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Value filter for entity: data(id: 42) of dataset: AWS-P Militar, Isla S. Cruz, processed data subset (dsid: 28)

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    x     y1     y2  
datetime (Date and Time)
T (Air temperature average)
RH (Relative humidity average)
SLR (Solar radiation average)
WS (Wind speed average)
WD (Wind direction)
WS_Ver (Mean vertical wind component)
ST (Soil temperature)
Vwc (Volumetric water content)
PCP_diff_radar (Rain total radar)
PCP_tot_bucket (Rain total)


page: 1 / 2870 , page size: , max results: 143459

datetime T RH SLR WS WD WS_Ver ST Vwc PCP_diff_radar PCP_tot_bucket
2022-02-05 00:00:00 23.367 86.047592 0.0 1.28 123.0 0.25 31.66157 0.15245 0.0 null
2022-02-05 00:10:00 23.414398 85.832696 0.0 3.33 149.7 0.06 31.611964 0.15249 0.0 null
2022-02-05 00:20:00 23.351602 85.9552 0.0 1.48 101.5 0.02 31.545278 0.1525 0.0 null
2022-02-05 00:30:00 23.419498 84.248496 0.0 1.26 156.9 0.24 31.478662 0.1525 0.0 null
2022-02-05 00:40:00 23.555 83.912504 0.0 2.67 146.3 0.07 31.39942 0.15195 0.0 null
2022-02-05 00:50:00 23.5028 85.166208 0.0 3.69 113.1 -0.6 31.316132 0.15181 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:00:00 23.419498 85.530304 0.0 2.03 118.9 0.01 31.24379 0.15182 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:10:00 23.3551 85.604296 0.0 2.17 118.3 -0.7 31.18475 0.15184 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:20:00 23.314598 85.765808 0.0 3.02 125.9 -0.93 31.112208 0.15171 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:30:00 23.2978 85.717608 0.0 1.44 69.7 0.87 31.055578 0.1512 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:40:00 23.299696 85.646704 0.0 3.01 120.9 -0.27 30.997232 0.15119 0.0 null
2022-02-05 01:50:00 23.262402 85.703488 0.0 3.46 103.1 -0.71 30.954468 0.15119 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:00:00 23.301998 85.253 0.0 2.29 98.6 0.0 30.89326 0.1512 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:10:00 23.258698 85.431896 0.0 1.99 107.7 -0.42 30.84699 0.1512 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:20:00 23.263996 85.517096 0.0 2.09 107.4 0.2 30.795818 0.15071 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:30:00 23.281598 85.281208 0.0 0.77 137.8 -0.32 30.752574 0.15051 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:40:00 23.220298 86.478192 0.0 2.04 130.2 0.26 30.71662 0.15053 0.0 null
2022-02-05 02:50:00 23.119298 86.613008 0.0 1.12 120.9 -0.5 30.676886 0.1505 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:00:00 23.126902 86.561896 0.0 2.74 95.6 -1.04 30.619358 0.15052 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:10:00 23.117198 85.7684 0.0 0.72 42.3 0.43 30.571512 0.15053 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:20:00 23.179802 85.046 0.0 2.94 138.2 -0.33 30.540008 0.15035 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:30:00 23.1909 84.634496 0.0 2.35 124.0 -0.26 30.502096 0.14989 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:40:00 23.2033 84.6486 0.0 1.51 158.4 -0.38 30.44936 0.1499 0.0 null
2022-02-05 03:50:00 23.1868 84.848496 0.0 0.97 144.7 0.13 30.40975 0.14989 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:00:00 23.181698 85.057496 0.0 1.12 124.9 -0.71 30.343362 0.14989 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:10:00 23.1422 85.335592 0.0 0.88 125.8 0.25 30.293622 0.1499 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:20:00 23.120698 85.564992 0.0 1.79 113.8 -0.52 30.253778 0.1499 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:30:00 23.120402 85.771696 0.0 1.34 135.10002 -0.03 30.1948 0.14991 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:40:00 23.1166 85.748704 0.0 2.02 169.1 -0.68 30.17126 0.14955 0.0 null
2022-02-05 04:50:00 23.108 85.5706 0.0 2.44 126.6 -0.57 30.123038 0.1492 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:00:00 23.086002 85.6248 0.0 1.56 136.10002 -0.5 30.070522 0.14922 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:10:00 23.088998 85.6564 0.0 1.07 112.1 -0.06 30.021214 0.14923 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:20:00 23.087002 85.510408 0.0 1.55 139.5 0.26 29.978592 0.14923 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:30:00 23.111302 85.3734 0.0 0.99 101.6 -0.02 29.92002 0.14927 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:40:00 23.1472 85.128312 0.126045 0.71 173.2 -0.39 29.88414 0.14927 0.0 null
2022-02-05 05:50:00 23.155002 84.9982 0.756599 2.47 128.3 -0.33 29.83346 0.14892 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:00:00 23.1382 85.156008 2.420593 2.62 132.5 -0.12 29.78917 0.14859 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:10:00 23.1194 85.331288 6.57235 1.5 113.2 0.72 29.75418 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:20:00 23.1592 85.3728 13.155902 1.8 95.5 -0.61 29.705032 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:30:00 23.2837 85.014296 23.789454 2.27 78.2 -0.28 29.687398 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:40:00 23.409298 84.5668 36.545604 3.48 144.4 -0.18 29.65302 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 06:50:00 23.464802 84.179704 50.327732 0.97 134.7 -0.42 29.649262 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:00:00 23.592998 84.366392 70.216688 1.52 77.1 -0.12 29.65504 0.14861 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:10:00 23.737002 84.471696 91.313824 0.73 109.8 0.32 29.667462 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:20:00 23.968998 84.217208 99.979032 2.44 141.9 -0.48 29.699548 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:30:00 24.141598 83.258104 116.2708 0.24 71.9 0.32 29.752742 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:40:00 24.397202 83.150296 136.59602 1.1 68.0 0.16 29.80278 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 07:50:00 24.5912 83.018392 177.38396 0.78 118.6 0.5 29.874558 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 08:00:00 24.986898 81.172688 194.39948 2.83 60.8 -0.56 29.975688 0.1486 0.0 null
2022-02-05 08:10:00 25.006498 81.201992 168.9744 1.65 98.2 0.31 30.103312 0.1486 0.0 null

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