The MA will take place on Wednesday afternoon, 08.02.2017, 14:15 o´clock, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) – Campus Etterbeek, 2 boulevard de la Plaine / Pleinlaan, Building D, auditorium
D08, 1050 Brussels (Belgium).

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
08.02.2017 - 08.02.2017

On the 6th of October 2015 a "Transferworkshop for the subprogram C - Cross-scale Monitoring: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions" will be held in Loja, just before the Status Simposia. Further information will be distributed via email.

Author: Ruetger Rollenbeck | posted in meeting
06.10.2015 - 06.10.2015

The review symposium for the new project application (Platfrom for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador) will take place at the UTPL in Loja on 18th of October (9:00 - 19:00).

Please not that only applicants and named cooperation partners are allowed to join this meeting.

A public symposium will take place on 19th of October.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
18.10.2012 - 18.10.2012

Data Upload and Maintenance Workshop (24th August 2012 in Marburg)

The workshop focuses on structuring and uploading new research data into the FOR816 Data Warehouse. It also aims to complement existing dataset and enhance its metadata quality for publishing (with a DOI) and reuse. This makes your data more valuable and persistently referable.

Every research unit member is invited to join the workshop, but the number of participants will be limited to a group of  five to ensure an intensive support.

If you are interested please contact the data manager Thomas Lotz.


Unfortunately, this workshop did not take place due to missing registrations.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
24.08.2012 - 24.08.2012

Data Upload and Maintenance Workshop (11th May 2012 in Marburg)

The workshop focuses on structuring and uploading new research data into the FOR816 Data Warehouse. It also aims to complement existing dataset and enhance its metadata quality for publishing (with a DOI) and reuse. This makes your data more valuable and persistently referable.

Every research unit member is invited to join the workshop, but the number of participants will be limited to a group of  five to ensure an intensive support.

If you are interested please contact the data manager Thomas Lotz.

        Similar Workshops are planned to take place in August (also in Marburg) and in October (in Loja).


Unfortunately, this workshop did not take place due to missing registrations. We hope the next workshop in August will be better attended. Researchers should upload data in advance and check if they need additional support.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
11.05.2012 - 11.05.2012

Curso de Campo: “Diversidad de plantas vasculares (árboles, epífitas) y almacenamiento de carbono en bosque montano ”

version 20.12.2011:

Se ofrece un curso sobre levantamiento y análisis de datos florísticos (árboles y epífitas vasculares) con el objetivo de analizar la composición, diversidad florística (alfa y beta) y el almacenamiento de carbono en los bosques tumbesinos de montaña en el extremo sur del Ecuador. El curso combina enseñanza en conocimiento del ecosistema con trabajo de campo y análisis de datos florísticos (idioma de trabajo: espa
ñol). Se incluirán análisis estadísticos univariados (estimadores de diversidad, rarefacción, etc.) y multivariados (ej. ordenaciones DCA y NMDS). El curso ofrece 16 plazas para estudiantes de las carreras universitarias de Biología, manejo forestal, conservación del ambiente u otras carreras afines. Se llevará a cabo del 24 de marzo hasta el 3 de abril del 2012 de la siguiente manera:

Fase 1: 5 días de métodos y trabajo de campo en un bosque andino semihumedo en la Provincia de Loja (24.-29.3.2012).
Fase 2: 5 días de teoría, identificación de especies y análisis estadístico en la ciudad de Loja y la Estación Científica San Francisco (ECSF) (29.3.-3.4.).

El curso tiene un costo de US $ 210 que incluye:
-       Transporte entre Loja y el sitio de estudio.
-       5 días de alojamiento y comida en el campo.

El viaje a la ciudad de Loja y los 5 días en la ciudad (fase 2; alojamiento y comida) actualmente representan costos adicionales. Esperamos alternativamente poder ofrecer hospedaje gratuito en la ECSF ó con compañeros lojanos para todos participantes que no tengan hogar en Loja, aún que en este momento todavía no se puede garantizar esto. Aplicantes lojanos pedimos constar en su carta de aplicación si pueden ofrezer hospedaje para 1-2 participantes de afuera de Loja en su casa, en caso que no podrémos ofrecer hospedaje en la ECSF para todas personas. Posibles novedades con respeto al hospedaje durante la fase 2 se publicará en una convocatoria actualizada bajo “noticias”/”news” en ó directamente a través de antes del 27 de enero.

Personas interesadas en el curso favor enviar su currículum y una breve carta de aplicación (max. 1 página) hasta el 27 de enero del 2012 por correo electrónico a los coordinadores. Se confirmará la participación antes del 3 de febrero 2012.

Dr. Juergen Homeier, Dep. Ecología de Plantas, U Göttingen, Alemania (
Dr. Florian Werner, Dep. Ecología Funcional, U Oldenburg, Alemania (

Author: Florian A. Werner | posted in meeting
24.03.2012 - 03.04.2012

der DFG-Forschergruppe 816
am: 25.02.2012
um: 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Ort: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Raum: 1011 - Kollegienhaus/Senatssaal

TOP1 Begrüßung
TOP2 Bericht des Sprechers
TOP3 Bericht des lokalen Beirats (Matt)
TOP4 Berichte der Bereichssprecher
TOP5 Bericht Data Warehouse (Lotz)
TOP6 Status high-ranked joint publications (Knoke, Wilcke, Bendix)
TOP7 Status Ecological Studies
TOP8 Stand Planungen 2013
TOP9 Verschiedenes

Anfahrtsbeschreibung (pdf)



Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
25.02.2012 - 25.02.2012

A data warehouse workshop will be orgaized by the subproject Z1 "Central Data Services" (Thomas Lotz - Data Manager).

