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Guillen Otero, T.; Kessler, M. & Homeier, J. (2024): Fern mycorrhizae do not respond to fertilization in a tropical montane forest. Plant-Environment Interactions 5(2), e10139.
Giray, K. (2017): Effects of moderate nitrogen and/or phosphorus addition on tree leaf traits in Ecuadorian tropical montane forests University of Goettingen, master thesis
Bergmann, A. (2017): Der Einfluss von N und/oder P-Düngung auf die Herbivorie im tropischen Bergregenwald Ecuadors University of Goettingen, master thesis
Dietrich, K.; Spöri, E. & Oelmann, Y. (2016): Nutrient addition modifies phosphatase activities along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical montane forest in Southern Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science 4, 1-9.
Spannl, S.; Homeier, J. & Bräuning, A. (2016): Nutrient-Induced Modifications of Wood Anatomical Traits of Alchornea lojaensis (Euphorbiaceae). Frontiers in Earth Science 4(50), 1-11.
Loaiza, P. (2011): Effects of fertilization and grass competition (Setaria sphacelata) on root development and biomass allocation in three native tree species from Ecuador Technische Universität München, master thesis
Goisser, M. (2010): Effects of mycorrhization and fertilization on photosynthesis, allocation of carbon and increment: comparing seedlings of Tabebuia chrysantha and Heliocarpus americanus in southern Ecuador Technische Universität München, diploma thesis
Krashevska, V.; Sandmann, D.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2014): Moderate changes in nutrient input alter tropical microbial and protist communities and belowground linkages. . The ISME Journal 8, 1126-1134.
Bahr, E.; Hamer, U.; Chamba, D. & Makeschin, F. (2013): Different fertilizer types affected nitrogen and carbon cycling in eroded and colluvial soils of Southern Ecuador. Agricultural Sciences 4(12A), 19-32.
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