Found 29 publication(s)
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Guio Blanco, C.M.; Brito Gómez, V.M.; Crespo, P. & Ließ, M. (2018): Spatial prediction of soil water retention in a Páramo landscape: Methodological insight into machine learning using random forest. Geoderma 316, 100-114.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.12.002
Soils of Páramo ecosystems regulate the water supply to many Andean populations. In spite of being a necessary input to distributed hydrological models, regionalized soil water retention data from these areas are currently not available. The investigated catchment of the Quinuas River has a size of about 90 km2 and comprises parts of the Cajas National Park in southern Ecuador. It is dominated by soils with high organic carbon contents, which display characteristics of volcanic influence. Besides providing spatial predictions of soil water retention at the catchment scale, the study presents a detailed methodological insight to model setup and validation of the underlying machine learning approach with random forest. The developed models performed well predicting volumetric water contents between 0.55 and 0.9 cm3 cm? 3. Among the predictors derived from a digital elevation model and a Landsat image, altitude and several vegetation indices provided the most information content. The regionalized maps show particularly low water retention values in the lower Quinuas valley, which go along with high prediction uncertainties. Due to the small size of the dataset, mineral soils could not be separated from organic soils, leading to a high prediction uncertainty in the lower part of the valley, where the soils are influenced by anthropogenic land use.
Keywords: |
Páramo |
random forest |
water retention |
validation |
parameter tuning |
Oñate-Valdivieso, F.; Fries, A.; Mendoza, K.; Gonzales-Jaramillo, V.; Pucha Cofrep, F.; Rollenbeck, R. & Bendix, J. (2017): Temporal and spatial analysis of precipitation patterns in an Andean region of southern Ecuador using LAWR weather radar. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 129(295), 1-12.
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DOI: 10.1007/s00703-017-0535-8
This paper focuses on the analysis of precipitation patterns, using a Local Area Weather Radar to collect information about the precipitation distribution in an Andean region of southern Ecuador (cities of Loja, Zamora and Catamayo). 54 representative events were selected to develop daily precipitation maps and to obtain their relevant characteristics, which were related to the topography and the season. The results showed that a strong correlation between the areas covered by precipitation (RA coefficient) and the season exists. In general, humid air masses come from the east (Amazon Basin), but during the main rainy season (December to April), humidity also frequently enters the study region from the west (Pacific Ocean). The rainy season is characterized by convective precipitation, associated with higher evaporation rates during austral summer. The relatively dry season is formed between May and November, but considerable precipitation amounts are registered, too, due to advective moisture transport from the Amazon Basin, a result of the predominant tropical easterlies carrying the humidity up the eastern escarpment of the Andes, generally following the natural course of the drainage systems.
Keywords: |
Ecuador |
precipitation |
radar |
Bendix, J.; Fries, A.; Zárate, J.; Trachte, K.; Rollenbeck, R.; Pucha Cofrep, F.; Paladines, R.; Palacios, I.; Orellana Alvear, J.; Oñate-Valdivieso, F.; Naranjo, C.; Mendoza, L.; Mejia, D.; Guallpa, M.; Gordillo, F.; Gonzales-Jaramillo, V.; Dobbermann, M.; Celleri, R.; Carrillo, C.; Araque, A. & Achilles, S. (2017): Radarnet Sur – first weather radar network in tropical high mountains. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98(6), 1235-1254.
Ließ, M.; Schmidt, J. & Glaser, B. (2016): Improving the spatial prediction of soil organic carbon stocks in a complex tropical mountain landscape by methodological specifications in machine learning approaches. PLOS ONE 11(4), 1-22.
