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Found 9 publication(s)

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Negash, A.; Nash, B.P. & Brown, F.H. (2020): An initial survey of the composition of Ethiopian obsidian. Journal of African Earth Sciences 172(103977), 1-11.
Ossendorf, G.; Girma, M.T. & Vogelsang, R. (2016-07-30). The Mountain Exile Hypothesis: how humans benefited from and re-shaped African high altitude ecosystems during Quaternary climate changes. Presented at EAAPP, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Lamb, H.; Bates, C.R.; Bryant, C.L.; Davies, S.; Huws, D.G.; Marshall, M.H.; Roberts, H.M. & Toland, H. (2018): 150,000-year palaeoclimate record from northern Ethiopia supports early, multiple dispersals of modern humans from Africa.. Scientific Reports 8(1077), 1-7.
Ossendorf, G.; Girma, M.T.; Lesur, J.; Groos, A.R.; Bromm, T.; Glaser, B.; Negash, A.; Beldados, A. & Vogelsang, R. (2019-07-27). Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer occupation of high-altitude afro-alpine ecosystems in the Bale Mountains, South Ethiopia. Presented at INQUA, Dublin, Ireland.
Girma, M.T. (2021): Late Pleistocene and Holocene Human Settlement and Adaptation in Tropical High-Altitude Environments: A Contribution from the Bale Mountains, Southeastern Ethiopian Highlands University of Cologne, phd thesis
Girma, M.T.; Ossendorf, G. & Vogelsang, R. (2018-06-19). Late Pleistocene and Holocene Human Settlement and Adaptation in Tropical High-altitude Environments: A Contribution from the Bale Mountains, Southeast Ethiopian Highlands. Presented at SAfA conference, Toronto, Canada.
Viehberg, F.A.; Just, J.; Dean, J.R.; Wagner, B.; Franz, S.O.; Klasen, N.; Kleinen, T.; Ludwig, P.; Asrat, A.; Lamb, H.; Leng, M.J.; Rethemeyer, J.; Milodoswki, A.E.; Claussen, M. & Schäbitz, F. (2018): Environmental change during MIS4 and MIS 3 opened corridors in the Horn of Africa for Homo sapiens expansion. Quaternary Science Reviews 202, 139-153.
Roberts, H.M.; Bryant, C.L.; Huws, D.G. & Lamb, H. (2018): Generating long chronologies for lacustrine sediments usingluminescence dating: a 250,000 year record from Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Reviews 202, 66-77.
Ossendorf, G.; Groos, A.R.; Bromm, T.; Girma, M.T.; Glaser, B.; Lesur, J.; Schmidt, J.; Akçar, N.; Bekele, T.; Beldados, A.; Demissew, S.; Hadush Kahsay, T.; Nash, B.P.; Nauss, T.; Negash, A.; Nemomissa, S.; Veit, H.; Vogelsang, R.; Woldu, Z.; Zech, W.; Opgenoorth, L. & Miehe, G. (2019): Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Science 365(6453), 583-587.
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