperating partner project.

The vast biodiversity of the tropical mountain forests once attracted German scientists to start the interdisciplinary research in the remote area of the Ecuadorian Rio San Francisco Valley. Now, after a total of 15 years of German-Ecuadorian research, they have unveiled features hitherto unknown regarding ecosystem constitution, functioning, and services. As they observed this unique ecosystem is locally threatened by non-sustainable land uses like pasture farming. Therefore they developed a science-directed sustainable land use portfolio based on their results and the resilience of the ecosystem against environmental changes. Their recommendations after five years of research in the scope of  FOR816 include intensification, diversification, restoration and conservation, and to monitor the impacts of ongoing environmental change.


Download the TMF Newsletter no 17


Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en newsletter
20.09.2012 - 20.09.2012

An article in the famous German newspaper "Die Zeit" reports about the activities of the DFG research unit 816 in South Ecuador.

You can read the article in the online portal of the newspaper.

The scan of the article is available as PDF here (german).


Korneffel, Peter: Unter den Wolken; Report in: Die Zeit, No. 38, 13th Sept. 2012, p. 38

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en press
13.09.2012 - 13.09.2012

Data Upload and Maintenance Workshop (24th August 2012 in Marburg)

The workshop focuses on structuring and uploading new research data into the FOR816 Data Warehouse. It also aims to complement existing dataset and enhance its metadata quality for publishing (with a DOI) and reuse. This makes your data more valuable and persistently referable.

Every research unit member is invited to join the workshop, but the number of participants will be limited to a group of  five to ensure an intensive support.

If you are interested please contact the data manager Thomas Lotz.


Unfortunately, this workshop did not take place due to missing registrations.

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en meeting
24.08.2012 - 24.08.2012

Loja airport in Catamayo – La Toma was closed June 3, 2012 until mid December at least. Alternatives are the airport of Cuenca and the airstrip of Zamora (Cumbaratza). Please find the General Information about the flights, the Itineraries and information about individual ground transport between Cuenca and Loja (status of information: 31.08.2012). For itineraries always cross check the websites from the airlines. All itineraries are subject to change. All information given without any guarantee.

Autor: Joerg Zeilinger | publicado en general
03.06.2012 - 01.10.2012

Data Upload and Maintenance Workshop (11th May 2012 in Marburg)

The workshop focuses on structuring and uploading new research data into the FOR816 Data Warehouse. It also aims to complement existing dataset and enhance its metadata quality for publishing (with a DOI) and reuse. This makes your data more valuable and persistently referable.

Every research unit member is invited to join the workshop, but the number of participants will be limited to a group of  five to ensure an intensive support.

If you are interested please contact the data manager Thomas Lotz.

        Similar Workshops are planned to take place in August (also in Marburg) and in October (in Loja).


Unfortunately, this workshop did not take place due to missing registrations. We hope the next workshop in August will be better attended. Researchers should upload data in advance and check if they need additional support.

Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en meeting
11.05.2012 - 11.05.2012

Curso de Campo: “Diversidad de plantas vasculares (árboles, epífitas) y almacenamiento de carbono en bosque montano ”

version 20.12.2011:

Se ofrece un curso sobre levantamiento y análisis de datos florísticos (árboles y epífitas vasculares) con el objetivo de analizar la composición, diversidad florística (alfa y beta) y el almacenamiento de carbono en los bosques tumbesinos de montaña en el extremo sur del Ecuador. El curso combina enseñanza en conocimiento del ecosistema con trabajo de campo y análisis de datos florísticos (idioma de trabajo: espa
ñol). Se incluirán análisis estadísticos univariados (estimadores de diversidad, rarefacción, etc.) y multivariados (ej. ordenaciones DCA y NMDS). El curso ofrece 16 plazas para estudiantes de las carreras universitarias de Biología, manejo forestal, conservación del ambiente u otras carreras afines. Se llevará a cabo del 24 de marzo hasta el 3 de abril del 2012 de la siguiente manera:

Fase 1: 5 días de métodos y trabajo de campo en un bosque andino semihumedo en la Provincia de Loja (24.-29.3.2012).
Fase 2: 5 días de teoría, identificación de especies y análisis estadístico en la ciudad de Loja y la Estación Científica San Francisco (ECSF) (29.3.-3.4.).

El curso tiene un costo de US $ 210 que incluye:
-       Transporte entre Loja y el sitio de estudio.
-       5 días de alojamiento y comida en el campo.

El viaje a la ciudad de Loja y los 5 días en la ciudad (fase 2; alojamiento y comida) actualmente representan costos adicionales. Esperamos alternativamente poder ofrecer hospedaje gratuito en la ECSF ó con compañeros lojanos para todos participantes que no tengan hogar en Loja, aún que en este momento todavía no se puede garantizar esto. Aplicantes lojanos pedimos constar en su carta de aplicación si pueden ofrezer hospedaje para 1-2 participantes de afuera de Loja en su casa, en caso que no podrémos ofrecer hospedaje en la ECSF para todas personas. Posibles novedades con respeto al hospedaje durante la fase 2 se publicará en una convocatoria actualizada bajo “noticias”/”news” en ó directamente a través de antes del 27 de enero.

