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Es wurden 3 Publikationen gefunden

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Quichimbo Miguitama, P.G.; Jiménez, L.; Veintimilla, D.; Tischer, A.; Günter, S.; Mosandl, R. & Hamer, U. (2017): Forest Site Classification in the Southern Andean Region of Ecuador: A Case Study of Pine Plantations to Collect a Base of Soil Attributes. Forests 473(8), 1-22.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Forest value: More than commercial. Science 354(6319), 1541-1541.
Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Suarez, J.P. (2013): Reforestation sites show similar and nested AMF communities to an adjacent pristine forest in a tropical mountain area of South Ecuador . PLOS ONE 8, e63524.
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