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Paul, C.; Weber, M. & Knoke, T. (2017): Agroforestry versus farm mosaic systems – Comparing land-use efficiency, economic returns and risks under climate change effects. Science of The Total Environment online , online.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Forest value: More than commercial. Science 354(6319), 1541-1541.
Strobl, S.; Cueva, E.; Silva, B.; Knüsting, J.; Schorsch, M.; Scheibe, R.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2016): Water relations and photosynthetic water use efficiency as indicators of slow climate change effects on trees in a tropical mountain forest in South Ecuador. Ecological Indicators xxx, xxx-xxx.
Tapia Armijos, M.F.; Homeier, J. & Draper Munt, D. (2016): Spatio-temporal analysis of the human footprint in South Ecuador: Influence of human pressure on ecosystems and effectiveness of protected areas. Applied Geography 78, 22-32.
Wyss, M. (2013): Mikronährlimitierung von Mikroorganismen in einem tropischen Bergregenwald in Ecuador University of Berne, bachelor thesis
Rehmus, A.; Bigalke, M.; Boy, J.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2016): Aluminum cycling in a tropical montane forest ecosystem in southern Ecuador. Geoderma 288, 196-203.
Cárate Tandalla, D. (2016): Effects of moderate Nitrogen and Phosphorus addition on the species composition and dynamics of the tree seedlings community in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador University of Goettingen, phd thesis
Riahi, M. (2016): Three-locus barcoding of trees in an Ecuadorian mountain rain forest. University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology, Conservation Biology, bachelor thesis
Lintzel, E. (2015): Establishment of a three-locus barcoding in the hotspot of a tropical mountain rainforest in Ecuador within the family Lauraceae for taxa re-identification. University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology, Conservation Biology, bachelor thesis
Zimmermann, S. (2016): Die Regenerationsentwicklung im tumbesischen Trockenwald Institute of Silviculture, Technische Universität München, bachelor thesis
Aponte, R. & Sanmartin Bermeo, J.C. (2011): Fenología y ensayos de germinación de diez especies forestales nativas, con potencial productivo maderable y no maderable del bosque protector El Bosque de la parroquia San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loja Universidad Nacional de Loja, other thesis
Cabrera García, M.P. (2016): Determinación de la fenología foliar mediante la interpretación de fotografías hemisféricas en la Reserva Natural Laipuna, Cantón Macará Universidad Nacional de Loja, other thesis
Pucha Cofrep, D.A. (2016): Environmental signals in radial growth, stable isotope variations and nutrient concentration of trees from different forest ecosystems in southern Ecuador Institute of Geography, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, phd thesis
Bachmann, S.C. (2016): Untersuchungen zur räumlichen Varianz der Isotopenverhältnisse im Holz von Cedrela montana in Bergregenwäldern Südecuadors Institute of Geography, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, bachelor thesis
Greiner, L.; Brandl, R. & Farwig, N. (2016): Texture images as tool for predicting bird feeding guilds in a tropical montane rainforest Philipps-Universität Marburg, Department of Conservation Ecology, master thesis
Mattes, J.; Peter, F. & Farwig, N. (2016): Seasonal variation in nutrient use of ants in natural and disturbed montane rainforests in Southern Ecuador Philipps University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology, master thesis
Pérez Postigo, I.; Silva, B. & Bendix, J. (2015): Potential of Remotely Sensed Image Textures for Predicting Herbivory in the Ecuadorian Andes Fachbereich Philipps-Universität Marburg, Geographie , master thesis
Helfrich, I.H. (2015): Influence of altitude on tree structural parameters of five tree species in a tropical dry forest of Southern Ecuador Universität Göttingen, bachelor thesis
Niepoth, A.; Bendix, J. & Kümmerle, T. (2015): Remote sensing based measures of tree diversity in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geographisches Institut, master thesis
Windhorst, D. (2014): Prediction of hydrological fluxes under global change in a tropical mountainous rainforest ecosystem of South Ecuador University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, phd thesis
Timbe, E. (2015): Water flow dynamics assessment for a tropical montane forest basin by means of spatially differentiated multi-criteria University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, phd thesis
Henz, S. (2016): Zeitreihenanalyse von Nitratkonzentrationen des Rio San Francisco in Ecuador University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, master thesis
Zang, C. (2014): Snapshot Sampling von hydrochemischen Parametern in einem Ökosystem der ecuadorianischen Anden University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, master thesis
Schob, S. (2014): Concentration-Discharge Hysteresis Effects of BOD, COD, Nitrate and Turbidity during Storm Flow Events in the Paramo of Southern Ecuador University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, bachelor thesis
Gietmann, L. (2016): Identifikation und Analyse lokaler und saisonaler Einflussfaktoren auf die Nährstofffrachten eines ecuadorianischen Hochgebirgsökosystems University of Giessen - Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management , bachelor thesis
Bogner, F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. 2016: Biodiversity Hotspot - Tropical Mountain Rainforest. (NCI Foundation, Ecuador).
Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2016): Environmental Change And Its Impacts In A Biodiversity Hotspot Of The South Ecuadorian Andes–Monitoring And Mitigation Strategies. Erdkunde 70(1), 1-4.
DFG PAK 823-825 (2016): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 5. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2016): A New Class of Quality Controls for Micrometeorological Data in Complex Tropical Environments. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33(1), 169-183.
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