Personas interesadas en el curso favor enviar su currículum y una breve carta de aplicación (max. 1 página) hasta el 27 de enero del 2012 por correo electrónico a los coordinadores. Se confirmará la participación antes del 3 de febrero 2012.

Dr. Juergen Homeier, Dep. Ecología de Plantas, U Göttingen, Alemania (
Dr. Florian Werner, Dep. Ecología Funcional, U Oldenburg, Alemania (

Autor: Florian A. Werner | publicado en meeting
24.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

The new structure of the planned research platform is visualized. For the first time scientists report about the income of small farms as well as about their plant and land use which were analyzed by thorough interviews. Members of the Research Unit show how the forest responds to elevated nitrogen deposition and display nitrogen, nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes. They also explain climate-growth-relationships in trees, and describe the factors which are affecting the spatial distribution of trees. The data warehouse manager introduces how to filter and aggregate tabular values. Our partner NCI reports about a mayor breakthrough in the conservation of people and biodiversity in Perú. EDIT partners analyzed the distribution of ants and partners from the UTPL introduce a study that will be conducted to sample geo-information in South Ecuador.


Download the TMF Newsletter no 16


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
22.03.2012 - 22.06.2012

LandschafftRessourcen (

Sie zeigt Forschungsergebnise aus von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft langjährig geförderten Projekte.

Die FOR816 ist in den Themenkomplexen

"Raum für Vielfalt"




Die Ausstellung gastiert noch bis 1. April 2012 im Deutschen Museum in München

und ist dann vom  5. April 2012 – 15. Mai 2012 in der Kunsthalle in Gießen zu besichtigen.


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in press
09.03.2012 - 15.05.2012

der DFG-Forschergruppe 816
am: 25.02.2012
um: 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Ort: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Raum: 1011 - Kollegienhaus/Senatssaal

TOP1 Begrüßung
TOP2 Bericht des Sprechers
TOP3 Bericht des lokalen Beirats (Matt)
TOP4 Berichte der Bereichssprecher
TOP5 Bericht Data Warehouse (Lotz)
TOP6 Status high-ranked joint publications (Knoke, Wilcke, Bendix)
TOP7 Status Ecological Studies
TOP8 Stand Planungen 2013
TOP9 Verschiedenes

Anfahrtsbeschreibung (pdf)



Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
25.02.2012 - 25.02.2012

Annual Confernce of the Society for Tropical Ecology

"Islands in land- and seascape: The Challange of Fragmentation"

The conference ( will run from February 22 to 25, 2012 in Erlangen, Germany.

The conference aims at maximizing interactions among scientists of all disciplines and backgrounds who are interested in tropical biogeography and biodiversity.

In 2012, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg will host the Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö), focusing on the Islands in land- and seascape.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in conference
22.02.2012 - 25.02.2012

The special issue of the TMF-Newsletter summarizes past achievements of 14 years of ecosystem and biodiversity research in South Ecuador and outlines future plans for a joint German- Ecuadorian research program starting in 2013. It lists all steps and deadlines for projects on the planned “platform for biodiversity and ecosystem monitoring and research in South Ecuador”. This newsletter by Jörg Bendix and Erwin Beck calls for project proposals. esw

Download newsletter special issue 15

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
13.12.2011 - 13.12.2011

The new landline phone numbers of the ECSF are:
+593 / (0)7 / 3060252
+593 / (0)7 / 3060253

The Movistar cell phone number of the ECSF still is:
+593 / (0)95 950393

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
22.11.2011 - 31.01.2012

Two scientists are honored for research and one received a conservation award. The 14th Newsletter also reports about the progresses in the new research platform, the Status Symposium, and the inauguration of the first reforestation project. The rubric Science News offers insight into a new convective cloud development, the disconnection of soil microbial structure and function, the three seasons that occur around Loja, the driving factors of decomposition, and the biodiversity of flies and arachnids. New search features in the data warehouse are introduced and a map displays the dimension of the fire that destroyed reforestation areas near the research station.


Download newsletter.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
11.11.2011 - 11.11.2011

Date: 6 and 7 October 2011

Venue: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Loja

Please find the following information (effective 28.09.2011):


General timetable

Timetable of the talks (the presentations are online available on the FOR816 internal website) 

List of the posters

Map of Loja

Map of venue


FOR816 members find more detailled information (General timetable and maps for internal events, flights, accommodation, etc.) in the internal part of the website in the news section (administrative news).

Author: Andreas Beck | posted in conference
06.10.2011 - 07.10.2011

A data warehouse workshop will be orgaized by the subproject Z1 "Central Data Services" (Thomas Lotz - Data Manager).

The presentation of the workshop is here available as a pdf document.

The protocol is available here.


Every member of the research unit and the cooperating projects is invited to join this workshop.