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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153673
Tropical forests are significant carbon sinks and their soils’ carbon storage potential is immense. However, little is known about the soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks of Tropical mountain areas whose complex soil-landscape and difficult accessibility pose a challenge to spatial analysis. The choice of methodology for spatial prediction is of high importance to improve the expected poor model results in case of low predictor-response correlations. Four aspects were considered to improve model performance in predicting SOC stocks of the organic layer of a tropical mountain forest landscape: Different spatial predictor settings, predictor selection strategies, various machine learning algorithms and model tuning. Five machine learning algorithms: random forests, artificial neural networks,
multivariate adaptive regression splines, boosted regression trees and support
vector machines were trained and tuned to predict SOC stocks from predictors derived
from a digital elevation model and satellite image. Topographical predictors were calculated with a GIS search radius of 45 to 615 m. Finally, three predictor selection strategies were applied to the total set of 236 predictors. All machine learning algorithms—including the model tuning and predictor selection—were compared via five repetitions of a tenfold cross-validation. The boosted regression tree algorithm resulted in the overall best model. SOC stocks ranged between 0.2 to 17.7 kg m-2, displaying a huge variability with diffuse insolation and curvatures of different scale guiding the spatial pattern. Predictor selection and model tuning improved the models’ predictive performance in all five machine learning algorithms. The rather low number of selected predictors favours Forward compared to backward selection procedures. Choosing predictors due to their indiviual performance was vanquished by the two procedures which accounted for predictor interaction.
Keywords: |
soil organic carbon |
digital soil mapping |
Ließ, M. (2015): Sampling for regression-based digital soil mapping: Closing the gap between statistical desires and operational applicability. Spatial Statistics 13, 106-122.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2015.06.002
With respect to sampling for regression-based digital soil mapping
(DSM), the above all aim is to ensure that the spatial variability
of the soil is well-captured without introducing any bias, while
the design remains feasible according to operational constraints
such as accessibility, man power and cost. Representativeness of
the sample concerning the population to be sampled needs to be
guaranteed in any regression-based modelling approach. Four selected
sampling designs were adapted to show that basically any
design may be optimised to represent the n-dimensional predictor
space of a particular area, while selecting points is only permitted
from a small accessible sub-area or from outside the area. Sampling
efficiency may be evaluated based on the representation of
the predictor space. However, not only each predictor’s probability
function but also the interaction between predictors may have to
be considered, to select a representative sample. Instead of sampling
a previously un-sampled area with limited accessibility, the
four sampling designs may also be used to subsample an existing
dataset and, thereby, optimise a suboptimal dataset based on the
predictor space of the area which shall be mapped by DSM.
Keywords: |
sampling design |
digital soil mapping |
regression |
Hitziger, M. & Ließ, M. (2014): Comparison of Three Supervised Learning Methods for Digital Soil Mapping: Application to a Complex Terrain in the Ecuadorian Andes. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2014, 10 pages.
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DOI: 10.1155/2014/809495
A digital soil mapping approach is applied to a complex, mountainous terrain in the Ecuadorian Andes. Relief features are derived from a digital elevation model and used as predictors for topsoil texture classes sand, silt, and clay. The performance of three statistical learning methods is compared: linear regression, random forest, and stochastic gradient boosting of regression trees. In linear regression, a stepwise backward variable selection procedure is applied and overfitting is controlled by minimizing Mallow’s Cp. For random forest and boosting, the effect of predictor selection and tuning procedures is assessed. 100-fold repetitions of a 5-fold cross-validation of the selected modelling procedures are employed for validation, uncertainty assessment, and method
comparison. Absolute assessment of model performance is achieved by comparing the prediction error of the selected method and the mean. Boosting performs best, providing predictions that are reliably better than the mean. The median reduction of the root mean square error is around 5%. Elevation is the most important predictor. All models clearly distinguish ridges and slopes.
The predicted texture patterns are interpreted as result of catena sequences (eluviation of fine particles on slope shoulders) and landslides (mixing up mineral soil horizons on slopes).
Keywords: |
soil texture |
digital soil map |
Ließ, M.; Hitziger, M. & Huwe, B. (2014): The Sloping Mire Soil-Landscape of Southern Ecuador: Influence of Predictor Resolution and Model Tuning on Random Forest Predictions. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2014(603132), 10 pages.
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DOI: 10.1155/2014/603132
The sloping mire landscape of the investigation area, in the southern Andes of Ecuador, is dominated by stagnic soils with thick organic layers. The recursive partitioning algorithm Random Forest was used to predict the spatial water stagnation pattern and the thickness of the organic layer from terrain attributes. Terrain smoothing from 10 to 30m raster resolution was applied in order to obtain the best possible model. For the same purpose, several model tuning parameters were tested and a prepredictor selection with the R-package Boruta was applied. Model versions were evaluated and compared by 100 repetitions of the calculation of the residual mean square error of a five-fold cross-validation. Position specific density functions of the predicted soil parameters were then used to display prediction uncertainty. Prepredictor selection and tuning of the Random Forest algorithm in some cases resulted in an improved model performance.We therefore recommend testing prepredictor selection and tuning to make sure that
the best possible model is chosen.This needs particular emphasis in complex tropical mountain soil-landscapes which provide a real challenge to any soil mapping approach but where Random Forest has proven to be successful due to the testing of model tuning and prepredictor selection.
