Cite as:
Palomeque, X.; Stimm, B. &amp; G&uuml;nter, S. (2020): <b>Case study 3: Facilitating biodiversity through the shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems in southern Ecuador</b>. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) (eds.): <i>Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics</i> (ITTO Policy Development Series No. 24 <b>PS-24</b>), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Yokohama, Japan, 89 - 91.

Resource Description

Title: Case study 3: Facilitating biodiversity through the shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems in southern Ecuador
FOR816dw ID: 1891
Publication Date: 2020-12-31
License and Usage Rights: © ITTO 2020. This work is copyright. Except for the ITTO logo, graphical and textual information in this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part provided that it is not sold or put to commercial use and its source is acknowledged.
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Ximena Palomeque
Individual: Bernd Stimm
Individual: Sven Günter
Forest plantations with exotic species in southern Ecuador have mostly been characterized as having negative externalities in both ecological and economic terms. After ten years of research in mountain forests in southern Ecuador on restoration and reforestation, several native tree species with good growth responses (e.g. Handroanthus chrysanthus, Cedrela montana and Juglans neotropica) have been identified in open field conditions. Some species (e.g. Podocarpus oleifolius and P. sprucei) were able to grow under the shelter provided by Pinus and Alnus trees.
| biodiversity | landscape restoration | capacity building |
Literature type specific fields:
Chapter Number: Part II 3
Book Editor: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Book Title: Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics
Page Range: 89 - 91
Publisher: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Publication Place: Yokohama, Japan
Edition: ITTO Policy Development Series No. 24
Volume: PS-24
Number of Volumes: 1
Total Pages: 142
Total Figures: 0
Total Tables: 0
ISBN: 978-4-86507-064-4
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Bernd Stimm
Online Distribution:
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