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Found 25 publication(s)

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Knerr, I.; Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2018-04-13). Variability of precipitation along a west-east gradient in Corsica: A case study from early December 2017. Presented at EGU, Vienna/Austria.
Knerr, I.; Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2017-10-29). Analyse von großskaligen und lokalen Einflüssen auf die Niederschlagsvariabilität entlang eines West-Ost Höhentransekts auf Korsika. Presented at Jahrestagung des AK Klima, Rauischholzhausen/Germany.
Knerr, I.; Trachte, K.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S. & Bendix, J. (2018-10-28). Raumzeitliche Niederschlagsmuster auf Korsika - Entwicklung und Ursachen von Starkregenereignissen. Presented at Jahrestagung des AK Klima, Schney/Germany.
Knerr, I.; Trachte, K.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S.; Häusser, M.; Juhlke, T.; Szymczak, S. & Bendix, J. (2019-10-27). Wettertypabhängige Grenzschichtbedingungen auf Korsika - Entwicklung und Ausbildung der planetaren Grenzschicht. Presented at Jahrestagung des AK Klima, Jesteburg/Germany.
Szymczak, S.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S.; Bendix, J.; Knerr, I.; Trachte, K.; Barth, J.; Juhlke, T.; van Geldern, R.; Häusser, M. & Bräuning, A. (2019-10-27). Auswirkungen klimatischer Extremjahre auf das Baumwachstum von Kiefern auf Korsika. Presented at Jahrestagung des AK Klima, Jesteburg/Germany.
Szymczak, S.; Bräuning, A.; Häusser, M.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F. & Santoni, S. (2019): The relationship between climate and the intra-annual oxygen isotope patterns from pine trees: a case study along an elevation gradient on Corsica, France. Annals of Forest Science 76, 1-14 DOI:
Szymczak, S.; Bräuning, A.; Häusser, M.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F. & Santoni, S. (2019-02-01). Intra-annual oxygen isotope chronologies detect changing climate conditions in seasonal resolution in the high mountains of Corsica. Presented at Jahrestagung des AK Hochgebirge, Augsburg/Germany.
Juhlke, T.; Huneau, F.; Barth, J.; Bendix, J.; Bräuning, A.; Garel, E.; Häusser, M.; Knerr, I.; Santoni, S.; Szymczak, S.; Trachte, K. & van Geldern, R. (2019-05-22). The CorsicArchive project: Integrating isotope hydrology, climatology, and tree rings to improve climate record interpretation. Presented at IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Vienna/Austria.
Häusser, M.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S.; Szymczak, S. & Bräuning, A. (2019-05-08). Impact of two consecutive extreme years on radial growth of pines along an elevation gradient on Corsica. Presented at TRACE-Conference, Caserta/Italy.
Szymczak, S.; Bräuning, A.; Barth, J.; Juhlke, T.; van Geldern, R.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F. & Santoni, S. (2019-05-09). Disentangling different water sources along an altitudinal gradient with intra-annual oxygen isotope patterns. Presented at TRACE-Conference, Caserta/Italy.
Häusser, M.; Szymczak, S.; Garel, E.; Santoni, S.; Huneau, F. & Bräuning, A. (2019): Growth variability of two native pine species on Corsica as a function of elevation. Dendrochronologia 54, 49-55 DOI:
Szymczak, S.; Bräuning, A. & Joachimski, M. (2018): Long-term oxygen isotope chronologies from a Mediterranean island. TRACE Volume 16, 46-53.
Szymczak, S.; Bräuning, A.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F. & Santoni, S. (2018-04-26). The intra-annual oxygen isotope cycle of tree-ring cellulose from pine trees as indicator of current and past hydroclimate. Presented at TRACE-Conference, Greifswald/Germany.
Häusser, M.; Garel, E.; Huneau, F.; Santoni, S.; Szymczak, S. & Bräuning, A. (2018-04-25). Growth variability of two native Pine species on Corsica as a function of altitude. Presented at TRACE (Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology), Greifswald, Germany.
Juhlke, T.; Huneau, F.; Garel, E.; Barth, J. & van Geldern, R. (2017-11-06). The seasonal carbon dioxide budget from a Mediterranean mountain watershed in Corsica - Implications from ground and surface waters. Presented at IAH International congress on groundwater and global change in the Western Mediterranean, Granada, Spain.
Juhlke, T.; Huneau, F.; Barth, J.; Bendix, J.; Bräuning, A.; Garel, E.; Häusser, M.; Knerr, I.; Santoni, S.; Szymczak, S.; Trachte, K. & van Geldern, R. (2017-10-17). Integrating isotope hydrology, climatology, and tree rings: The CorsicArchive Project. Presented at EGU Leonardo Conference 2017 - Water stable isotopes in the hydrological cycle, Titisee, Germany.
van Geldern, R.; Kuhlemann, J.; Schiebel, R.; Taubald, H. & Barth, J. (2014): Stable water isotope patterns in a climate change hotspot: The isotope hydrology framework of Corsica (western Mediterranean). Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 50, 184-200 DOI:
Szymczak, S. & Bräuning, A. (2017-05-18). Long-term oxygen isotope chronologies from a Mediterranean island. Presented at TRACE-Conference, Svetlogorsk/Russia.
Szymczak, S. & Bräuning, A. (2017-05-13). Klimaökologische Abhängigkeit von Sauerstoffisotopen in Jahrringzellulose von Schwarzkiefern (Pinus nigra ssp. laricio) auf Korsika. Presented at Jahrestreffen des AK Biogeographie, Erlangen/Germany.
Häusser, M.; Szymczak, S. & Bräuning, A. (2017-05-13). Kiefern auf Korsika. Ökologische Differenzierung entlang eines Höhengradienten. Presented at Jahrestreffen des AK Biogeographie, Erlangen/Germany.
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