The presentation of the workshop is here available as a pdf document.

The protocol is available here.


Every member of the research unit and the cooperating projects is invited to join this workshop.

5th of October, 2011 at the UTPL / Loja, Edificio Octógono, Ground floor, Sala 4

genda and timetable:

09:00 - 10:00 Overview and introduction
 (basics, might be skipped by experienced users)
        - Introduction - The FOR816dw, its data, and its goals
        - Modules of the website
        - Administration (personnel data, accounting, station pass, and ECSF reservation)
        - Data upload, management, query, and download
Coffee break
10:15 - 11:30 Presentation of new features and concepts
 (interesting for any user, minimum one member of each subproject should participate)
        - The old and new "Concept of dataset structure" (resource/entity/attributes/values) and concerning meta data
        - The new "Extended search" on datasets: temporal, spatial, personnel, and content related criteria
        - The new "Category tree for attributes": An ontology approach
        - The old but still crucial "Data User Agreement" ... and its utilization
        - Planned "Data publication pipeline" (DOI)
        - Data access and intellectual rights (now and after the termination of the RU)
11:30 - 12:00  User feedback, discussion, and future development
        - Your annotations and wishes are welcome
After lunch there will be time for individual support in issues of preparing data sets for upload. For special requirements, you might contact me in advance.

If possible bring along a notebook.

Please feel free to contact Thomas Lotz (Data Manager) for further information: thomas.lotz[at]

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
05.10.2011 - 05.10.2011
Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
04.10.2011 - 04.10.2011

The next member assembly  of the RU816 will be held right after the annual gtö conference on Friday, 25. February 2011 in the Goethe University of Frankfurt from 9:00 - 13:00 h.

Further infromation will be announced here at a later date.

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
25.02.2011 - 25.02.2011


You can download the informative presentation of this workshop here


A data warehouse workshop in Loja will take place on Staurday, 9th of October, next to the FOR816 Status Symposium 2010.

The location will be the hall 1 in the Octogono of the UTPL.

It is open to every FORler. Please make sure that at least one member of each subproject will take part in the workshop.

The program is planed as follows:

9:00 - 12:00 a.m.
presentation and discussion

  • introduction and overview of the data warehouse
  • administration hints for PIs and subproject admins
  • presentation of new features
  • discussion of categories to structure data attributes of the various diciplines

1:30 - 5:00 p.m.
A possibility to work on the data warehouse under the guidance of the data manager and jointly with other researchers

  • update your personal data
  • administrate your subproject members and website
  • search for datasets
  • download metadata and data
  • upload your data

For this part it is required to bring your own notebook with a WLAN adapter to the workshop.

Please feel free to contact Thomas Lotz (Data Manager) for further information: thomas.lotz[at]

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
09.10.2010 - 09.10.2010

Der Central Data Service Z1 bietet vom 11.-12. Juni einen Daten-Upload Workshop in Marburg an. Hierbei wird vorgestellt, wie Datensammlungen der Teilprojekte im zentralen Data-Warehouse zum Austausch mit anderen Forschern zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Der Workshop wird sich besonders auf die technische Unterstützung beim Upload-Vorgang konzentrieren. Es wird aber auch Raum für Fragen und Wünsche bezüglich der Nutzung und Entwicklung der Datenbank geben.

Der Workshop kann von jedem besucht werden, der in naher Zukunft seine Daten über das Datawarehouse der Forschergruppe zur Verfügung stellen möchte, aber mit der angebotenen Anleitung unter "Data > FOR816 data > Neuen Datensatz hochladen" nicht zurecht kommt. Die Teilnaheme am Workshop ist für alle Teilprojekte der Phase 1 verpflichtend, die bis zum 31. Mai 2010 ihre im Forschungsantrag (Phase1) angekündigten Daten nicht hochgeladen haben. Der Workshop hat primär das Ziel, den Upload dieser fehlenden Daten zu unterstützen.

Es freut sich auf einen informativen und erfolgreichen Workshop, das Team Z1 Central Data Services:
Thomas Lotz, Kerstin Bach, Maik Dobbermann

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in meeting
11.06.2010 - 12.06.2010

To be able to reserve time for the next FOR816 member meeting in your
calender, please find below the date & venue of the next member meeting
in 2010.

Venue: Marburg
Date: Thuesday, 23.02.2010
Time: 13:00-16:00 h

More detailed information will be published later.

Update II:

Please find attached the official invitation and the agenda as pdf.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
23.02.2010 - 23.02.2010

The public part of our status symposium will take place on the 4th of November 2009 afternoon at the UTPL in Loja.

A detailed schedule will be announced soon.


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
04.11.2009 - 04.11.2009

Meeting of members on the 29.07.2009 during the GTÖ/ATBC conference in Marburg. (Start: 14:00h)

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
29.07.2009 - 29.07.2009

Location: "Bildungszentrum Kardinal Döpfner Haus" in Freising

Time frame: 02/16/2009 10:00h until 02/17/2009 16:00h


Google maps


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
16.02.2009 - 17.02.2009

A database workshop will take place in Marburg from 13.7.2007 13h until 14.7.2007 12:30h.


Faculty of Geography

Deutschhausstr. 10


If you arrive by car via the freeway from Giessen, look at this googlemaps route. (You can look for a place to park your car on the "Firmaneiplatz".)

If you arrive by train use this route.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
13.07.2007 - 14.07.2007
GTÖ Meeting in Bonn, Location: Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn, Großer Hörsaal
Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in meeting
21.02.2007 - 25.02.2007

Quick search

  • Publications:
  • Datasets: