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Found 7 publication(s)

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Kellner, J. (2016-09-21). Simulating the effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth of a temperate grassland using a coupled hydrological-plant growth model. Presented at 9th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Kraus, D.; Haas, E.; Klatt, S. & Breuer, L. (2015-10-01). Unknown nitrogen supply - Impact on simulations in a grassland ecosystem model. Presented at 8th Annual GGL Conference 2015, Giessen, Germany.
Kellner, J. (2015-10-01). Modelling temperate grasslands under elevated CO2 with a coupled hydrological-plant growth model. Presented at 8th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Kraus, D.; Haas, E.; Klatt, S. & Breuer, L. (2015-04-17). Uncertainty analysis of a coupled ecosystem response model simulating greenhouse gas fluxes from a temperate grassland. Presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P. & Breuer, L. (2016-09-13). Simulation von Biomasse und Treibhausgasemissionen eines FACE-Grünlandexperiments unter Grundwassereinfluss. Presented at Begutachtung LOEWE-Schwerpunkt FACE2FACE, Giessen, Germany.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Kraus, D.; Klatt, S.; Haas, E. & Breuer, L. (2016-09-21). How groundwater controls the cycles of C and N - A modelling study from a temperate grassland experiment. Presented at 9thAnnual GGL Conference 2016, Giessen, Germany.
Kellner, J. (2014-09-18). Development of a coupled hydrological-plant growth model for grasslands under elevated CO2. Presented at 7th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
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