WP1 Field observations

Project staff


Map of automatic weather stations on galapagos islands

WP1 establishes a transect of 11 Automatic Weather stations (AWS) representing the location in the archipelago (W-E), the altitude and the exposition towards synoptic forcing. Most AWS observe standard meteorological variables (rainfall, air temperature and humidity, solar radiation and wind field). At coastal sites of S Cruz island, we also determine turbulence parameters. A super site at Cerro Crocker (S Cruz island) located in the Garúa zone is additionally equipped with a vertical rain radar (MRR) and an optical present weather sensor (BIRAL) as well as other rain sensors to particularly compare sensor capabilities for observing drizzle precipitation. The data will be intensively analyzed to unveil the relation between climatic factors (location, altitude etc.), synoptic forcing and rainfall formation in different zones of the archipelago. Additionally, the data are the basis to test the new GRR satellite-based rain retrieval of WP2 and the GAR downscaling results (WP3).
















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