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Climate station data from the Vivario LCRS station in Corsica 2017 - 2019
Dataset ID: 42
Last updated: 2020-01-15
Dataset creators: Isabel Knerr
Contact: Maik Dobbermann
Isabel Knerr
Temporal coverage: 2017-05-01 00:00:00 - 2019-11-17 00:00:00
Geographic coverage: Vivario climate station LCRS
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | climate station | vivario |
Intellectual rights: LCRS / Corsicarchive
1. Entity:
Entity name: climate station data vivario corsica
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Temperature in control cabinet (PTemp_C) [Degrees Celsius]
air temperature in 2m (Ta_2m) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity 2m (Huma_2m) [Percent]
Global radiation (2m) (gRad1) [Watt per square meter]
Solar daily total flux density (gRadDailyFluxDensity) [Megajoules per square meter]
volumic soil water content (water_vol_soil) [Square meter per square meter]
Electric conductivity (EC) [Square meter per square meter]
Soil temperature (Ts) [Degrees Celsius]
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Wind direction 3m (Wind_direction) [Degree]
Internal flag for diagnosing windsonic (WSDiag_1) (Unitless)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Precipitation averaged and projected (PCPAvgProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation maximum and projected (PCPMaxProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation measured datetime (PCPDatetime) (Unitless)

Climate station data from the Capanelle LCRS station in Corsica 2017 - 2019
Dataset ID: 41
Last updated: 2020-01-15
Dataset creators: Isabel Knerr
Contact: Maik Dobbermann
Isabel Knerr
Temporal coverage: 2017-05-01 00:00:00 - 2019-11-17 00:00:00
Geographic coverage: Capanelle climate station LCRS
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | climate station | capanelle |
Intellectual rights: LCRS / Corsicarchive
1. Entity:
Entity name: climate station data capanelle corsica
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Temperature in control cabinet (PTemp_C) [Degrees Celsius]
air temperature in 2m (Ta_2m) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity 2m (Huma_2m) [Percent]
Global radiation (2m) (gRad1) [Watt per square meter]
Solar daily total flux density (gRadDailyFluxDensity) [Megajoules per square meter]
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Wind direction 3m (Wind_direction) [Degree]
Internal flag for diagnosing windsonic (WSDiag_1) (Unitless)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Precipitation averaged and projected (PCPAvgProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation maximum and projected (PCPMaxProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation measured datetime (PCPDatetime) (Unitless)

Climate station data from the Bocognano LCRS station in Corsica 2017 - 2019
Dataset ID: 40
Last updated: 2020-01-15
Dataset creators: Isabel Knerr
Contact: Maik Dobbermann
Isabel Knerr
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2017-05-01 00:00:00 - 2019-11-17 00:00:00
Geographische Verortung: Bocognano climate station LCRS
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | bocognano | climate station |
Urheberrecht: LCRS / Corsicarchive
1. Entity:
Entity name: climate station data bocognano corsica
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Temperature in control cabinet (PTemp_C) [Degrees Celsius]
air temperature in 2m (Ta_2m) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity 2m (Huma_2m) [Percent]
Global radiation (2m) (gRad1) [Watt per square meter]
Solar daily total flux density (gRadDailyFluxDensity) [Megajoules per square meter]
volumic soil water content (water_vol_soil) [Square meter per square meter]
Electric conductivity (EC) [Square meter per square meter]
Soil temperature (Ts) [Degrees Celsius]
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Wind direction 3m (Wind_direction) [Degree]
Internal flag for diagnosing windsonic (WSDiag_1) (keine Einheit)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Precipitation averaged and projected (PCPAvgProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation maximum and projected (PCPMaxProj) [Millimeter per hour]
Precipitation measured datetime (PCPDatetime) (keine Einheit)

d18O-values of needle and xylem water
Dataset ID: 34
Last updated: 2019-12-19
Ersteller: Sonja Szymczak
Kontakt: Sonja Szymczak
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2017-04-04 23:00:00 - 2019-04-24 23:00:00
Geographische Verortung: Corsica
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | oxygen isotopes | Pinus pinaster | Pinus nigra |
Urheberrecht: Copyright 2019 FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Free for use by all indiviudals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication.
1. Entity:
Entity name: d18O-needle_and_xylemwater
Entity info: d18O-values of needle and xylem water from 7 trees
Entity type:otherEntity

d18O-values of tree-ring cellulose (intraannual)
Dataset ID: 33
Last updated: 2019-12-19
Ersteller: Sonja Szymczak
Kontakt: Sonja Szymczak
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1986-12-31 23:00:00 - 2019-11-08 23:00:00
Geographische Verortung: Corsica
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | oxygen isotopes | Pinus pinaster | Pinus nigra | tree rings |
Urheberrecht: Copyright 2019 FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication.
1. Entity:
Entity name: d18o-cellulose_intraannual
Entity info: Intra-annual patterns of oxygen isotope values from 12 trees for at least 6 years per tree
Entity type:otherEntity

Sampling checklists April 2017-August 2018
Dataset ID: 23
Last updated: 2018-08-30
Ersteller: Sonja Szymczak
Kontakt: Sonja Szymczak
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2017-04-20 00:00:00 - 2018-03-04 00:00:00
Geographische Verortung: Corsica
Abstract: This data set contains the sampling checklists fr...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | sampling checklist |
Urheberrecht: Copyright 2018 FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. Free for use by all project members.
1. Entity:
Entity name: Sampling Checklists
Entity info: April 2017-February 2018
Entity type:otherEntity

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