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Richter, M. (2009): To what extent do natural disturbances contribute to Andean plant diversity? A theoretical outline from the wettest and driest parts of the tropical Andes . Advances in Geosciences 22, 95-105.
Kuptz, D.; Grams, T. & Günter, S. (2010): Light acclimation of four native tree species in felling gaps within a tropical mountain rain forest. Trees - Structure and Function 24(1), 117-127.
Preussig, M.; Nebel, M.; Oberwinkler, F. & Weiß, M. (2009): Diverging diversity patterns in the Tulasnella (Basidiomycota, Tulasnellales) mycobionts of Aneura pinguis (Marchantiophyta, Metzgeriales) from Europe and Ecuador. Mycorrhiza -, xx-xx.
Potthast, K.; Hamer, U. & Makeschin, F. (2009): Impact of litter quality on mineralization processes in managed and abandoned pasture soils in Southern Ecuador. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42(1), 56-64.
Strutzenberger, P.; Brehm, G.; Bodner, F.; Zimmermann, R.; Wiemers, M. & Fiedler, K. (2009): DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Eois moths (Geometridae) from southern Ecuador. Spixiana 32, 131.
Bodner, F.; Brehm, G.; Homeier, J.; Strutzenberger, P. & Fiedler, K. (2009): Caterpillars and host plant records for 59 species of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from a montane rainforest in southern Ecuador. Journal of Insect Science 10, E-Journal, no pages.
Kiss, K. & Bräuning, A. 2008: The Mountain Rainforest. The discovering of the diversity of an ecosystem in southern Ecuador. A project of the German Reserach Foundation. Research Unit FOR 402. (DFG, TMF and Nature and Culture International, Loja - Ecuador).
Bräuning, A. (2009): Climate variability of the tropical Andes since the late Pleistocene. Advances in Geosciences 22, 13-25.
Bendix, J.; Silva, B.; Roos, K.; Göttlicher, D.; Rollenbeck, R.; Nauss, T. & Beck, E. (2009): Model parameterization to simulate and compare the PAR absorption potential of two competing plant species. International Journal of Biometeorology OnlineFirs, xx-xx.
Pohle, P.; Gerique, A.; Park, M. & Lopez Sandoval, M.F. (2009): Human ecological dimensions in sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical mountain forests under global change in southern Ecuador. In: Tscharntke, T., Leuschner, C., Veldkamp, E., Faust, H., Guhardja, E., Bidin, A. (eds.): Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change ( ), Springer, Berlin.
Wullaert, H.; Pohlert, T.; Boy, J.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2009): Spatial throughfall heterogeneity in a montane rain forest in Ecuador: Extent, temporal stability and drivers. Journal of Hydrology 377, 71-79.
Zach, A.; Horna, V.; Leuschner, C. & Zimmermann, R. (2010): Patterns of wood carbon dioxide efflux across a 2,000-m elevation transect in an Andean moist forest. Oecologia 162(1), 127-137.
Niemann, H. & Behling, H. (2010): Late Holocene environmental change and human impact inferred from three soil monoliths and the Laguna Zurita multi-proxi record in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19(1), 1-15.
Homeier, J.; Breckle, S.W.; Günter, S.; Rollenbeck, R. & Leuschner, C. (2009): Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal and topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian montane rainforest. Biotropica 42(2), 140-148.
Restrepo, C.; Walker, L.; Shiels, A.; Bussmann , R.W.; Claessens, L.; Fisch, S.; Lozano, P.; Negi, G.; Paolini, L.; Poveda, G.; Ramos-Scharrón, C.; Richter, M. & Velázquez, E. (2009): Landsliding and Its Multiscale Influence on Mountainscapes. Bioscience 59, 685-698.
Hillmann, B. & Barkmann, J. (2009): Conservation: a small price for long-term economic well-being. Nature 461, 37.
Hamer, U.; Potthast, K. & Makeschin, F. (2009): Urea fertilisation affected soil organic matter dynamics and microbial community structure in pasture soils of Southern Ecuador. Applied Soil Ecology 43, 226-233.
Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2009): Late Quaternary vegetation, fire and climate history reconstructed from two cores at Cerro Toledo, Podocarpus National Park, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Quaternary Research 72, 388-399.
Peters, T. (2009): Struktur und ökologische Merkmale der oberen Waldgrenze in der Andinen Depression Institut für Geographie, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, phd thesis
Samaniego Rojas, N. (2009): Variabilidad Espacial y Temporal de la Producción de Sedimentos en Suspensión en la Cuenca del Río ?San Francisco?, Zamora Chinchipe Universidad Nacional de Loja, diploma thesis
Stimm, B.; Beck, E.; Günter, S.; Aguirre, N.; Cueva, E.; Mosandl, R. & Weber, M. (2008): Reforestation of Abandoned Pastures: Seed Ecology of Native Species and Production of Indigenous Plant Material. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 433-446.
Makeschin, F.; Haubrich, F.; Abiy, M.; Burneo Valdivieso, J.I. & Klinger, T. (2008): Pasture Management and Natural Soil Regeneration. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 413-424.
Bogner, C.; Engelhardt, S.; Zeilinger, J. & Huwe, B. (2008): Visualization and Analysis of Flow Patterns and Water Flow Simulations in Disturbed and Undisturbed Tropical Soils. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 403-412.
Rollenbeck, R.; Fabian, P. & Bendix, J. (2008): Temporal Heterogeneities - Matter Deposition from Remote Areas. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 303-310.
Soethe, N.; Wilcke, W.; Homeier, J.; Lehmann, J. & Engels, C. (2008): Plant Growth Along the Altitudinal Gradient - Role of Plant Nutritional Status, Fine Root Activity, and Soil Properties. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 259-266.
Küppers, M.; Motzer, T.; Schmitt, D.; Ohlemacher, C.; Zimmermann, R.; Horna, V.; Kueppers, B. & Mette, T. (2008): Stand Structure, Transpiration Responses in Trees and Vines and Stand Transpiration of Different Forest Types Within the Mountain Rainforest. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 243-258.
Iost, S.; Makeschin, F.; Abiy, M. & Haubrich, F. (2008): Biotic Soil Activities. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 217-228.
Maraun, M.; Illig, J.; Dorothee, S.; Krashevska, V.; Norton, R.A. & Scheu, S. (2008): Soil Fauna. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 181-192.
Matt, F.; Almeida, K.; Arguero, A. & Reudenbach, C. (2008): Seed Dispersal by Birds, Bats and Wind. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 157-166.
Paulsch, D. & Müller-Hohenstein, K. (2008): Bird Species Distribution Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Southern Ecuador and its Functional Relationships with Vegetation Structure. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 149-156.
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