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Found 60 publication(s) - of type article

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Martins, L.P.; Stouffer, D.B.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Quitian, M.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Santillan, V.; Schleuning, M.; Many, M. & Tylianakis, J.M. (2024): Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits. Science 386, 331–336.
Martins, L.P.; Stouffer, D.B.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Schleuning, M.; Many, M. & Tylianakis, J.M. (2022): Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions. Nature Communications 13, 6943.
Marjakangas, E.; Munoz, G.; Turney, S.; Albrecht, J.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Schleuning, M. & Lessard, J. (2021): Trait-based inference of ecological network assembly: A conceptual framework and methodological toolbox. Ecological Monographs 92:e1502, 1-20.
Barczyk, M.; Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Espinosa, C.I.; Homeier, J.; Tinoco, B.A.; Velescu, A.; Wilcke, W.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E.L. (2024): Environmental conditions differently shape leaf, seed and seedling trait composition between and within elevations of tropical montane forests. Oikos e10421, 0-10.
Barczyk, M.; Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Espinosa, C.I.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E.L. (2024): Seedling recruitment of small-seeded and large-seeded species in forests and pastures in southern Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 75, 44-52.
Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Barczyk, M.; Espinosa, C.I.; Tinoco, B.A.; Neuschulz, E.L. & Schleuning, M. (2024): Systematic reduction in seed rain of large-seeded and endozoochorous species in pastures compared to forests along a tropical elevational gradient. Applied Vegetation Science 27, e12780.
Barczyk, M.; Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Espinosa, C.I.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E.L. (2023): Biotic pressures and environmental heterogeneity shape beta- diversity of seedling communities in tropical montane forests. Ecography e06538, 1-11.
Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Barczyk, M.; Espinosa, C.I.; Farwig, N.; Homeier, J.; Tiede, Y.; Velescu, A.; Tinoco, B.A.; Wilcke, W.; Neuschulz, E.L. & Schleuning, M. (2023): Abiotic factors similarly shape the distribution of fruit, seed and leaf traits in tropical fleshy-fruited tree communities. Acta Oecologica 121, 103953.
Acosta Rojas, D.C.; Barczyk, M.; Espinosa, C.I.; Tinoco, B.A.; Neuschulz, E.L. & Schleuning, M. (2023): Climate and microhabitat shape the prevalence of endozoochory in the seed rain of tropical montane forests. Biotropica 55, 408-417.
Wallis, C.; Tiede, Y.; Beck, E.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Donoso, D.A.; Espinosa, C.; Fries, A.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Maraun, M.; Mikolajewski, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Scheu, S.; Schleuning, M.; Suárez, J.P.; Tinoco, B.A.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11(1), 24530.
Vollstaedt, M.; Albrecht, J.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Hemp, C.; Howell, K.; Kettering, L.; Neu, A.; Neuschulz, E.; Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Töpfer, T.; Schleuning, M. & Fritz, S. (2020): Direct and plant-mediated effects of climate on bird diversity in tropical mountains. Ecology and Evolution 10(24), 14196-14208.
Dehling, D.; Bender, I.M.; Blendinger, P.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Munoz, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Quitian, M.; Saavedra, F.; Santillan, V.; Schleuning, M. & stouffer, D. (2021): Specialists and generalists fulfil important and complementary functional roles in ecological processes. Functional Ecology 35(8), 1810-1821.
Bendix, J.; Aguirre, N.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Brandl, R.; Breuer, L.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Dantas De Paula, M.; Hickler, T.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Neuschulz, E.; Schleuning, M.; Suarez, J.P.; Trachte, K.; Wilcke, W. & Farwig, N. (2021): A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystems. Oecologia 2021, 1-13.
Dehling, D.; peralta, G.; Bender, I.M.; Blendinger, P.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Munoz, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Quitian, M.; Saavedra, F.; Santillan, V.; Schleuning, M. & stouffer, D. (2020): Similar composition of functional roles in Andean seed‐dispersal networks, despite high species and interaction turnover. Ecology 101(7), e03028.
