Found 24 publication(s)
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Seibert, R.; Grünhage, L.; Müller, C.; Otte, A. & Donath, T.W. (2018): Raised atmospheric CO2 levels affect soil seed bank composition of temperate grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 30, 86-97
Andresen, L.C.; Yuan, N.; Seibert, R.; Moser, G.; Kammann, C.; Luterbacher, J.; Erbs, M. & Müller, C. (2018): Biomass responses in a temperate European grassland through 17 years of elevated CO2. Global Change Biology 24, 3875-3885
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DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13705
Future increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will potentially enhance grassland
biomass production and shift the functional group composition with consequences
for ecosystem functioning. In the “GiFACE” experiment (Giessen Free Air Carbon
dioxide Enrichment), fertilized grassland plots were fumigated with elevated CO2
(eCO2) year-round during daylight hours since 1998, at a level of +20% relative to
ambient concentrations (in 1998, aCO2 was 364 ppm and eCO2 399 ppm; in 2014,
aCO2 was 397 ppm and eCO2 518 ppm). Harvests were conducted twice annually
through 23 years including 17 years with eCO2 (1998 to 2014). Biomass consisted of
C3 grasses and forbs, with a small proportion of legumes. The total aboveground biomass
(TAB) was significantly increased under eCO2 (p = .045 and .025, at first and
second harvest). The dominant plant functional group grasses responded positively at
the start, but for forbs, the effect of eCO2 started out as a negative response. The
increase in TAB in response to eCO2 was approximately 15% during the period from
2006 to 2014, suggesting that there was no attenuation of eCO2 effects over time,
tentatively a consequence of the fertilization management. Biomass and soil moisture
responses were closely linked. The soil moisture surplus (c. 3%) in eCO2 manifested
in the latter years was associated with a positive biomass response of both functional
groups. The direction of the biomass response of the functional group forbs changed
over the experimental duration, intensified by extreme weather conditions, pointing
to the need of long-term field studies for obtaining reliable responses of perennial
ecosystems to eCO2 and as a basis for model development.
Keywords: |
climate change |
soil moisture |
forbs |
frost |
Giessen free air carbon dioxide enrichment |
grasses |
long-term response |
Free air carbon dioxide enrichment |
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.W.; Ivanov, M.; Luterbacher, J. & Bendix, J. (2018): Reduced summer aboveground productivity in temperate C3 grasslands under future climate regimes. Earth's Future 6, 1-14
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DOI: 10.1029/2018EF000833
Temperate grasslands play globally an important role, for example, for biodiversity conservation, livestock forage production, and carbon storage. The latter two are primarily controlled by biomass
production, which is assumed to decrease with lower amounts and higher variability of precipitation, while increasing air temperature might either foster or suppress biomass production. Additionally, a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) is supposed to increase biomass productivity either by directly
stimulating photosynthesis or indirectly by inducing water savings (CO2 fertilization effect). Consequently, future biomass productivity is controlled by the partially contrasting effects of changing climatic conditions and [CO2], which to date are only marginally understood. This results in high uncertainties of future
biomass production and carbon storage estimates. Consequently, this study aims at statistically estimating mid-21st century grassland aboveground biomass (AGB) based on 18 years of data (1998–2015) from a free air carbon enrichment experiment. We found that lower precipitation totals and a higher precipitation variability
reduced AGB. Under drier conditions accompanied by increasing air temperature, AGB further decreased. Here AGB under elevated [CO2] was partly even lower compared to AGB under ambient [CO2], probably because elevated [CO2] reduced evaporative cooling of plants, increasing heat stress. This indicates a higher susceptibility
of AGB to increased air temperature under future atmospheric [CO2]. Since climate models for Central Europe project increasing air temperature and decreasing total summer precipitation associated with an increasing variability, our results suggest that grassland summer AGB will be reduced in the future, contradicting the widely expected positive yield anomalies from increasing [CO2].
Keywords: |
biomass |
climate change |
elevated CO2 |
precipitation |
warming |
Seibert, R. (2016-09-20). Impacts of long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the species dynamics and aboveground biomass production of a periodically wet grassland. Presented at 9th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Seibert, R. (2015-10-01). Impacts of long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the soil seed bank in a temperate grassland. Presented at 8th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Seibert, R. (2014-09-18). Population dynamics, phenology and yield of grassland. Presented at 7th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen.
