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GiFACE Biomass subplot data
Dataset ID: 79
Last updated: 2016-12-07
Dataset creators: Ludger Grünhage
Claudia Kammann
Contact: Ludger Grünhage
Gerald Moser
Claudia Kammann
Temporal coverage: 1997-06-09 00:00:00 - 2015-05-31 00:00:00
Geographic coverage: GiFACE
Abstract: The Biomass data from the GI-FACE are given for a...
Additional info: Contact Birte Lenz for details (birte.lenz@bot2.b...
Keywords: | biomass | eCO2 | aCO2 | elevated CO2 | FACE | grassland | ambient CO2 | CO2 fertilization | Gi-FACE | crop yield | Elevated carbon dioxide | plant growth |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: gifacebiomassesubplots97-15
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Ring Number (Ring_N) (Unitless)
Subplot (Subplot) (Unitless)
Biomoss Yield of Grass (BY_Grass) [Gram per square meter]
Biomoss Yield of Herb (BY_Herb) [Gram per square meter]
Biomoss Yield of Legume (BY_Legu) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass Yield (BY_Total) [Gram per square meter]

GiFACE Biomass
Dataset ID: 78
Last updated: 2016-12-06
Dataset creators: Ludger Grünhage
Claudia Kammann
Contact: Gerald Moser
Claudia Kammann
Ruben Seibert
Temporal coverage: 1997-06-09 00:00:00 - 2015-08-31 00:00:00
Geographic coverage: GiFACE
Abstract: Mean Biomass data from spring and summer harvest ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | biomass | eCO2 | aCO2 | elevated CO2 | FACE | CO2 | grassland | ambient CO2 | CO2 fertilization | Gi-FACE | crop yield | Elevated carbon dioxide | plant growth |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: GiFACEtotalbiomasse-2015
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Total Biomass in E1 (BY_T_E1) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass in E2 (BY_T_E2) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass in E3 (BY_T_E3) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass in A1 (BY_T_A1) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass in A2 (BY_T_A2) [Gram per square meter]
Total Biomass in A3 (BY_T_A3) [Gram per square meter]
2. Entity:
Entity name: GiFACEGrassbiomasse-2015
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Grass Biomass E1 (Grass_Biomass_E1) [Gram per square meter]
Grass Biomass E2 (Grass_Biomass_E2) [Gram per square meter]
Grass Biomass E3 (Grass_Biomass_E3) [Gram per square meter]
Grass Biomass A1 (Grass_Biomass_A1) [Gram per square meter]
Grass Biomass A2 (Grass_Biomass_A2) [Gram per square meter]
Grass Biomass A3 (Grass_Biomass_A3) [Gram per square meter]

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