I want to download scientific project data from the FOR816 project.
For this I accept the "FOR816 data user agreement for external data users" (
and I am especially aware of its §3 "External Re-Use of project data":
- (1) The external data user commits that they will not pass any data nor passwords to thirds, that enables access to the data downloaded.
- (2) The external data user warrants that the downloaded data are neither distributed to third persons and parties nor sold or used for commercial purposes.
- (3) To publish data and results derived with the help of the data by the external data user needs approval in the sense of copyright issues. The allowance for publication have to be requested from the data owner stated in the metadata.
- (4) Data owner whose unpublished data is used, have to be included in the list of authors in a suitable way as sorted out under (3) .
- (5) If the data owner refuses the right for publication or any other use, all data have to be deleted at the external user entirely and permanently