Cite as:
Weber, M.; Braumiller, P.; Stimm, B. &amp; Hildebrandt, P. (2021): <b>Zur Bedeutung der Waldnutzung f&uuml;r die lokale Bev&ouml;lkerung in den Trockenw&auml;ldern S&uuml;d-Ecuadors</b>. In: Felbermeier B, Stimm B, Seidl, R (eds.): <i>Waldbau weltweit 2.0 - Festschrift anl&auml;sslich der Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Mosandl</i> (1 <b>219</b>), Zentrum Wald Forst Holz Weihenstephan, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 1 85354 Freising, 149-162.

Resource Description

Title: Zur Bedeutung der Waldnutzung für die lokale Bevölkerung in den Trockenwäldern Süd-Ecuadors
FOR816dw ID: 1931
Publication Date: 2021-09-07
License and Usage Rights:
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Michael Weber
Individual: Philipp Braumiller
Individual: Bernd Stimm
Individual: Patrick Hildebrandt
90% of the 1.2 billion people living with less than 1 USD/day, depend on the utilization of forests. The dry forests of the Tumbes-Piura-region at the coast of Southwest Ecuador are one of the 25 global hotspots of biodiversity with an immense number of endemic species. Nonetheless, they are endangered by anthropogenic impact. In this study we surveyed 89 households of five different districts to analyze the extent and importance of the different forest uses in the region. The results showed that forest utilization is practised by 97% of the households. With a share of 31% it contributes the 2nd highest amount to the mean total household income, only surpassed by livestock farming (36%). The most important use of the forests is silvopasture, which represents not only an important source of cash income, but also a substantial contribution to subsistence.
| silvopasture | Tumbes-Piura-region | socioeconomy | forest income | subsistence |
Literature type specific fields:
Chapter Number: 12
Book Editor: Felbermeier B, Stimm B, Seidl, R
Book Title: Waldbau weltweit 2.0 - Festschrift anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Mosandl
Page Range: 149-162
Publisher: Zentrum Wald Forst Holz Weihenstephan
Publication Place: Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 1 85354 Freising
Edition: 1
Volume: 219
Total Pages: 282
Total Figures: 0
Total Tables: 0
ISBN: 3-933506-50-6
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Bernd Stimm
Online Distribution:
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