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Krüger, C. (2014): Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for reforestation of native tropical trees in the Andes of South Ecuador LMU München, phd thesis
Krüger, C.; Walker, C. & Schüßler, A. (2014): Scutellospora savannicola: redescription, epitypification, DNA barcoding and transfer to Dentiscutata . Mycological Progress 13(4), 1165-1178.
Werner, F.A.; Jantz, N.; Krashevska, V.; Peters, T.; Behling, H.; Maraun, M.; Scheu, S. & Brehm, G. (2014): Climate Change Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: Bendix, J., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Makeschin, F., Mosandl, R., Scheu, S., Wilcke, W. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South ( ), Springer.
Rodriguez, F.; Bräuning, A.; Gerique, A.; Behling, H. & Volland, F. (2013): Landscape History, Vegetation History and Past Human Impacts. In: Bendix, J., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Makeschin, F., Mosandl, R., Scheu, S., Wilcke, W. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South ( 221), Springer, 53-66.
Villota, A. & Behling, H. (2014): Late Glacial and Holocene environmental change inferred from the páramo of Cajanuma in the Podocarpus National Park, southern Ecuador. Caldasia 36, 345-364.
Villota, A. & Behling, H. (2013): Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics, human impact and evidence of past Polylepis populations in the northern Andean Depression inferred from the El Cristal record, in southeastern Ec. Ecotropica 19, 49-68.
Niemann, H.; Matthias, I.; Michalzik, B. & Behling, H. (2015): Late Holocene human impact and environmental change inferred from a multi-proxy lake sediment record in the Loja region, southeastern Ecuador. Quaternary Internation 308-309(308), 253.
Huth, A.; Dislich, C.; Florian, H. & Thorsten, W. (2014): Approximate Bayesian parameterization of a process-based tropical forest model. Biogeosciences 11, 1261-1272.
Schmid, M. & Schreiber, K. (2015): Afforestation with Pinus patula in the Andean highlands of Ecuador: forest inventory and biomass of single trees Technische Universität München, master thesis
Posselt, S. (2010): Influence of silvicultural treatments on natural regeneration in a tropical mountain rainforest in Ecuador Technische Universität München, diploma thesis
Loaiza, P. (2011): Effects of fertilization and grass competition (Setaria sphacelata) on root development and biomass allocation in three native tree species from Ecuador Technische Universität München, master thesis
Goisser, M. (2010): Effects of mycorrhization and fertilization on photosynthesis, allocation of carbon and increment: comparing seedlings of Tabebuia chrysantha and Heliocarpus americanus in southern Ecuador Technische Universität München, diploma thesis
Weißbrod, M. (2009): Enrichment plantings with native tree species in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador Technische Universität München, diploma thesis
Reich, C. (2013): Diameter-height-models of 20 native tree species of the tropical mountain forest in southern Ecuador Technische Universität München, bachelor thesis
Illig, J.; Norton, R.A.; Scheu, S. & Maraun, M. (2010): Density and community structure of soil and bark living microarthropods along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical mountain rain forest. Experimental and Applied Acarology 52, 49-62.
Knoke, T. & Hahn, A. (2013): Global Change and the Role of Forests in Future Land-Use Systems. In: R. Matyssek, N. Clarke, P. Cudlin, T.N. Mikkelsen, J.-P. Tuovinen, G. Wieser; E. Paoletti (eds.): Climate Change, Air Pollution and Global Challenges Understanding and Perspectives from Forest Resea ( 13), Elsevier, Series: Developments in Environmental Science, 569-588.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Truncozetes (Acari, Oribatida, Epactozetidae) from Ecuador. Zookeys 303, 23-31.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Three new species of the genus Sternoppia (Acari: Oribatida: Sternoppiidae) from Ecuador. Zootaxa 3641, 565-576.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Three new species of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador.. Acarologia 53, 111-123.
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. (2012): Differential response of ants to nutrient addition in a tropical Brown Food Web. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 10-17.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new species of Schalleria (Acari: Oribatida: Microzetidae) from Ecuador with a key to all species of the genus. International Journal of Acarology 39, 200-208.
Maraun, M.; Fronczek, S.; Marian, F.; Sandmann, D. & Scheu, S. (2013): More sex at higher altitudes: changes in the frequency of parthenogenesis in oribatid mites in tropical montane rain forests. Pedobiologia 56, 185-190.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New oribatid mites of the genera Machadobelba and Campachipte¬ria (Acari: Oribatida) from Ecuador. Systematic and Applied Acarology 18, 145–152.
Ermilov, S.; Stary, J.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New taxa and new records of oribatid mites of the family Galumnidae (Acari: Oribatida) from Ecuador. Zootaxa 3700, 259–270.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new oribatid mite species of the genus Gittella from Ecuador (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae). Spixiana 36, 1-8.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Perscheloribates paratzitzikamensis n. sp., with supplementary description of Scheloribates elegans and Monoschelobates parvus (Acari, Oribatida, Scheloribatidae) from Ecuador. Acarologia 53, 429–437.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Oribatid mites of the superfamily Oppioidea from Ecuador (Acari: Oribatida). Systematic and Applied Acarology 18, 218-224.
Ermilov, S.; Bayartogtokh, B.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New and little known species of oribatid mites of the family Haplozetidae (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador. Zookeys 346, 43-57.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D. & Maraun, M. (2013): A new species of the genus Orthozetes from Ecuador (Acari: Oribatida: Microzetidae). Acarina 21, 100-103.
Jacquemin, J.; Delsinne, T.; Maraun, M. & Leponce, M. (2014): Trophic ecology of the armadillo ant Tatuidris tatusia assessed by stable isotopes and behavioral observations. Journal of Insect Science 14, 18.
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