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Barczyk, M.; Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Espinosa, C.I.; Homeier, J.; Tinoco, B.A.; Velescu, A.; Wilcke, W.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E.L. (2024): Environmental conditions differently shape leaf, seed and seedling trait composition between and within elevations of tropical montane forests. Oikos e10421, 0-10.
Barczyk, M.; Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Espinosa, C.I.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E.L. (2024): Seedling recruitment of small-seeded and large-seeded species in forests and pastures in southern Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 75, 44-52.
Freis, M. (2019): Der Einfluss von Stickstoff- und/oder Phosphatdüngung auf Blatteigenschaften und Herbivorie an holzigen Jungpflanzen in tropischen Bergwäldern Südecuadors University of Goettingen, bachelor thesis
Cárate Tandalla, D.; Camenzind, T.; Leuschner, C. & Homeier, J. (2018): Contrasting species responses to continued nitrogen and phosphorus addition in tropical montane forest tree seedlings. Biotropica 50(2), 234-245.
Palomeque, X.; Maza, A.; Iñanagua, J.P.; Günter, S.; Hildebrandt, P.; Weber, M. & Stimm, B. (2017): Intraspecific Variability in Seed Quality of Native Tree Species in Mountain Forests in Southern Ecuador: Implications for Forest Restoration. Revista de Ciencias Ambientales (Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences) 51(2), 52-72.
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