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Se encontró/encontraron 4 Publicaciones(s).

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Gibmeier, T. (2019): Insect herbivore biomass and community composition along a tropical succesional gradient Philipps-Universität Marburg, master thesis
Palomeque, X.; Günter, S.; Siddons, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Aguirre, N.; Arias, R. & Weber, M. (2017): Natural or assisted succession as approach of forest recovery on abandoned lands with different land use history in the Andes of Southern Ecuador. New Forests 1(1), 1-10.
Paulick, S.; Dislich, C.; Homeier, J.; Fischer, R. & Huth, A. (2017): The carbon fluxes in different successional stages: modelling the dynamics of tropical montane forests in South Ecuador. Forest Ecosystems 4, 5.
Werner, F.A.; Homeier, J.; Oesker, M. & Boy, J. (2011): Epiphytic biomass of a tropical montane forest varies with topography. Journal of Tropical Ecology 28, 23-31.
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