Seibert, R. (2017-03-28). Impacts of 19 years long atmospheric CO2 enrichment on aboveground biomass production and population dynamics of a periodically wet grassland. Presented at 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference - Climate ready resource use-efficient crops to sustai, Sitges, Spain.
Andresen, L.C.; Yuan, N.; Seibert, R.; Moser, G.; Kammann, C.; Luterbacher, J.; Erbs, M. & Müller, C. (2017): Biomass reponses in a temperate European grassland through 17 years of elevated CO2. Global Change Biology 2017, 1-11
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DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13705
Future increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will potentially enhance grassland biomass production and shift the functional group composition with consequences for ecosystem functioning. In the “GiFACE” experiment (Giessen Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment), fertilized grassland plots were fumigated with elevated CO2(eCO2) year-round during daylight hours since 1998, at a level of +20% relative to ambient concentrations (in 1998, aCO2 was 364 ppm and eCO2 399 ppm; in 2014, aCO2 was 397 ppm and eCO2 518 ppm). Harvests were conducted twice annually through 23 years including 17 years with eCO2 (1998 to 2014). Biomass consisted of C3 grasses and forbs, with a small proportion of legumes. The total aboveground biomass (TAB) was significantly increased under eCO2 (p = .045 and .025, at first and second harvest). The dominant plant functional group grasses responded positively at the start, but for forbs, the effect of eCO2 started out as a negative response. The increase in TAB in response to eCO2 was approximately 15% during the period from 2006 to 2014, suggesting that there was no attenuation of eCO2 effects over time, tentatively a consequence of the fertilization management. Biomass and soil moisture responses were closely linked. The soil moisture surplus (c. 3%) in eCO2 manifested in the latter years was associated with a positive biomass response of both functional groups. The direction of the biomass response of the functional group forbs changed over the experimental duration, intensified by extreme weather conditions, pointing to the need of long-term field studies for obtaining reliable responses of perennial ecosystems to eCO2 and as a basis for model development.
Keywords: |
climate change |
soil moisture |
forbs |
free air carbon dioxide enrichment |
frost |
Giessen free air carbon dioxide enrichment |
grasses |
long-term response |
Seibert, R. (2017-07-04). Populationsdynamik, Phänologie und Ertrag im Grünland. Presented at FACE2FACE-Vollversammlung, Gießen.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.W.; Kammann, C.; Müller, C.; Grünhage, L.; Luterbacher, J.; Erbs, M.; Moser, G.; Seibert, R.; Yuan, N. & Bendix, J. (2016): Reduced CO2 fertilization effect in temperate C3 grasslands under more extreme weather conditions. Nature Climate Change 7(2), 137-141
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DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3191
The increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from anthropogenic activities is the major driver of recent global climate change1. The stimulation of plant photosynthesis due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations ([CO2]) is widely assumed to increase the net primary productivity (NPP) of C3 plants—the CO2 fertilization effect (CFE). However, the magnitude and persistence of the CFE under future climates, including more frequent weather extremes, are controversial. Here we use data from 16 years of temperate grassland grown under ‘free-air carbon dioxide enrichment’ conditions to show that the CFE on above-ground biomass is strongest under local average environmental conditions. The observed CFE was reduced or disappeared under wetter, drier and/or hotter conditions when the forcing variable exceeded its intermediate regime. This is in contrast to predictions of an increased CO2 fertilization effect under drier and warmer conditions. Such extreme weather conditions are projected to occur more intensely and frequently under future climate scenarios. Consequently, current biogeochemical models might overestimate the future NPP sink capacity of temperate C3 grasslands and hence underestimate future atmospheric [CO2] increase.
Keywords: |
climate change |
grassland |
CO2 fertilization |
Elevated carbon dioxide |
grassland ecology |
ecophysiology |
Grünhage, L.; Kammann, C. & Moser, G. (2016-01-07). GiFACE Sampling Design. Presented at Internal Presentation, Giessen.