5th of October, 2011 at the UTPL / Loja, Edificio Octógono, Ground floor, Sala 4

genda and timetable:

09:00 - 10:00 Overview and introduction
 (basics, might be skipped by experienced users)
        - Introduction - The FOR816dw, its data, and its goals
        - Modules of the website
        - Administration (personnel data, accounting, station pass, and ECSF reservation)
        - Data upload, management, query, and download
Coffee break
10:15 - 11:30 Presentation of new features and concepts
 (interesting for any user, minimum one member of each subproject should participate)
        - The old and new "Concept of dataset structure" (resource/entity/attributes/values) and concerning meta data
        - The new "Extended search" on datasets: temporal, spatial, personnel, and content related criteria
        - The new "Category tree for attributes": An ontology approach
        - The old but still crucial "Data User Agreement" ... and its utilization
        - Planned "Data publication pipeline" (DOI)
        - Data access and intellectual rights (now and after the termination of the RU)
11:30 - 12:00  User feedback, discussion, and future development
        - Your annotations and wishes are welcome
After lunch there will be time for individual support in issues of preparing data sets for upload. For special requirements, you might contact me in advance.

If possible bring along a notebook.

Please feel free to contact Thomas Lotz (Data Manager) for further information: thomas.lotz[at]

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
05.10.2011 - 05.10.2011
Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
04.10.2011 - 04.10.2011

The 16th of September there was (fortunately without fatalities) an aircraft accident at the airport of Quito as the Tame airplane coming from Loja ran off the end of the runway and safety zone until it collided with a brick wall.

Due to this accident there are several problems concerning air travel to and from Quito:

Because part of the ILS (Instrument Landing System) from the airport Quito was damaged, the flights to and from Quito are at the moment more prone for delays or cancellations due to weather or poor visibility. The ILS will hopefully be repaired within the next days.

Another problem for us is that Tame has now one aircraft less, which has a major impact on the flight schedules between Quito and Loja:

  • There will be until further notice from Monday to Saturday only one morning flight instead of two. The morning flight on Sunday and all flights in the afternoon from Monday to Friday and on Sunday should be operated normally.
  • Tame has assured that all passengers who already have a ticket for a canceled morning flight are transferred automatically to the operated morning flight.
  • Please check for all flights in advance and again the day before your trip with Tame if there’s any change. You can do this:
  1. At the Confirmed bookings site of the Tame webpage. You need your ID/passport number and the ticket number (NOT the flight number as quoted on the website). Both numbers  you find in the upper part of your E-Ticket. Don’t put the first three numbers (269); start with the fourth number.
  2. Tame counters at the airports and the Tame offices
  3. By phone: 1 800 500800 or +593 / (0)2 / 3977100
Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 02.10.2011

For Friday 30 September 2011 demonstrations and other mass events were announced on the occasion of the uprising on 30 September 2010. Please avoid for your own security any kind of mass events in Quito or other cities in Ecuador.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 01.10.2011

Tame changed again the flight schedules for the morning flights between Quito and Loja and rebooked again the passengers. Please check again your flights.

More details about the reasons and what options you have to check your flights you find in the last important advice.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 30.11.2011

Precipitation dynamics are summarized in the second habilitation elaborated in this Research Unit. The Newsletter also covers reports of recent progress concerning the planned book and publications as well as the new research platform. High ranking delegations visited the research station. Progress in the creation of a Bioshere Reserve around Cajas National Park is outlined. The Science News include the fate of epiphytes, forest dynamics and fertilization experiments, water flow patterns as well as biomarkers for carbon sequestration. Counterparts from the Technical University of Loja offer their few on the planned research platform.

Download newsletter.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
29.07.2011 - 29.07.2011

Am Freitag, den 10. Juni 2011, startet in Bonn die DFG Wanderausstellung: LandschafftRessourcen.

Dabei werden die von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Forschungsprojekte Ergebnisse aus langjährigen Untersuchungen zeigen.

Die FOR816 ist den Themenkomplexen "Raum für Vielfalt":

sowie "Wasserkreislauf":


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
10.06.2011 - 10.06.2011

A delegation of the Germany Science Foundation (DFG) visited our RU and met people and organizations to take the next steps towards the new Research Platform to monitor global change. News in the science section offer insights into fungi inventories, mycorrhiza communities and bracken compositions, long term climate measurements, pollen rain calibrations, and into the evolution of moths megadiversity, which took place much earlier than previously supposed. One partner from EDIT reports that for some ants habitat may be more important than food. Further topics are how FOR816 datasets should be cited, new members of the RU and an exhibition in which research results of the RU will be displayed in several places in Germany.

Download newsletter #12

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
13.05.2011 - 13.05.2011

Student Assistent for collaboration in the subproject  Z1 Central Data Warehouse

Job location: Marburg/Germany

Special requirements: Java experiences

More details in the job advertisement (de).

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in jobs
05.05.2011 - 25.05.2011

Artículo periodístico  "El Mercurio"

10 abril 2011

ver "pdf"

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
28.04.2011 - 28.04.2011

Artículo periodístico  "El Mercurio"; Cuenca - Ecuador

2 abril 2011

ver "pdf"

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
12.04.2011 - 12.04.2011

At the University of Cuenca a course about monitoring and processing of hydrological data will be realized between 04. – 09.04.2011.

Course information

Pre-registration form

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
04.04.2011 - 09.04.2011 DFG-FOR816 Ecuador DFG senate commission on biodiversity research Biodiversity Exploratories DFG-SP1374
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix - Speaker Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer - Speaker Dr. Jens Nieschulze - Data Manager
Thomas Lotz - Data Manager    


The next meeting on data management in interdisciplinary projects concerning

“Data repositories in environmental sciences – concepts, definitions, technical solutions and user requirements

will be held in Rauischholzhausen (near Marburg) on February 28th – March 1st, 2011

hosted by the FOR816 Ecuador and Biodiversity Exploratories in collaboration with the WG Data of the DFG senate commission on biodiversity research.

Please reserve these dates in your agenda.

Quality proofed research data build the foundation for scientific knowledge gain. Although billions of Euros are spent annually in Germany alone to acquire data only a fraction are accessible over time and are re-used in further contexts. The Alliance of German Science Organisations acknowledges this problem and pools activities for their solutions. Interdisciplinary research project repositories are at the intersection of data collection in the field, work-in-progress-storage, and long-term archiving. Against this background the workshop explores required standards of data capture, data curation and interchange with respect to technical and social issues, and addresses challenges in long-term archiving in a national and international framework.

The aim is to bring together the community of project database manager, standards developer, information scientists, librarians, and funding agencies. As results, we anticipate a better communication between the many disciplines, an overview of the current state of the art and a roadmap for future activities.

A focus will be set on

“Data platforms in integrative biodiversity research”.

  Sessions will concentrate on:

Data standards and ontologies for integrative biodiversity research

Concepts for Data Repositories

  •   Data exchange including legal status of data and access
  •   Sustainability of repositories including permanent funding strategies
  •   Migration strategies for project data to permanent enviornmental data repositories
  •   Structural and technical concepts
    • Models; central, distributed networks, connected topical/regional nodes etc.
    • Hardware; including costs  
    • Software; designs, data models, data flow, interfaces

User Requirements

  • Demands of data provider and data user (bridging the gap between user needs and expectations)
  • Added value to be provided by project repositories
    • Required service tools (input, search, analysis, visualisation, output)
    • Citeable data publications as incentive (DOI, ISI, others)

We are looking forward to this meeting and hope that you will be able to participate. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local organizers.

With kind regards,

J. Bendix

B. Gemeinholzer

J. Nieschulze

T. Lotz

Contact to local organizers:

Thomas Lotz
Data Manager FOR816

Philipps-University of Marburg
Faculty of Geography
Deutschhausstr. 10
fon: ++49.(0)64 21 / 28-24 208
Sonja Haese

Philipps-University of Marburg
Faculty of Geography/Climatology and Remote Sensing
Geography Deutschhausstr. 10
D-35032 Marburg
fon: ++49.(0)64 21 / 28-24 839
fax: ++49.(0)6421 / 28-24 833



For registartion, please download the Frist call (pdf) and use the according form.


Further information on the planned speeches can be found in this Reminder (pdf).



The Program and Abstracts of the Meeting are available here (pdf).



Below all presentations and posters are listed. The underlined contributions are available as PDF.


Talks: Download all as zip [39MB]

Bendix, J.: Introduction to the Workshop

Schildhauer, M.: Using observational data models to enhance data interoperability for integrative biodiversity and ecological research

Kottmann, R.: GSC Standards, GCDML and : From minimum standard specifications through implementations to web services

Vogt, L.: What are Data and Metadata and what is the Role of Media Content?

Horstmann, W.: International repository infrastructures - connectivity between thematic and generic approaches

Bach, K.: A comparative evaluation on technical solutions of long-term data repositories related to biodiversity

Klump, J.: An assessment of costs and risks in the operation of long-term digital archive infrastructures

Reusser, D.: Data version management

Michener, W. K.: DataONE: Changing Community Practice and Transforming the Environmental Sciences through Access to Data and Tools

Grobe, P.: Morph.D.Base - Increasing Transparency and Reproducibility of Morphological Data

Wrobel, M.: Challenges and success factors in adapting IT for the management of scientific data

Enke, N.: The user's view on data sharing


Posters: Download all as zip [11MB]

Nadrowski, K.: Biodiversity - Ecosystem Functioning (BEF-China) data portal

Curdt, C., Hoffmeister, D., Jekel, C., Waldhoff, G., Bareth, G.: The TR32 project database - TR32DB

Petzold, E.: Biodiversity Exploratories Information System - Feature Overview

Ostrowski, A.: Biodiversity Exploratories Information System - Technical Overview

Muche, G., Hillmann, T, Suwald, A.: Data management of BIOTA AFRICA, now useful for RSSC Southern Africa