Donoso, I.; Sorensen, M.; Blendinger, P.; Kissling, W.; Neuschulz, E.; Mueller, T. & Schleuning, M. (2020): Downsizing of animal communities triggers stronger functional than structural decay in seed-dispersal networks. Nature Communications 11, 1582.
Sorensen, M.C.; Donoso, I.; Neuschulz, E.; Schleuning, M. & Mueller, T. (2020): Community-wide seed dispersal distances peak at low levels of specialisation in size-structured networks. Oikos 129(11), 1727-1738.
Dugger, P.; Blendinger, P.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Chama, L.; Correia, M.; Dehling, D.; Emer, C.; Farwig, N.; Fricke, E.; Galetti, M.; Garcia, D.; Grass, I.; Heleno, R.; Jacomassa, F.; Morales, S.; Moran, C.; Munoz, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Nowak, L.; Piratelli, A.; Pizo, M.; Quitian, M.; Rogers, H.; Ruggera, R.; Saveedra, F.; Sanchez, M.; Sanchez, R.; Santillan, V.; schabo, D.; Ribeiro da Silva, F.; Timoteo, S.; Traveset, A.; Vollstaedt, M. & Schleuning, M. (2019): Seed‐dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(2), 248-261.
Santillan, V.; Quitian, M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Zarate, E.; Schleuning, M.; Boehning-Gaese, K. & Neuschulz, E. (2019): Direct and indirect effects of elevation, climate and vegetation structure on bird communities on a tropical mountain. Acta Oecologica 102, 103500.
Schleuning, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Albrecht, J.; Bender, I.M.; Bowler, D.; Dehling, D.; Fritz, S.; Hof, C.; Mueller, T.; Nowak, L.; Sorensen, M.; Boehning-Gaese, K. & Kissling, W. (2020): Trait-Based Assessments of Climate-Change Impacts on Interacting Species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution xxx-xxx, xxx-xxx.
Santillan, V.; Quitian, M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Zarate, E.; Schleuning, M.; Boehning-Gaese, K. & Neuschulz, E. (2018): Different responses of taxonomic and functional bird diversity to forest fragmentation across an elevational gradient. Oecologia x, x-x.
Santillan, V.; Quitian, M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Zarate, E.; Schleuning, M.; Boehning-Gaese, K. & Neuschulz, E. (2018): Temperature and precipitation, but not resource availability drive spatio-temporal variation in bird assemblages along a tropical elevational gradient. PlosOne x, x-x.
Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Espinosa, C.I.; Homeier, J.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E. (2018): Direct and indirect effects of plant and frugivore diversity on structural and functional components of fruit removal. Oecologia x, x-x.
Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Bender, I.M.; Espinosa, C.I.; Homeier, J.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E. (2018): Functional responses of avian frugivores to variation of fruit resources in natural and fragmented forests. Functional Ecology x, x-x.
Hanz, D.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Ferger, S.; Fritz, S.; Neuschulz, E.; Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Töpfer, T. & Schleuning, M. (2018): Functional and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages are filtered by different environmental drivers. Journal of Biogepgraphy x, x-x.
Bender, I.M.; Kissling, W.; Blendinger, P.; Hensen, I.; Kühn, I.; Munoz, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Nowak, L.; Quitian, M.; Saavedra, F.; Santillan, V.; Töpfer, T.; Wiegand, T.; Dehling, D. & Schleuning, M. (2018): Morphological trait matching shapes plant-frugivore networks across the Andes. Ecography 41(11), 1910-1919.
Quitian, M.; Santillan, V.; Espinosa, C.I.; Homeier, J.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Schleuning, M. & Neuschulz, E. (2017): Elevation-dependent effects of forest fragmentation on plant–bird interaction networks in the tropical Andes. Ecography 40, 1-10.
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