Jansen-Willems, A.B.; Lanigan, G.J.; Grünhage, L. & Müller, C. (2016): Carbon cycling in temperate grassland under elevated temperature. Ecology and Evolution In press, In press
DOI: press.
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DOI: In press
An increase in mean soil surface temperature has been observed over the last century and it is predicted to further increase in the future. The effect of increased temperature on ecosystem carbon fluxes in a permanent temperate grassland, was studied in a long term (6 years) field experiment, using multiple temperature increments induced by IR-lamps. Ecosystem respiration (R-eco) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) were measured, and modelled by a modified Lloyd and Taylor model including a soil moisture component for R-eco (average R2 of 0.78) and inclusion of a photosynthetic component based on temperature and radiation for NEE (R2=0.65). Modelled NEE values ranged between 2.3 and 5.3 kg CO2 m-2 year-1, depending on treatment. An increase of 2 or 3°C led to increased carbon losses, lowering the carbon storage potential by around 4 tonnes of C ha-1 year-1. The majority of significant NEE differences were found during night-time compared to daytime. This suggests that during daytime the increased respiration could be offset by an increase in photosynthetic uptake. This was also supported by differences in ?13C and ?18O, indicating prolonged increased photosynthetic activity associated with the higher temperature treatments. However, this increase in photosynthesis was insufficient to counteract the 24hr increase in respiration, explaining the higher CO2 emissions due to elevated temperature.
Keywords: |
CO2 |
grassland |
Heating |
elevated temperature |
respiration |
net ecosystem exchange |
isotopes |
Moser, G.; Müller, C. & Grünhage, L. (2016-01-07). Klimawandel vor der Haustür. Presented at UKL, UKL.
Keidel, L.; Kammann, C.; Grünhage, L.; Moser, G. & Müller, C. (2015): Long term CO2 enrichment in a temperate grassland increases soil respiration during late autumn and winter. Biogeoscience 12, 1257-1269
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DOI: 10.5194/bg-12-1257-2015
Soil respiration of terrestrial ecosystems, a major component in the global carbon cycle is affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, seasonal differences of feedback effects of elevated CO2 have rarely been studied. At the Gießen Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (GiFACE) site, the effects of +20% above ambient CO2 concentration have been investigated since 1998 in a temperate grassland ecosystem. We defined five distinct annual seasons, with respect to management practices and phenological cycles. For a period of 3 years (2008–2010), weekly measurements of soil respiration were carried out with a survey chamber on vegetation-free subplots. The results revealed a pronounced and repeated increase of soil respiration under elevated CO2 during late autumn and winter dormancy. Increased CO2 losses during the autumn season (September–October) were 15.7% higher and during the winter season (November–March) were 17.4% higher compared to respiration from ambient CO2 plots.
However, during spring time and summer, which are characterized by strong above- and below-ground plant growth, no significant change in soil respiration was observed at the GiFACE site under elevated CO2. This suggests (1) that soil respiration measurements, carried out only during the growing season under elevated CO2 may underestimate the true soil-respiratory CO2 loss (i.e. overestimate the C sequestered), and (2) that additional C assimilated by plants during the growing season and transferred below-ground will quickly be lost via enhanced heterotrophic respiration outside the main growing season.
Keywords: |
temperature |
soil |
aCO2 |
climate change |
elevated CO2 |
soil respiration |
grassland |
Kahlen, K.; Zinkernagel, J. & Chen, T. (2015): Towards Virtual Plant Modelling as a Tool in Climate Change Impact Research. Procedia Environmental Sciences 29, 245-246
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DOI: doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.294
A major issue of our today's research is to help meeting the challenges of future food security. One task is to assess and develop crop management strategies adapted to predicted future climatic conditions. Yet, both the variability of environmental conditions and the uncertainty of climate projections as well as the orchestra of multiple plant responses and their interaction with the environment make it difficult to predict plant behavior in the field. Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of classical crop models as a tool to investigate crop productivity under predicted climate conditions. These models use data on plant architecture only to a limited extent as they usually follow a systems approach by focusing on processes for predicting dry matter production. However, plant architecture is a major determinant of the crops’ resource use efficiency. Moreover, plants show time dependent structural changes as they grow and develop, and these processes are affected by various environmental factors and stresses. Virtual plant models consider both the three-dimensional plant architecture and concepts of plant physiology. Here, we outline the way in which virtual plant modelling can further improve our understanding on the impact of climate change on food production. Greenhouse and growth chamber experiments may serve as data sources for model parameterization, in particular of response functions with respect to environmental stimuli. Data from field experiments in free air carbon enrichment (FACE) facilities, such as those obtained in the new Geisenheim FACE for special crops, may be used to evaluate virtual plant models with respect to future climatic conditions. A combination of field data and virtual plant model simulations may then allow us to assess the specific role of plant architecture in resource use efficiency and help to develop advanced strategies for future crop production.