Willmes, C., Hoffmeister, D., Biessmann, O., Hütt, C., Kürner, D., Volland, K., Bolten, A., Bareth, G.: CRC806-Database: Implementation of a data management for an interdisciplinary research project

Lotz, T., Dobbermann, M., Göttlicher, D., Nauss, T., Bendix, J.: FOR816-Ecuador Data Warehouse: An EML-based relational project database and more

Kralisch, S., Zander, F.: Environmental Data Management with the River Basin Information System (RBIS)

Triebel, D., Weiss, M., Schneider, T., Hagedorn, G., Jablonski, S., Reichert, W., Volz. B., Rambold, G.: The Diversity Workbench - a virtual biodiversity research environment 

Droege, G., Zetzsche, H., Gemeinholzer, B.: DNA Bank Network - A shared data portal for integrative molecular and biodiversity research

Kattge, J., Diaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, C., Leadley, P., Bönisch, G., Wirth, C.: TRY: towards a unified global database of plant functional traits

Frenzel, M., Klotz, S., Hardisty, A., Bánki, O.: LifeWatch - a European e-science and observatory infrastructure supporting access and use of biodiversity and ecosystem data

Michener, W. K., Budden, A., Koleska, R., Vieglais, D, DataONE Team: DataONE: A virtual data center for the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences

Quadt, F.: Climate Data for Our Future - Acquired, Analysed, Archived: A research scheme for the long-term archival storage of weather and climate data, funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation)

Köchy, M.; The Carbon Portal - Metadata search and data access for the Integrated Carbon Observation System

Mehrtens, K., Springer, P., Fleischner, D., Schirnick, C., Jannaschk, K.: Components and aspects of an integrated data management approach

Seifarth, D.: Identifying Objects or Concepts in Ecological Data using Topic Maps

Heimann, D.: Semantic Data Access within the Biodiversity Exploratories Information System BExIS


Meeting: Datamanagers of DFG research programs

Meeting minutes (Nauß, Th.)


Link to this news item: --> News --> Conferences --> February 2011



Photo taken by Maik Dobbermann


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in conference
28.02.2011 - 01.03.2011

The next member assembly  of the RU816 will be held right after the annual gtö conference on Friday, 25. February 2011 in the Goethe University of Frankfurt from 9:00 - 13:00 h.

Further infromation will be announced here at a later date.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
25.02.2011 - 25.02.2011

Tres artículos periodísticos:

1) Las dos universidades son el pilar científico de la provincia de Loja

2) Embajador de Alemania visita la Estación Científica San Francisco

3)Yasuní: Todavía no hay una decisión en Alemania






Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
22.02.2011 - 22.02.2011

The DAAD invites all persons who studied or worked at least three months in Germany to an alumni meeting in Quito at the 29th of January.

Please find in the invitation more detailed information.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in conference
29.01.2011 - 29.01.2011

The tasks and challenges of the RU in 2011, a summary of the successes of the last year and the visit at a feasible new research site are among the topics. Others cover the fire that destroyed the reforestation plots, science news about precipitation and nutrient availability, effects of transformations from forests to pastures on soils as well as “canopy wetlands” as a novel source of methane. The web-based planning tool “MapViewer” is introduced. News about cooperating partners as well as new people and staff members round off the 11th issue of the TMF-Newsletter.

Please download by clicking here.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
28.01.2011 - 28.01.2011

Due to the Ecuadorian census 2010 there will be severe restrictions of the freedom of movement the 28 of November in the whole country. Please read the actual advices of the German Federal Foreign Office (only in German available) and avoid any traveling this day.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
19.11.2010 - 29.11.2010

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (ohne Abschluss) für PHP-Programierarbeiten im Teilprojekt Z1 Central Data Warehouse gesucht.

Weitere Informationen finden sich in der Ausschreibung.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 22.11.10 entgegengenommen.


Die Stelle wurde besetzt.


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in jobs
05.11.2010 - 22.11.2010


You can download the informative presentation of this workshop here


A data warehouse workshop in Loja will take place on Staurday, 9th of October, next to the FOR816 Status Symposium 2010.

The location will be the hall 1 in the Octogono of the UTPL.

It is open to every FORler. Please make sure that at least one member of each subproject will take part in the workshop.

The program is planed as follows:

9:00 - 12:00 a.m.
presentation and discussion

  • introduction and overview of the data warehouse
  • administration hints for PIs and subproject admins
  • presentation of new features
  • discussion of categories to structure data attributes of the various diciplines

1:30 - 5:00 p.m.
A possibility to work on the data warehouse under the guidance of the data manager and jointly with other researchers

  • update your personal data
  • administrate your subproject members and website
  • search for datasets
  • download metadata and data
  • upload your data

For this part it is required to bring your own notebook with a WLAN adapter to the workshop.