Keywords: |
regionalization |
digital soil map |
organic layer |
stagnic properties |
Ließ, M.; Glaser, B. & Huwe, B. (2012): Making use of the World Reference Base diagnostic horizons for the systematic description of the soil continuum - Application to the tropical mountain soil-landscape of southern Ecuador. CATENA 97, 20 -30.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2012.05.002
The World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) (FAO, IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007) at present does not acknowledge the spatial soil continuum, but provides a sound basis to do so. Using methods from statistical learning theory to develop digital soil maps is much more efficient and precise while regionalising soil diagnostic properties instead of complex entities such as the soil units assigned by the WRB. Particularly in
providing spatial soil information displayed in digital soil maps, any aggregation of this spatial soil information to soil units means a loss of information.
The soil landscape can be systematically described in its spatial continuum simply by the vertical order and extent of the WRB diagnostic horizons. The diagnostic horizons are related in their thickness to a standard depth and listed from top to bottom in order of appearance.
Typical diagnostic horizon thickness and occurrence probability were predicted from terrain parameters by classification and regression trees (CART), throughout the research area in southern Ecuador. The two disadvantages of CART, abrupt prediction class boundaries and dependence on the dataset, were addressed by hundredfold model runs on different data subsets, leading to a range of possible predictions. Prediction uncertainty was included in the digital soil maps by calculating these predictions' means and standard deviations as well as by horizon occurrence probability prediction. Model performance was evaluated by means of hundredfold external cross validation.
Terrain parameters were found to have a strong influence on diagnostic topsoil properties. However, no influence on the vertical profile differentiation was observed. Hence predicting horizon thickness and subsoil diagnostic properties was difficult. The systematic description of the soil continuum of this particular soillandscape resulted in histic and stagnic soil parts dominating the first 100 cm of the soil column for most of the area.
Ließ, M.; Glaser, B. & Huwe, B. (2012): Uncertainty in the spatial prediction of soil texture - Comparison of regression tree and Random Forest models. Geoderma 170, 70-79.
Ließ, M.; Glaser, B. & Huwe, B. (2011): Functional soil-landscape modelling to estimate slope stability in a steep Andean mountain forest region . Geomorphology 132, 287-299.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.05.015
Landslides are a common phenomenon within the Ecuadorian Andes and have an impact on soil-landscape formation. Landslide susceptibility was determined in a steep mountain forest region in Southern Ecuador. Soil mechanical and hydrological properties in addition to terrain steepness were hypothesised to be the major factors in causing soil slides. Hence, the factor of safety (FS) was calculated as the soil shear ratio that is necessary to maintain the critical state equilibrium on a potential sliding surface. Regression tree (RT) and Random Forest (RF) models were compared in their predictive force to regionalise the depth of the failure plane and soil bulk density based on terrain parameters. The depth of the failure plane was assumed at the lower boundary of the stagnic soil layer or soil depth respectively, depending on soils being stagnic or nonstagnic. FS was determined in dependence of soil wetness referring to 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 3 mm h−1 net rainfall rates. Sites with FS≥1 at 3 mm h−1 (complete saturation) were classified as unconditionally stable; sites with FSb1 at 0.001 mm h−1 as unconditionally unstable. Bulk density and the depth of the failure plane were regionalised with RF which performed better than RT. Terrain parameters explained the spatial distribution of soil bulk density and the depth of the failure plane only to a relatively small extent which is reasonable due to frequent translocation of soil material by landslides.
Nevertheless, their prediction uncertainty still allowed for a reasonable prediction of nconditionally unstable sites.
Ließ, M.; Glaser, B. & Huwe, B. (2009): Digital Soil Mappingin Southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 63, 309-319.
