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Landshuter, N.; Mölg, T.; Grießinger, J.; Bräuning, A.; Peters, T. & Institute of Geography, F.E.E.G. (2020): Characteristics of moisture source regions and their potential effect on seasonal isotopic signatures of d18O in tropical trees of southern Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science 8(604804), 1-22.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Rammig, A.; Gosling, E.; Hildebrandt, P.; Härtl, F.; Peters, T.; Richter, M.; Diertl, K.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Valle-Carrión, L.A.; Hamer, U.; Tischer, A.; Potthast, K.; Windhorst, D.; Homeier, J.; Wilcke, W.; Velescu, A.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Silva, B.; Verburg, P.H. & Bendix, J. (2020): Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of land-use decisions: Does it reduce tropical deforestation?. Global Change Biology 26( ), 1-22.
Butz, P.; Raffelsbauer, V.; Graefe, S.; Peters, T.; Cueva, E.; Hölscher, D. & Bräuning, A. (2016): Tree responses to moisture fluctuations in a neotropical dry forest as potential climate change indicators. Ecological Indicators 1(1), 1-13.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Hildebrandt, P.; Calvas, B.; Castro, L.M.; Härtl, F.; Döllerer, M.; Hamer, U.; Windhorst, D.; Wiersma, Y.; Curatola Fernández, G.F.; Obermeier, W.A.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Haber, W.; Fürst, C. & Bendix, J. (2016): Compositional diversity of rehabilitated tropical lands supports multiple ecosystem services and buffers uncertainties. Nature Communications 7, Article number:11877.
Spannl, S.; Volland, F.; Pucha Cofrep, D.A.; Peters, T.; Cueva, E. & Bräuning, A. (2016): Climate variability, tree increment patterns and ENSO-related carbon sequestration reduction of the tropical dry forest species Loxopterygium huasango of Southern Ecuador. Trees Structure and Function e(e), e.
Pucha Cofrep, D.A.; Peters, T. & Bräuning, A. (2015): Wet season precipitation during the past 120 years reconstructed from tree rings of a tropical dry forest in Southern Ecuador. Global and Planetary Change 133, 65–78.
Spannl, S.; Günter, S.; Peters, T.; Volland, F. & Bräuning, A. (2012): Which factors control tree growth in a tropical mountain forest? The case of Cedrela montana in Southern Ecuador. TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology 10, 99-105.
Spannl, S.; Ganzhi, O.; Peters, T. & Bräuning, A. (2013): Tree growth under climatic and trophic forcing - A nutrient manipulation experiment in Southern Ecuador. TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology 11, 10-14.
Wagemann, J.; Thies, B.; Rollenbeck, R.; Peters, T. & Bendix, J. (2015): Regionalization of wind-speed data to analyse tree-line wind conditions in the eastern Andes of southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 69, 3-19.
Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Bayer, F.; Gonzalez, V.; Oñate-Valivieso, F.; Peters, T. & Bendix, J. (2014): Catchment precipitation processes in the San Francisco valley in southern Ecuador: combined approach using high-resolution radar images and in situ observations. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 703, x.
Peters, T.; Bräuning, A.; Münchow, J. & Richter, M. (2014): An ecological paradox: high species diversity and low position of the upper forest line in the Andean Depression. Ecology and Evolution ece.3.1078, 1-12.
Wilcke, W.; Leimer, S.; Peters, T.; Emck, P.; Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K.; Valarezo, C. & Bendix, J. (2013): The nitrogen cycle of tropical montane forest in Ecuador turns inorganic under environmental change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27(4), 1194-1204.
Curatola Fernández, G.F.; Silva, B.; Adams, J.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2013): Bracken fern frond status classification in the Andes of southern Ecuador: combining multispectral satellite data and field spectroscopy. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34, 7020-7037.
Münchow, J.; Brenning, A. & Richter, M. (2012): Geomorphic process rates of landslides along a humidity gradient in the tropical Andes. Geomorphology 139-140, 271-284.
Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Nauss, T.; Peters, T. & Bendix, J. (2012): Near surface air humidity in a megadiverse Andean mountain ecosystem of southern Ecuador and its regionalization.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152, 17-30.
Volland, F.; Bräuning, A.; Ganzhi, O.; Peters, T. & Maza, H. (2011): Radial stem variations of Tabebuia chrysantha (Bignoniaceae) in different tropical forest ecosystems of southern Ecuador. Trees 25, 39-48.
Richter, M. & Peters, T. (2011): Klimavielfalt, Klimawandel und Klimafolgen in den tropischen Anden. Passauer Kontaktstudium Geographie 11, 159-175.
Roos, K.; Rollenbeck, R.; Peters, T.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2010): Growth of Tropical Bracken (Pteridium arachnoideum): Response to Weather Variations and Burning. Invasive Plant Science and Management 3, 402-411.
Peters, T.; Diertl, K.; Adams, J.; Rankl, M. & Richter, M. (2010): Vascular Plant Diversity in Natural and Anthropogenic Ecosystems in the Andes of Southern Ecuador - Studies from the Rio San Francisco Valley. Mountain Research and Development 30, 344-352.
Bräuning, A.; Volland, F.; Peters, T.; Ganzhi, O. & Nauss, T. (2009): Climatic control of radial growth of Cedrela montana in a humid mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador.. Erdkunde 59, 337-345.
Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Göttlicher, D.; Nauss, T.; Homeier, J.; Peters, T. & Bendix, J. (2009): Thermal structure of a megadiverse Andean mountain ecosystem in southern Ecuador and its regionalization. Erdkunde 63, 321-335.
Richter, M. (2009): To what extent do natural disturbances contribute to Andean plant diversity? A theoretical outline from the wettest and driest parts of the tropical Andes . Advances in Geosciences 22, 95-105.
Restrepo, C.; Walker, L.; Shiels, A.; Bussmann , R.W.; Claessens, L.; Fisch, S.; Lozano, P.; Negi, G.; Paolini, L.; Poveda, G.; Ramos-Scharrón, C.; Richter, M. & Velázquez, E. (2009): Landsliding and Its Multiscale Influence on Mountainscapes. Bioscience 59, 685-698.
Richter, M.; Diertl, K.; Emck, P.; Peters, T. & Beck, E. (2009): Reasons for an outstanding plant diversity in the tropical Andes of Southern Ecuador. Landscape Online 12, 1-35.
Cueva Ortiz, E.; Homeier, J.; Breckle, S.W.; Bendix, J.; Emck, P.; Richter, M. & Beck, E. (2006): Seasonality in an evergreen tropical mountain rain forest of South Ecuador. Ecotropica 12, 69-85.
Richter, M. (2003): Using plant functional types as climatic indicators in the Cordillera. Lyonia 4, 1-18.
Richter, M. & Moreira-Munoz, A. (2005): Heterogeneidad climática y diversidad de la vegetación en el sur de Ecuador: un método de fitoindicación. Revista Peruana de Biología 12, 217-238.
Emck, P. & Richter, M. (2008): An upper threshold of enhanced global shortwave irradiance in the troposphere derived from field measuremenrs in tropical mountains. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 2828-2845.
Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Cabrera, M.; Diaz, M.L.; Lojan, M.; Ordonez, E.; Richter, M. & Weber, M. (2008): Tree phenology in montane forests of southern Ecuador can be explained by precipitation, radiation, and photoperiodic control. Journal of Tropical Ecology 24, 247-258.
Gradstein, S.R.; Kessler, M.; Lehnert, M.; Abiy, M.; Homeier, J.; Mandl, N.; Makeschin, F. & Richter, M. (2008): Vegetation, climate and soil of the unique Purdiaea forest of southern Ecuador. Ecotropica 14, 15-26.
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