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Found 4 publication(s)

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Renken, D. (2018): M.Sc.Thesis-The regenerative capacity of vegetation in the fire-shaped Ericaceous belt of the Bale Mountains Philipps Universität Marburg, master thesis
Gil-Romera, G. (2018-04-23). Long-term environmental drivers of the afromontane and afroalpine vegetation in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia . Presented at IPS, international.
Miehe, S. & Miehe, G. 1994: Ericaceous Forests and Heathlands in the Bale Mountains of Southern Ethiopia - Ecology and Man's Impact.: 1 1 (Traute Warnke Verlag, Reinbek, Hamburg, Germany).
Schmidt, J. & Faille, A. (2018): Revision of Trechus Clairville, 1806 of the Bale Mountains and adjacent volcanos, Ethiopia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini). European Journal of Taxonomy 446, 1–82.
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