Please feel free to contact Thomas Lotz (Data Manager) for further information: thomas.lotz[at]

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
09.10.2010 - 09.10.2010

Fecha: 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2010

Lugar: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Loja


Por favor encuentre la siguiente información (estado del 21.09.2010):


Programa de las conferencias

Lista de los posters

Mapa de Loja

Mapa de la UTPL


Miembros de la RU816 pueden encontrar información más detallada (eventos internos, vuelos, hospedaje, etc.) en la parte interna de la página web de TMF en la sección Noticias (Noticias administrativas).

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in conference
07.10.2010 - 08.10.2010

The situation in Ecuador went back to normal. If there’re important changes, we will keep you informed.

Please find the actual advices of the German Federal Foreign Office (only in German available).


Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
05.10.2010 - 31.10.2010

The tenth TMF Newsletter summarizes what’s new at the approaching Symposium of the Research Unit (RU). It describes how the research permits for the study area in Ecuador may be influenced by the upcoming CBD conference in Nagoya, Japan. NCI informs about a 1.5 Million fund for conservation and bioknowledge. One research group illuminates the competition between bracken fern and Setaria grass. Another group calculated the price which may be able to prevent further deforestation. And the warehouse managers explain how the RU’s database is interrelated with databases from other ecologists and the World Wide Web.

Download here.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
05.10.2010 - 05.10.2010

Berichterstattung zur Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik weltweit: Nachhaltigkeit und Innovationen in Lateinamerika; 2. Schwerpunktausgabe 07/10

"Gemeinsamer Erfolg in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Wissentransfer -deutsch-ecuadorianische Biodiversitätsforschung in Südecuador" (J. Bendix)

Der Artikel kann hier als PDF heruntergeladen werden.

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
04.10.2010 - 04.10.2010

Der EDIT ATBI+M NEWSLETTER 03 (Juli 2010) enthält zwei kurze Beiträge zum Thema


  • Structure, diversity and distribution of ant communities
    M. Leponce, T. Delsinne, T. Arias Penna, J. Jacquemin
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.
  • Beetles on tree barks
    Jürgen Schmidl
    Research associate RBINS Brussels, Department for Biology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in press
17.08.2010 - 17.09.2010

Five groups of the Research Unit (RU) report about their latest results: the transformation of nitrogen, mycorrhizas and reforestation, land use and erosion, modelling and remote sensing and mycorrhizas in seedling development. The ninth TMF Newsletter also summarizes news around the research station, new DFG-cooperation projects, and describes why the RU can be viewed as a model to update the Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) protocols of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity (CBD). New cooperation partners from the ABA ECUADOR initiative are about to start field work. And a project plan is introduced to overcome ecological and institutional barriers for restoration of biodiversity and forest utilization potentials.

Download newsletter

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in newsletter
02.07.2010 - 02.07.2010

Der Central Data Service Z1 bietet vom 11.-12. Juni einen Daten-Upload Workshop in Marburg an. Hierbei wird vorgestellt, wie Datensammlungen der Teilprojekte im zentralen Data-Warehouse zum Austausch mit anderen Forschern zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Der Workshop wird sich besonders auf die technische Unterstützung beim Upload-Vorgang konzentrieren. Es wird aber auch Raum für Fragen und Wünsche bezüglich der Nutzung und Entwicklung der Datenbank geben.

Der Workshop kann von jedem besucht werden, der in naher Zukunft seine Daten über das Datawarehouse der Forschergruppe zur Verfügung stellen möchte, aber mit der angebotenen Anleitung unter "Data > FOR816 data > Neuen Datensatz hochladen" nicht zurecht kommt. Die Teilnaheme am Workshop ist für alle Teilprojekte der Phase 1 verpflichtend, die bis zum 31. Mai 2010 ihre im Forschungsantrag (Phase1) angekündigten Daten nicht hochgeladen haben. Der Workshop hat primär das Ziel, den Upload dieser fehlenden Daten zu unterstützen.

Es freut sich auf einen informativen und erfolgreichen Workshop, das Team Z1 Central Data Services:
Thomas Lotz, Kerstin Bach, Maik Dobbermann

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
11.06.2010 - 12.06.2010

You find the protocol of the Upload Workshop (11.-12.06.2010) in Marburg in the rubric "documents -> protocols"

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in general
11.06.2010 - 12.06.2010

PhD position (3 year term) in Climatology & Ecological/Environmental Modelling at the Philipps-University of Marburg, Department of Geography.

Download the full job specification as pdf.

The position is filled!

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in jobs
05.05.2010 - 02.06.2010

The 8th TMF Newsletter informs about: Visiting DFG officials, the new structure
during the second phase of the Research Unit, NCI proposes a bioknowledge
program, new mycobiotns of orchids discovered, cooperation with scientists from
EDIT who explore ants, beetles and flies in the RBSF area and amongst others
data warehouse news as well as new people and staff members.


Please download here.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
26.03.2010 - 26.03.2010

To be able to reserve time for the next FOR816 member meeting in your
calender, please find below the date & venue of the next member meeting
in 2010.

Venue: Marburg
Date: Thuesday, 23.02.2010
Time: 13:00-16:00 h

More detailed information will be published later.

