www.tropicalmountainforest.org DFG-FOR816 Ecuador DFG senate commission on biodiversity research Biodiversity Exploratories DFG-SP1374
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix - Speaker bendix@staff.uni-marburg.de Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer - Speaker b.gemeinholzer@bgbm.org Dr. Jens Nieschulze - Data Manager jniesch@bgc-jena.mpg.de
Thomas Lotz - Data Manager thomas.lotz@staff.uni-marburg.de    


The next meeting on data management in interdisciplinary projects concerning

“Data repositories in environmental sciences – concepts, definitions, technical solutions and user requirements

will be held in Rauischholzhausen (near Marburg) on February 28th – March 1st, 2011

hosted by the FOR816 Ecuador and Biodiversity Exploratories in collaboration with the WG Data of the DFG senate commission on biodiversity research.

Please reserve these dates in your agenda.

Quality proofed research data build the foundation for scientific knowledge gain. Although billions of Euros are spent annually in Germany alone to acquire data only a fraction are accessible over time and are re-used in further contexts. The Alliance of German Science Organisations acknowledges this problem and pools activities for their solutions. Interdisciplinary research project repositories are at the intersection of data collection in the field, work-in-progress-storage, and long-term archiving. Against this background the workshop explores required standards of data capture, data curation and interchange with respect to technical and social issues, and addresses challenges in long-term archiving in a national and international framework.

The aim is to bring together the community of project database manager, standards developer, information scientists, librarians, and funding agencies. As results, we anticipate a better communication between the many disciplines, an overview of the current state of the art and a roadmap for future activities.

A focus will be set on

“Data platforms in integrative biodiversity research”.

  Sessions will concentrate on:

Data standards and ontologies for integrative biodiversity research

Concepts for Data Repositories

  •   Data exchange including legal status of data and access
  •   Sustainability of repositories including permanent funding strategies
  •   Migration strategies for project data to permanent enviornmental data repositories
  •   Structural and technical concepts
    • Models; central, distributed networks, connected topical/regional nodes etc.
    • Hardware; including costs  
    • Software; designs, data models, data flow, interfaces

User Requirements

  • Demands of data provider and data user (bridging the gap between user needs and expectations)
  • Added value to be provided by project repositories
    • Required service tools (input, search, analysis, visualisation, output)
    • Citeable data publications as incentive (DOI, ISI, others)

We are looking forward to this meeting and hope that you will be able to participate. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local organizers.

With kind regards,

J. Bendix

B. Gemeinholzer

J. Nieschulze

T. Lotz

Contact to local organizers:

Thomas Lotz
Data Manager FOR816

Philipps-University of Marburg
Faculty of Geography
Deutschhausstr. 10
fon: ++49.(0)64 21 / 28-24 208
email: thomas.lotz@staff.uni-marburg.de
Sonja Haese

Philipps-University of Marburg
Faculty of Geography/Climatology and Remote Sensing
Geography Deutschhausstr. 10
D-35032 Marburg
fon: ++49.(0)64 21 / 28-24 839
fax: ++49.(0)6421 / 28-24 833
email: haese@staff.uni-marburg.de



For registartion, please download the Frist call (pdf) and use the according form.


Further information on the planned speeches can be found in this Reminder (pdf).



The Program and Abstracts of the Meeting are available here (pdf).



Below all presentations and posters are listed. The underlined contributions are available as PDF.


Talks: Download all as zip [39MB]

Bendix, J.: Introduction to the Workshop

Schildhauer, M.: Using observational data models to enhance data interoperability for integrative biodiversity and ecological research

Kottmann, R.: GSC Standards, GCDML and megx.net : From minimum standard specifications through implementations to web services

Vogt, L.: What are Data and Metadata and what is the Role of Media Content?

Horstmann, W.: International repository infrastructures - connectivity between thematic and generic approaches

Bach, K.: A comparative evaluation on technical solutions of long-term data repositories related to biodiversity

Klump, J.: An assessment of costs and risks in the operation of long-term digital archive infrastructures

Reusser, D.: Data version management

Michener, W. K.: DataONE: Changing Community Practice and Transforming the Environmental Sciences through Access to Data and Tools

Grobe, P.: Morph.D.Base - Increasing Transparency and Reproducibility of Morphological Data

Wrobel, M.: Challenges and success factors in adapting IT for the management of scientific data

Enke, N.: The user's view on data sharing


Posters: Download all as zip [11MB]

Nadrowski, K.: Biodiversity - Ecosystem Functioning (BEF-China) data portal

Curdt, C., Hoffmeister, D., Jekel, C., Waldhoff, G., Bareth, G.: The TR32 project database - TR32DB

Petzold, E.: Biodiversity Exploratories Information System - Feature Overview

Ostrowski, A.: Biodiversity Exploratories Information System - Technical Overview

Muche, G., Hillmann, T, Suwald, A.: Data management of BIOTA AFRICA, now useful for RSSC Southern Africa

Willmes, C., Hoffmeister, D., Biessmann, O., Hütt, C., Kürner, D., Volland, K., Bolten, A., Bareth, G.: CRC806-Database: Implementation of a data management for an interdisciplinary research project

Lotz, T., Dobbermann, M., Göttlicher, D., Nauss, T., Bendix, J.: FOR816-Ecuador Data Warehouse: An EML-based relational project database and more

Kralisch, S., Zander, F.: Environmental Data Management with the River Basin Information System (RBIS)

Triebel, D., Weiss, M., Schneider, T., Hagedorn, G., Jablonski, S., Reichert, W., Volz. B., Rambold, G.: The Diversity Workbench - a virtual biodiversity research environment 

Droege, G., Zetzsche, H., Gemeinholzer, B.: DNA Bank Network - A shared data portal for integrative molecular and biodiversity research

Kattge, J., Diaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, C., Leadley, P., Bönisch, G., Wirth, C.: TRY: towards a unified global database of plant functional traits

Frenzel, M., Klotz, S., Hardisty, A., Bánki, O.: LifeWatch - a European e-science and observatory infrastructure supporting access and use of biodiversity and ecosystem data

Michener, W. K., Budden, A., Koleska, R., Vieglais, D, DataONE Team: DataONE: A virtual data center for the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences

Quadt, F.: Climate Data for Our Future - Acquired, Analysed, Archived: A research scheme for the long-term archival storage of weather and climate data, funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation)

Köchy, M.; The Carbon Portal - Metadata search and data access for the Integrated Carbon Observation System

Mehrtens, K., Springer, P., Fleischner, D., Schirnick, C., Jannaschk, K.: Components and aspects of an integrated data management approach

Seifarth, D.: Identifying Objects or Concepts in Ecological Data using Topic Maps

Heimann, D.: Semantic Data Access within the Biodiversity Exploratories Information System BExIS


Meeting: Datamanagers of DFG research programs

Meeting minutes (Nauß, Th.)


Link to this news item:

http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/ --> News --> Conferences --> February 2011




Photo taken by Maik Dobbermann


Autor: Thomas Lotz | publicado en conference
28.02.2011 - 01.03.2011

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