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Lemma, B.; Grehl, C.; Zech, M.; Mekonnen, B.; Zech, W.; Nemomissa, S.; Bekele, T. & Glaser, B. (2019): Phenolic Compounds as Unambiguous Chemical Markers for the Identification of Keystone Plant Species in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Plants 8(7), 1-15.
Gil-Romera, G.; Gelaw, M.F.; Renken, D.; Bittner, L.; Grady, D.; Lamb, H.; Lemma, B.; Zech, M. & Miehe, G. (18.06.2018). Long-term fire regimes define Afroalpine and Afromontane vegetation in tropical mountains: the case of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia.. Presented at IPA-IAL Joint Meeting, Stockholm,Sweden.
Lamb, H.; Bittner, L.; Davies, S.; Gelaw, M.F.; Gil-Romera, G.; Grady, D.; Lemma, B.; Miehe, G. & Zech, M. (14.07.2018). Garba Guracha revisited: testing the Mountain Exile Hypothesis. Presented at AFQUA, Nairobi,Kenya.
Gil-Romera, G.; Gelaw, M.F.; Grady, D.; Bittner, L.; Zech, M.; Opgenoorth, L.; Miehe, G. & Lamb, H. (2021): The new Garba Guracha palynological se-quence: Revision and data expansion. In: Gosling, W.D., Lezine, A.M., Scott, L. (eds.): Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics The African Pollen Database ( ), Palaeoecology of Africa.
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