Update II:

Please find attached the official invitation and the agenda as pdf.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
23.02.2010 - 23.02.2010

The public part of our status symposium will take place on the 4th of November 2009 afternoon at the UTPL in Loja.

A detailed schedule will be announced soon.


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
04.11.2009 - 04.11.2009

In this issue 14 working groups from several scientific disciplines provide an insight into their latest research results uncovered in the diverse ecosystem of the tropical mountain rainforest. The Tumbesian dry forest is introduced and hints at success and moving of people from the Research Unit are given.

To download the newsletter as pdf, please click here.


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
13.10.2009 - 13.10.2009

Meeting of members on the 29.07.2009 during the GTÖ/ATBC conference in Marburg. (Start: 14:00h)

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
29.07.2009 - 29.07.2009

Please download the sixth newsletter here.


Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
17.07.2009 - 17.07.2009

The article can be downloaded as pdf here.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
02.04.2009 - 02.04.2009

You can download it here.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
18.03.2009 - 18.03.2009

Location: "Bildungszentrum Kardinal Döpfner Haus" in Freising

Time frame: 02/16/2009 10:00h until 02/17/2009 16:00h


Google maps


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
16.02.2009 - 17.02.2009

Review of Ecol. Studies Series published in Mountain Research and Development Vol 28 No 3/4 Aug–Nov 2008:

Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador
Edited by Erwin Beck, Jörg Bendix, Ingrid Kottke, Franz Makeschin, Reinhard Mosandl. Berlin, Germany:
Springer, 2008. xxii + 522
pp. Ecological Studies Series,
Vol 198.

see "pdf"

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
15.01.2009 - 15.01.2009

Announcment of the Latin America Symposium " Biodiversity in Change" held in Bonn from the 12.-13. Dezember 2008.

It is still possible to submit poster and talks.

For further details please see (

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in conference
12.12.2008 - 13.12.2008

Un corto artículo sobre las XXXII jornadas nacionales de biología realizadas en la cíudad de Loja, del 20 al 22 de noviembre de 2008.

ver "pdf"

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
01.12.2008 - 01.12.2008

The fourth newsletter is available now.

You can download it here.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
24.11.2008 - 24.11.2008

Ein Schlaglicht aus dem Arbeitsleben von Florian Werner,  erschienen im GEO-Magazin unter dem Titel:  E-mail vom Ende der Welt

siehe pdf

Author: Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt | posted in press
10.11.2008 - 10.11.2008

First Announcement of an International Scientific Conference on:

"Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change"

on Sunday, October 5 – Thursday, October 9, 2008
Located in a conference center on the island of Bali, Indonesia

For further information see attached pdf or visit



Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
05.10.2008 - 09.10.2008

Hier können Sie die Zusammenfassung des "Parlamentarischen Abend zur Biodiversitätsforschung" als PDF herunterladen:
Biodiversität - Faszination der Facetten

oder direkt auf den Webseiten der DFG ansehen:

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
23.09.2008 - 23.09.2008

This years bi-national symposium on the subject "Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Megadiverse Mountain Ecosystem in South Ecuador" will be held in Loja on the 11.-12. September 2008.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
11.09.2008 - 12.09.2008

The third newsletter is available now.

You can download it here.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
28.08.2008 - 28.08.2008

Please see all the details on the offical website:

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
09.06.2008 - 13.06.2008

Our research unit presented itself at the UN conference: COP 9 on the 19th of May 2008.

More information on the DFG homepage or download as pdf.

You can download two documents which show some of the results of the COP 9 now. (pdf1, pdf2)



Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
24.05.2008 - 24.05.2008

Press release from the idw and from the University of Mainz.

You can also find this article named "Tropical Andean forest derives calcium and magnesium from Saharan dust." in our publication database.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
20.05.2008 - 20.05.2008

Der zweite Newsletter steht jetzt zum Download bereit.

Sie können ihn hier herunterladen.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
08.05.2008 - 08.05.2008

This is a call for papers for Gloss2008 as reminder to hand in your abstracts for the "First Global Summit on Sustainable Development and Biodiversity" (Gloss2008), Symposium + exhibition, taking place from 10.12. to 13.12. 2008 in Raipur, India, (state Chhattisgarh)and followed by a four-days excursion through the forests of Chhattisgarh. This might allow your institute to have a look at the site for future field research in connection with a possible partnership with the conference host, IK Foundation of India.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is May 15 2008.

For further information, please visit us at at the Official Gloss-page:


where you will find further information about the full range of issues, submission procedure, and registration by clicking on "Technical sessions" (Symposium), "Submission of abstracts", "Early Registration" and "Registration form".

Eco Tourism in Chhattisgarh

Call for papers Robert Stüssi

Call for paper Prof. Dr. R.N. Pati, Prof.Dr. Trinh, Dr. Schwarz--1

Call for paper Dr. Schwarz-Herion


Author: Sonja Haese | posted in general
04.04.2008 - 15.05.2008

Sunday, October 5 - Thursday, October 9, 2008

Located the Jayakarta Bali Resort & Spa on the island of Bali, Indonesia

We are very pleased to inform you that registration is available as of 1
March, 2008.

