Cite as:
Sch&uuml;ler, L. &amp; Behling, H. (2010): <b>Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach</b>. <i>Vegetation History and Archaeobotany</i> <b>20</b>, 83-96.

Resource Description

Title: Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach
FOR816dw ID: 1170
Publication Date: 2010-09-30
License and Usage Rights:
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Lisa Schüler
Individual: Hermann Behling
Despite the dominance of grasslands during the<br/> last glacial period, especially in South America, the highly<br/> uniform morphology of Poaceae pollen grains has so far<br/> allowed only very few palynological studies based on<br/> Poaceae pollen. In our study we compare two methods of<br/> distinguishing between South American grassland ecosystems<br/> based on quantitative morphology of Poaceae pollen<br/> grains. We investigated data sets from Pa´ramo in southern<br/> Ecuador, Campos de Altitude and Campos in south-eastern<br/> and southern Brazil as well as data sets from the Pampa in<br/> Argentina by measuring the pollen grain length, grain<br/> width, pore diameter and annulus width. Firstly we investigated<br/> the potential influence of chemical treatment of<br/> pollen grains on pollen grain size as well as the measurement<br/> setting for defining the boundary conditions for using<br/> Poaceae pollen grains in a palaeoecological investigation.<br/> Finally the measured pollen grain parameters were analyzed<br/> by comparison of average grain length using<br/> statistical tests. This approach reveals highly significant<br/> differences in average grain size between all grassland<br/> ecosystems. Assuming that a certain grain size range can<br/> be assigned to a certain Poaceae taxon, conclusions about<br/> differences and similarities in taxa composition can be<br/> derived. We used two methods of multivariate data analysis.<br/> One uses the pollen grain parameters directly for a<br/> Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The other is an<br/> already established method in grassland ecology which<br/> defines parameter based pollen grain types to investigate<br/> similarities between grassland ecosystems. Both approaches<br/> confirm the results of the grain length analysis. In this<br/> work we demonstrate that the method we developed has the<br/> potential to provide acquisition of so far inaccessible<br/> information on spatial and temporal patterns and dynamics<br/> of South American grasslands.
| palynology | grassland | South America | Poaceae | Pampa | Paramo |
Literature type specific fields:
Journal: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Volume: 20
Page Range: 83-96
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 0939-6314
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Nele Jantz
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