In 201 3, the “Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador”
(www.TropicalMountainForest.org) was launched as a
knowledge transfer program in the biodiversity
hotspot of the southern Ecuadorian Andes, jointly
funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
and Ecuadorian non-university partners. One of the
overall aims of the transdisciplinary program is to
design science-directed recommendations for an
ecologically sustainable, economically profitable and
socially compatible use of the mainly rural land. The
second major goal of the program is the development
of functional indicators that are crucial for the
monitoring of impacts of environmental change on the
ecosystem and its functions. They encompass
abiotic, abiotic-biotic and biotic-biotic interrelations,
and are sensitive - though to different extent - to
subtle changes in the environment. Therefore, it is not
only the interaction per se, which has to be examined.
In addition to that the quantification of the response to
certain environmental stressors is needed.
Representing the fundament of ecosystem functioning,
biodiversity as such or certain functional taxa can
be monitored for an assessment of the ecosystem’s
state. Important further criteria for the selection of an
indicator are general applicability, easiness of
handling and stability against pitfalls.
This book “Landscape Restoration, Sustainable
Use and Cross-scale Monitoring of Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Functions: A Science-directed
Approach for South Ecuador” presents in its first
part a compilation of sustainable land use concepts
that have been proven for application in the Provinces
Loja and Zamora Chinchipe and beyond, given
comparable environmental conditions. The second
part describes functional indicators as well as their
development, monitoring and application.
Both parts start with introductory chapters on the
major aims of the respective transdisciplinary
program, followed by contributions showing how land
use concepts can be used to achieve sustainable
management and ecosystem services, as well as how
functional indicators can be used to assess and
monitor the stability of biodiversity and ecosystem
It should be stressed that this book has not the aim to
present only a scientific summary of the developed
systems. Instead, it targets on stakeholders as our
non-university partners and beyond which are in
charge of environmental planning and ecosystem
function surveillance in Ecuador. In the manner of a
technical handbook, it gives a comprehensible introduction
to the land use option or the indicator,
followed by hints how to apply, implement and assess
the developed systems. The book is and was
complementing our three pillars of capacity building
which also includes stakeholder workshops on the
developed land use options and indicators, and
demonstration plots in the field.
With this book the authors highly acknowledge the
generous funding of the research by the German
Science Foundation (DFG) and the logistic,
administrative and practical support by the foundation
Naturaleza y Cultura Internacional (Loja and Del
Mar). Such research requires also fruitful
collaboration with local academic institutions, the
Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, the
Universidad Nacional de Loja, the Universidad de
Cuenca, the Universidad de Azuay, and the local
weather service INAMHI. These partnerships were a
great experience in capacity building on both sides,
as evidenced by a number of academic degrees
obtained and by numerous joint publications. The
authors are also grateful for the support of our nonuniversity
research partners beyond NCI, namely
ETAPA EP (Empresa Pública Municipal de
Telecomunicaciones, Agua potable, lcantarillado y
Saneamiento de Cuenca- Ecuador), the Gobierno
Municipal de Zamora and the regional water fund
FORAGUA (Fondo Regional del Agua). Further,
sincere thanks are owed to the Ecuadorian Ministry of
the Environment (MAE) for permission to conduct
research in South Ecuador.
The Editors