Welcome to the project website of the RU 5288.
Latest publications
- Pyschik, J.; Seeger, S.; Herbstritt, B. & Weiler, M. (2025): Technical note: A fast and reproducible autosampler for direct vapor equilibration isotope measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 29(2), 525--534
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-29-525-2025. - Leese, F.; Sander, M.; Buchner, D.; Elbrecht, V.; Haase, P. & Zizka, V.M.A. (2021): Improved freshwater macroinvertebrate detection from environmental DNA through minimized nontarget amplification. Environmental DNA 3(1), 261-276
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/edn3.177. - Chifflard, P.; Blume, T.; Maerker, K.; Hopp, L.; van Meerveld, I.; Graef, T.; Gronz, O.; Hartmann, A.; Kohl, B.; Martini, E.; Reinhardt-Imjela, C.; Reiss, M.; Rinderer, M. & Achleitner, S. (2019): How can we model subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale if we cannot measure it?. Hydrological Processes 33(9), 1378-1385
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13407.
Latest datasets
- Förster, M. (2024): Sauerland Trench 3 - Bottom - Raw data. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=34) from DFG-FOR816dw.
- Förster, M. (2024): Sauerland Trench 3 - Top - Raw data. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=33) from DFG-FOR816dw.
- Förster, M. (2024): Sauerland Trench 1 - Logger Hillslope - Raw data. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=32) from DFG-FOR816dw.