Keywords: |
temperature |
climate change |
functional-structural plant model |
plant architecture |
canopy photosynthesis |
CO2 |
water |
Klostermann, H.R.; Zinkernagel, J. & Kahlen, K. (2015): Geisenheim FACE for Vegetable Crops - Methodological Framework. Procedia Environmental Sciences 29, 106
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DOI: doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.184
Future vegetable crop production might be affected by Climate Change with the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration and changes in precipitation pattern. Elevated CO2 as one main component of photosynthesis is assumed to increase the yield of many crops while alleviating negative effects of drought stress and, thereby, increasing the water use efficiency. However, the responses of field grown vegetable crops to elevated CO2 are still unknown as previous findings are mainly derived from experiments conducted under controlled environments. In addition, the field vegetable production is characterized by several sets per season, varying growth conditions during the production periods and a high water demand usually provided by an irrigation system. Moreover, vegetable crops differ in the harvest organs, e.g. fruits, root tuber, bulbs or leaves, which are predominantly harvested in an early development stage. These vegetable-specific aspects have not been considered in past Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiments. Therefore, we aim at analyzing the short and long impacts of elevated CO2 with limited water supply on field vegetable crop productivity for three different crops (Cucumis sativus L., Raphanus sativus var. sativius L., Spinacia oleracea L.). Here, we present the methodological framework. Experiments will be conducted in the newly established FACE facility for vegetable crops at Geisenheim University, Germany. The facility is designed to raise the ambient CO2 concentration at the experimental field site by about 20% to approximately 480 ppm and to regulate the water supply with a drip irrigation system, resulting in a split plot design with three replications. In each replication an annual crop rotation with several production cycles of the three different vegetable crops are realized. Measurements of the CO2 and H2O gas exchange on leaf level as well as non-destructive and destructive recordings of plant growth and development are planned.
Keywords: |
climate change |
elevated CO2 |
drought stress |
water use efficiency |
Haworth, M.; Moser, G.; Raschi, A.; Kammann, C.; Grünhage, L. & Müller, C. (2016): Carbon dioxide fertilisation and supressed respiration induce enhanced spring biomass production in a mixed species temperate meadow exposed to moderate carbon dioxide enrichment. Functional Plant Biology FP15232, A-N
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DOI: 10.1071/FP15232
The rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ([CO2]) has a direct effect on terrestrial vegetation
through shifts in the rates of photosynthetic carbon uptake and transpirational water-loss. Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE)
experiments aim to predict the likely responses of plants to increased [CO2] under normal climatic conditions. The Giessen
FACE system operates a lower [CO2] enrichment regime (480 mmol mol–1) than standard FACE (550–600 mmol mol–1),
permitting the analysis of a mixed species temperate meadow under a [CO2] level equivalent to that predicted in 25–30 years.
We analysed the physiological and morphological responses of six species to investigate the effect of moderate [CO2] on
spring biomass production. Carbon dioxide enrichment stimulated leaf photosynthetic rates and supressed respiration,
contributing to enhanced net assimilation and a 23% increase in biomass. The capacity for photosynthetic assimilation was
unaffected by [CO2] enrichment, with no downregulation of rates of carboxylation of Rubisco or regeneration of ribulose-
1,5-bisphosphate. Foliar N content was also not influenced by increased [CO2]. Enhanced [CO2] reduced stomatal size, but
stomatal density and leaf area index remained constant, suggesting that the effect on gas exchange was minimal.
Keywords: |
ring |
biomass |