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Werner, F.A. & Homeier, J. (2024): Diverging elevational patterns of tree vs. epiphyte species density, beta diversity, and biomass in a tropical dry forest . Plants 13(18), 2555.
González-Jaramillo, V.; Fries, A. & Bendix, J. (2019): AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Remote Sensing 11(12), 1-22.
Schmid, M. & Schreiber, K. (2015): Afforestation with Pinus patula in the Andean highlands of Ecuador: forest inventory and biomass of single trees Technische Universität München, master thesis
Jiménez Fadrique, B. (2012): Effects of altitude and topography on liana biomass in southern Ecuadorian montane forests Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, master thesis
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