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Paulick, S.; Dislich, C.; Homeier, J.; Fischer, R. & Huth, A. (2017): The carbon fluxes in different successional stages: modelling the dynamics of tropical montane forests in South Ecuador. Forest Ecosystems 4, 5.
Silva, B.; Alava Núñez, P.; Strobl, S.; Beck, E. & Bendix, J. (2017): Area-wide evapotranspiration monitoring at the crown level of a tropical mountain rain forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 194, 219–229.
Silva, B.; Álava-Núñez, P.; Strobl, S.; Beck, E. & Bendix, J. (2017): Area-wide evapotranspirationmonitoring at the crown level of a tropical mountain rain forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 194( ), 219-229.
Homeier, J.; Báez, S.; Hertel, D. & Leuschner, C. (2017): Editorial: Tropical forest ecosystem responses to increasing nutrient availability. Frontiers in Earth Science 5, 27.
Wallis, C.; Brehm, G.; Donoso, D.A.; Fiedler, K.; Homeier, J.; Paulsch, D.; Suessenbach, D.; Tiede, Y.; Brandl, R.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2017): Remote sensing improves prediction of tropical montane species diversity but performance differs among taxa. Ecological Indicators 1(1), 1-10.
Timbe, E.; Feyen, J.; Windhorst, D.; Breuer, L.; Crespo, P.; Celleri, R. & Frede, H. (2017): Multicriteria assessment of water dynamics reveals subcatchment variability in a seemingly homogeneous tropical cloud forest catchment. Hydrological Processes 31(7), 1456-1468.
Butz, P.; Raffelsbauer, V.; Graefe, S.; Peters, T.; Cueva, E.; Hölscher, D. & Bräuning, A. (2016): Tree responses to moisture fluctuations in a neotropical dry forest as potential climate change indicators. Ecological Indicators 1(1), 1-13.
Tiede, Y.; Schlautmann, J.; Donoso, D.A.; Wallis, C.; Bendix, J.; Brandl, R. & Farwig, N. (2017): Ants as indicators of environmental change and ecosystem processes. Ecological indicators 1(1), 1-6.
Farwig, N.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2017): Introduction to the Special Issue “Functional monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems”. Ecological indicators 1(1), 1-3.
Paul, C.; Weber, M. & Knoke, T. (2017): Agroforestry versus farm mosaic systems – Comparing land-use efficiency, economic returns and risks under climate change effects. Science of The Total Environment online , online.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Forest value: More than commercial. Science 354(6319), 1541-1541.
Strobl, S.; Cueva, E.; Silva, B.; Knüsting, J.; Schorsch, M.; Scheibe, R.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2016): Water relations and photosynthetic water use efficiency as indicators of slow climate change effects on trees in a tropical mountain forest in South Ecuador. Ecological Indicators xxx, xxx-xxx.
Tapia Armijos, M.F.; Homeier, J. & Draper Munt, D. (2016): Spatio-temporal analysis of the human footprint in South Ecuador: Influence of human pressure on ecosystems and effectiveness of protected areas. Applied Geography 78, 22-32.
Rehmus, A.; Bigalke, M.; Boy, J.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2016): Aluminum cycling in a tropical montane forest ecosystem in southern Ecuador. Geoderma 288, 196-203.
Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2016): Environmental Change And Its Impacts In A Biodiversity Hotspot Of The South Ecuadorian Andes–Monitoring And Mitigation Strategies. Erdkunde 70(1), 1-4.
Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2016): A New Class of Quality Controls for Micrometeorological Data in Complex Tropical Environments. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33(1), 169-183.
Gonzalez, V.; Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Paladines, J.; Oñate-Valivieso, F. & Bendix, J. (2016): Assessment of deforestation during the last decades in Ecuador using NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. Erdkunde 70(No. 3), 217-235.
Makowski Giannoni, S.; Trachte, K.; Rollenbeck, R.; Lehnert, L.; Fuchs, J. & Bendix, J. (2016): Atmospheric salt deposition in a tropical mountain rainforest at the eastern Andean slopes of south Ecuador – Pacific or Atlantic origin?. Atmospheric chemistry and physics 16, 10241-10261.
Correa, A.; Windhorst, D.; Crespo, P.; Celleri, R.; Feyen, J. & Breuer, L. (2016): Continuous versus event based sampling: How many samples are required for deriving general hydrological understanding on Ecuador's páramo region?. Hydrological Processes 30(22), 4059-4073.
Mosquera, G.; Celleri, R.; Lazo, P.; Vaché, K.; Perakis, S. & Crespo, P. (2016): Combined use of isotopic and hydrometric data to conceptualize ecohydrological processes in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrological Processes xxx, xxx.
Mosquera, G.; Segura, C.; Vaché, K.; Windhorst, D.; Breuer, L. & Crespo, P. (2016): Insights into the water mean transit time in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 20(7), 2987-3004.
Iniguez, C.; Rausche, S.; Cueva, A.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.; Espinosa, C. & Breuer, L. (2016): Shifts in leaf litter breakdown along a forest–pasture–urban gradient in Andean streams. Ecology and Evolution 6(14), 4849-4865.
Ochoa Moreno, S.; Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Warum Kleinbauern in Ecuador die Landnutzung diversifizieren. Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge 71(13), 31-34.
Schlaeppi, K.; Bender, S.F.; Mascher, F.; Russo, G.; Patrignani, A.; Camenzind, T.; Hempel, S.; Rillig, M.C. & van der Heijden, M.G. (2016): High-resolution community profiling of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist xx, xx.
Crowther, T. & et, a. (2015): Mapping tree density at a global scale. Nature 525(7568), 201-205.
Slik, F. & et, a. (2015): An estimate of the number of tropical tree species. PNAS 112(24), 7472-7477.
Silva, B.; Strobl, S.; Beck, E. & Bendix, J. (2016): Canopy evapotranspiration, leaf transpiration and water use efficiency of an Andean pasture in SE-Ecuador – a case study. Erdkunde 70(1), 5-18.
Adams, M. & Fiedler, K. (2016): Low Herbivory among Targeted Reforestation Sites in the Andean Highlands of Southern Ecuador.. PLoS ONE 11(3), e0151277.
Adams, M. & Fiedler, K. (2015): The value of targeted reforestations for local insect diversity: a case study from the Ecuadorian Andes.. Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 2709-2734.
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Munoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J. & Silva, B. (2016): Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest. Erdkunde 70(1), 19-47.
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