Cite as:
Setaro, S. &amp; Kron, K. (2011): <b>Neotropical and North American Vaccinioideae (Ericaceae) share their mycorrhizal Sebacinales - an indication for concerted migration?</b>. <i>PLoS Currents: Tree of Life</i> <b>NA</b>, NA.

Resource Description

Title: Neotropical and North American Vaccinioideae (Ericaceae) share their mycorrhizal Sebacinales - an indication for concerted migration?
FOR816dw ID: 986
Publication Date: 2011-03-03
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Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Sabrina Setaro
Individual: Kathleen Kron
Neotropical Vaccinioideae (Ericaceae) are evolutionary rather young and presumably of Northern Hemisphere origin. Vaccinioideae are highly dependent on their mycorrhizal symbionts and Sebacinales (basidiomycetes) were previously found to be the dominant mycobionts of Andean Clade Vaccinioideae (Neotropical Vaccinieae). We were interested to see whether the North American Vaccinioideae reached the Neotropics with their mycobionts or whether they acquired new, local Sebacinales.<br/> We investigated Sebacinales of 58 individuals of Vaccinioideae from Ecuador, Panama and North America to examine whether mycobionts of each region are distantly or closely related. <br/> We isolated the ITS of the ribosomal nuclear DNA in order to infer a molecular phylogeny of Sebacinales and to determine Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs). MOTU delimitation was based on a 3% threshold of ITS variability and conducted with complete linkage clustering. The analyses revealed that most Sebacinales from Ecuador, Panama and North America are closely related and that two MOTUs out of 33 have a distribution ranging from the Neotropics to the Pacific Northwest of North America. The data suggest that Neotropical and temperate Vaccinioideae of North America share their Sebacinales communities and that plants and fungi migrated together.
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Literature type specific fields:
Journal: PLoS Currents: Tree of Life
Volume: NA
Page Range: NA
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Sabrina Setaro
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