Overview of subprojects

A1 Atmospheric fluxes and optical trait diversity under climate and land use changes - observations and LSM modelling

A2 Simulating response and effect mechanisms of global climate change on hydrological fluxes in tropical montane ecosystems

  • Prof. Dr. Lutz Breuer (PI)
    Lutz Breuer
    Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26
    Institute for Landscape Ecology and Resources Management
    Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
    35392 Gießen
  • Dr. David Windhorst (PI)
    David Windhorst
    35390 Gießen

A3 Nutrient supply as driver of biomass production and associated ecosystem water fluxes along a land-use and climate gradient

  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wilcke (PI)
    Wolfgang Wilcke
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Institute of Geography and Geoecology
    Reinhard-Baumeister-Platz 1
    76131 Karlsruhe

    +49 (0)721/60841621
  • Dipl. Geogr. Andre Velescu (PostDoc)
    Andre Velescu
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
    Arbeitsgruppe Geomorphologie und Bodenkunde
    Reinhard-Baumeister-Platz 1
    76131 Karlsruhe
  • Mr. Tobias Fabian (Diploma student)
    Tobias Fabian
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
    Reinhard-Baumeister-Platz 1
    76131 Karlsruhe
  • Mr. Pablo Armando Alvarez Figueroa (PhD student)
    Pablo Armando Alvarez Figueroa
    Institute of Geography and Geoecology
    Reinhard-Paumeister-Platz 1
    76131 Karlsruhe

A4 Integration of ecophysiological processes and biotic interactions within a dynamic vegetation model (LSMBio): tree hydraulics, trait diversity, tree recruitment and insect herbivory

B1 Linking tree above- and belowground traits across environmental and disturbance gradients in highly diverse tropical montane forests

B2 Tree physiological and structural properties as response and effect traits of bioticatmospheric interactions in natural and anthropogenic eco-systems in South Ecuador

  • Prof. Dr. Achim Bräuning (PI)
    Achim Bräuning
    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Institute of Geography
    Wetterkreuz 15
    91058 Erlangen

    ++49 (0)9131 85 29372
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erwin Beck (PI)
    Erwin Beck
    Universitätsstr. 30
    Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience
    University of Bayreuth
    95440 Bayreuth
  • Dr. Volker Raffelsbauer (PostDoc)
    Volker Raffelsbauer
    03044 Cottbus

B3 Trait-dependent effects of biotic and abiotic filters on plant regeneration

B4 Integrating abiotic covariates, functional trait diversity and consequences of important processes on the ecosystem level

X1 Phenology of tropical tree species – environmental cues, molecular mechanisms, and consequences for plant-animal interactions

X2 Radar Network Ecuador - Peru

Z Coordination and Data Management

  • Dipl. Inf. Maik Dobbermann (Technician)
    Maik Dobbermann
    Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing
    Faculty of Geography
    Deutschhausstr. 12
    Philipps University of Marburg
    35032 Marburg
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix (PI)
    Jörg Bendix
    Faculty of Geography
    Deutschhausstraße 10
    Philipps University of Marburg
    Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing
    35032 Marburg

    +49 06421/2824266
  • Dr. Felix Matt (Administration)
    Felix Matt
  • Frau Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt (Administration)
    Birgit Kühne-Bialozyt
    AG Bendix
    Faculty of Geography
    Deutschhausstr. 12
    35032 Marburg

    +49 6421 28 26 543