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Soil landscape modelling is based on understanding the spatial distribution patterns of soil characteristics. A model relating the soil?s properties to its position within the landscape is used to predict soil properties in other similar landscape positions. To develop soil landscape models, the interaction of geographic information technology, advanced statistics and soil science is needed. The focus of this work is to predict the distribution of the different soil types in a tropical mountain forest area in southern Ecuador from relief and hydrological parameters using a classification tree model (CART) for soil regionalisation. Soils were sampled along transects from ridges towards side valley creeks using a sampling design with 24 relief units. Major soil types of the research area are Histosols associated with Stagnosols, Cambisols and Regosols. Umbrisols and Leptosols are present to a lesser degree. Stagnosols gain importance with increasing altitude and with decreasing slope angle. Umbrisols are to be found only on slopes <30°. Cambisols occurrence might be related to landslides.The CART model was established by a data set of 315 auger sampling points. Bedrock and relief curvature had no influence on model development. Applying the CART model to the research area Histosols and Stagnosols were identified as dominant soil types. Model prediction left out Cambisols and overestimated Umbrisols, but showed a realistic prediction
for Histosols, Stagnosols and Leptosols.
Keywords: |
Ecuador |
tropical montane forest |
soil-landscape modeling |
Engelhardt, S.; Huwe, B. & Matyssek, R. (2009): Complexity and information propagation in hydrological time series of mountain forest catchments. European Journal of Forest Research 128(6), 621-631.
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DOI: 10.1007/s10342-009-0306-2
Ref.: Ms. No. EJFOR-D-08-00181R1
accepted on 16-06-2009
Ecosystem analysis is typically done by determination of species composition, structural ex-ploration, determination of matter and energy fluxes and/or system analyses based on deter-ministic or probabilistic/stochastic model approaches. However, regarding ecosystem dynam-ics, temporal structure, information content, complexity of signals, and their modifications when subsequently passing through different subsystems, have not intensively been studied to date. Structure in time series characterised by information and complexity measures may pro-vide additional, powerful tools to analyse state and dynamics of ecosystems. Along their path through ecosystem compartments e.g. hydrological signals are transformed in several ways, comprising changes in randomness, autocorrelation structures, and smoothness. Thus, time series analyses with complexity and information measures is of interest for a holistic under-standing of ecosystem behaviour and early indications of natural and anthropogenic distur-bances of ecosystems like ecosystem degradation and climate change. Further, these measures provide additional criteria for the calibration of model parameters tests of model validity, and determination of the necessary degree of complexity of process models. In this paper we pre-sent the outcome from applications of information and complexity measures to hydrological time series in two climatically different forest ecosystems in South Germany and Southern Ecuador. The values of information and complexity measures have a clearly different range for the different hydrological parameters but for ecosystems of the same type like mountain forest the values of information and complexity measures exhibit similar behaviour for the hydrological parameters. We hypothesize that complexity of hydrological time series in-creases with the number of abiotic and biotic variables involved in the generating process of the time series. Thus, complexity should have a minimum in the precipitation signal which is controlled by abiotic, atmospheric factors only, and reach a maximum in the root zone where the interaction of abiotic and biotic variables is high. Hydrological time series under study cover the sequence of hydrological signals from open precipitation, throughfall, sapflow, wa-ter fluxes in the soil compartment and system discharge. We detected pronounced data aggre-gation and transformation effects of hydrological signals along their path through subsystems in terms of information propagation. We further found similar patterns in different ecosystems of the same general type. As a result of intensive abiotic and biotic interactions, a pronounced maximum of complexity was found in the moisture signal of the soil compartment.
Selle, B.; Morgen, R. & Huwe, B. (2006): Regionalising the available water capacity from readily available data. Geoderma 132, 391-405.
Schlegel, P.; Huwe, B. & Teixeira, W.G. (2004): Modelling species and spacing effects on root zone water dynamics using Hydrus-2D in an Amazonian agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems 60(3), 277-289.
Schlather, M. & Huwe, B. (2005): A risk index for characterising flow pattern in soils using dye tracer distributions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 79(1-2), 25-44.
Mertens, M.; Nestler, I. & Huwe, B. (2002): GIS-based regionalization of soil profiles with Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 165, 39-43.
Mertens, M. & Huwe, B. (2002): FuN-Balance: a fuzzy balance approach for the calculation of nitrate leaching with incorporation of data imprecision. Geoderma 109, 269-287.
Albrecht, C.; Jahn, R. & Huwe, B. (2005): Soil systematics and classification systems -- Part 1: Fundamentals. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168(1), 7-20.