Starting immediately, there is a call for submissions of oral presentations
and posters.

Ensure that your submission arrives by 30 May, 2008 at the very latest. For
more detailed information and to submit your abstract please visit the
conference webpage and register on-line.

Take advantage and register early to avoid the additional late registration
charge and at the same time book your hotel accommodation to secure the
specially arranged conference rates and room availability.

Accommodation at the conference hotel must be booked by 30 March to secure a
room, as we will have to return the rooms after that date.  It will not be
possible to book a room in the conference hotel after that date. October is
high season in Bali and hotel accommodation is at a premium.

The Organizing Committee



Author: Sonja Haese | posted in general
04.04.2008 - 30.05.2008

Advances in research on sustainable management and the role of academic education.

2-4 April 2008.

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.

Vienna, Austria

For further information please see the pdf.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
02.04.2008 - 04.04.2008

The second circular of the International Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology which is taking place in Hohenheim(Germany) between 18-22 February 2008 can be found here.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
18.02.2008 - 22.02.2008

A workshop on Mycorrhizas in Tropical Forests will be organized at UTPL, Loja, 22 to 25 September 2008. Further information see

Ingrid Kottke and Juan Pablo Suarez

Author: Ingrid Kottke | posted in general
18.02.2008 - 25.09.2008

The first newsletter of the research unit has been published today.

You can download it

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in newsletter
14.02.2008 - 14.02.2008

Invitación para el 5° Coloquio Mensual

Tenemos el placer de invitarles al quinto Coloquio Mensual de la Unidad de Investigación en lo cual Juan Pablo Suarez nos explica en su exposición “Una visión general de las micorrizas y sus roles en los ecosistemas” porque las micorrizas son quizá uno de los mejores ejemplos como una red de interacciones entre organismos ayuda a mantener nuestros ecosistemas.


Lugar: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo de Loja

Día: Martes 12 de febrero de 2008

Hora: 8 de la noche

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
07.02.2008 - 13.02.2008

A small article about our research group appeared in the issue of the 04/04/2007 of the german newspaper "Frankfurter Rundschau" .


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
09.01.2008 - 09.01.2008

A small article about the ESCF was published by the EFE on the 12/17/2007.


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
09.01.2008 - 09.01.2008

1. Article from 09/26/2007 (pdf)

2. Article from 10/08/2007 (pdf)

3. Article from 10/03/2007 in a supplement of the german embassy published with the El Comercio (pdf)

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
08.01.2008 - 08.01.2008

On the 10/20/2007 an article about the ECSF appeared in a supplement about technics and science in the newspaper "La Hora" (Loja).


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
08.01.2008 - 08.01.2008

In honor of its 25th anniversary in December 2007 the national park "Podocarpus" released the following program of the celebrations.


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
04.12.2007 - 15.12.2007
The 2. Andine Orchid Conference will take place in Loja from November 14th to 17th 2007. For more information please visit
Author: Thomas Nauss | posted in conference
14.11.2007 - 17.11.2007

On Saturday, 22. September, an extensive fire started at a hillside close to the research station. Thanks to the 24 people that have currently stayed at the station, 4 firemen from Loja and local residents from Sabanilla, the fire had been under control after six hours without damaging the test sides from the research unit nor the ones from the Technical University of Loja. Nobody was injured and a house from a local resident (lower central part of the image) could be safed from the flames.

Fire close to the research station on 22. September (the building in the image belongs to a local resident and is not associated to the research station).


Author: Thomas Nauss | posted in general
23.09.2007 - 23.09.2008

Del 20 al 21 de septiembre de 2007.
El simposio tiene lugar en el Honorable Consejo Provincial de Loja, Salón de la Provincia.
Los discursos y póster se encuentran en el archivo adjunto PDF.
Comienzo del simposio:    20.09.2007
Final del simposio:    21.09.2007
Despues del simposio se celebra una asamblea general en el mismo lugar (21.09.2007; 14.00 – 18.00 h).

program and posters (pdf)

flight plans (pdf)

symposium location (jpg)

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in conference
20.09.2007 - 21.09.2007

A database workshop will take place in Marburg from 13.7.2007 13h until 14.7.2007 12:30h.


Faculty of Geography

Deutschhausstr. 10


If you arrive by car via the freeway from Giessen, look at this googlemaps route. (You can look for a place to park your car on the "Firmaneiplatz".)

If you arrive by train use this route.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
13.07.2007 - 14.07.2007

There is an article about the FOR816 and Prof. Bendix in GIS-Business issue 6/2007.

see PDF (in german)

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
17.06.2007 - 17.06.2007
GTÖ Meeting in Bonn, Location: Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn, Großer Hörsaal
Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
21.02.2007 - 25.02.2007
An article about the FOR816 was published. See the following URL:
Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in press
12.02.2007 - 12.02.2007

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