Loja, UTPL, Centro de convenciones
1st of December 2016

The participation at the symposium is free. If you want an electronic certificate for your participation, please fill out until the 29th of November at the latest this form and then register your participation during the Symposium at anytime.

State: 11.11.2016

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
01.12.2016 - 01.12.2016

On 3 June, Agustín Carrasco saw an Andean bear at one of the core plots at the Estación científica San Francisco. This was an extremely lucky encounter, as Andean bears are hardly seen at Podocarpus National Park. Even luckier are we that Agustín had his camera with him and filmed the bear only a few meters away in this exciting moment. Endemic to the Tropical Andes, the Andean bear is the only extant species of bear in South America. The more it is astonishing that so little is known about its population densities and trends. Andean bears are reported to move along altitudinal gradients, following seasonal patterns of food resources. They are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. Mostly habitat loss is threatening their existence.


Download video

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
05.11.2015 - 05.11.2015

Tenemos el agrado de invitarles muy cordialmente al simposio internacional de la Plataforma de Investigación y Monitoreo, lo cual se realizará los días 7 y 8 de octubre en la UTPL, Loja:

Plataforma de Investigación y Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad y de los Ecosistemas en el Sur de Ecuador

Presentación de avances y resultados de investigación

7 y 8 de Octubre 2015

Centro de Convenciones UTPL

Loja - Ecuador

Programa para descargar

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
07.10.2015 - 08.10.2015

Since mid-august the Cotopaxi volcano is in an eruptive process. We don’t expect any direct impact at our three research sites, but air traffic can be affected, leading to delays or cancellations of flights, and areas around the Cotopaxi (including parts of the valley east of Quito (Cumbayá, Tumbaco, Valle de los Chillos)) could be affected directly. Please find here additional information from the German Embassy about the situation and keep yourself informed.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
30.09.2015 - 31.12.2015

Seit 13.08. kommt es in Ecuador zu landesweiten Streiks mit Straßensperren und Demonstrationen. Vor Überlandreisen wird empfohlen, sich über die aktuelle Situation auf der geplanten Route zu informieren. Sollte sie von den Streiks betroffen sein, wird davon abgeraten die Fahrt durchzuführen. Es wird empfohlen sich unbedingt von den Demonstrationen und Straßensperren fernzuhalten.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
28.08.2015 - 28.08.2015

 Durch Ascheeruptionen des Cotopaxi kam es am 14.08. zu Annullierungen von Flügen nach Loja und Cuenca. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor Flugreisen über mögliche aktuelle Einschränkungen.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
21.08.2015 - 21.08.2015

A new species of Pholidobolus (Squamata:
Gymnophthalmidae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador

Omar Torres-Carvajal, Pablo J. Venegas, Simón E. Lobos, Paola Mafla-Endara, and Pedro M. Sales Nunes

Abstract.—We describe a new species of Pholidobolus lizard from the Amazonian slopes of the Andes of southern Ecuador. Among other characters, the new species differs from other species of Pholidobolus in having a distinct diagonal white stripe extending from the fourth genial scale to the fore limb. We present a phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data as additional evidence supporting delimitation of the new species, which is sister to all other species of Pholidobolus. Our phylogeny further supports the south-to-north speciation hypothesis proposed for other lizard clades from the northern Andes.

Download paper as pdf.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
02.12.2014 - 02.12.2014

3. Forum Für ecuadorianische Studenten in Europa - Wettbewerb zur Anerkennung für die wissenschaftliche Forschung, Berlin / Oktober 2014.

Infos in pdf.

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
22.09.2014 - 31.10.2014

"Der Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBIO e. V.) ehrt den Pflanzenphysiologen und Biodiversitätswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Erwin Beck mit der Treviranus-Medaille."

Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
06.11.2013 - 06.11.2013

Detailed information can be found here.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
18.09.2013 - 30.09.2013

Loja Airport
The Loja airport in Catamayo, La Toma was reopened mid of December 2012. Besides Tame, now LAC also operates flights between Quito and Loja.

Quito Airport
The airport of Quito moved end of February to its new location in the outskirts of Quito. Transfer to or from Quito takes between 1 to 2 hours depending on the traffic and transport media. There are public buses, airport shuttle buses between the new and the former airport and of course taxis.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
25.02.2013 - 16.03.2013

The 30th of September 2012 ALL cell phone numbers in Ecuador change, as they will be increased from nine digits to ten digits. There will be a “9” added right after the first zero. When you call from abroad the “9” will be added right after the Ecuadorian country calling code.

Example: Movistar cell phone number of the ECSF
Calling from Ecuador:
Before:    095 950393
After:     0 9 95 950393 

Calling from abroad:
Before:    +593 95 950393
After:     +593 9 95 950393 

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
30.12.2012 - 31.12.2012

Loja airport in Catamayo – La Toma was closed June 3, 2012 until mid December at least. Alternatives are the airport of Cuenca and the airstrip of Zamora (Cumbaratza). Please find the General Information about the flights, the Itineraries and information about individual ground transport between Cuenca and Loja (status of information: 31.08.2012). For itineraries always cross check the websites from the airlines. All itineraries are subject to change. All information given without any guarantee.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
03.06.2012 - 01.10.2012

The new landline phone numbers of the ECSF are:
+593 / (0)7 / 3060252
+593 / (0)7 / 3060253

The Movistar cell phone number of the ECSF still is:
+593 / (0)95 950393

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
22.11.2011 - 31.01.2012

Tame changed again the flight schedules for the morning flights between Quito and Loja and rebooked again the passengers. Please check again your flights.

More details about the reasons and what options you have to check your flights you find in the last important advice.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 30.11.2011

For Friday 30 September 2011 demonstrations and other mass events were announced on the occasion of the uprising on 30 September 2010. Please avoid for your own security any kind of mass events in Quito or other cities in Ecuador.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 01.10.2011

The 16th of September there was (fortunately without fatalities) an aircraft accident at the airport of Quito as the Tame airplane coming from Loja ran off the end of the runway and safety zone until it collided with a brick wall.

Due to this accident there are several problems concerning air travel to and from Quito:

Because part of the ILS (Instrument Landing System) from the airport Quito was damaged, the flights to and from Quito are at the moment more prone for delays or cancellations due to weather or poor visibility. The ILS will hopefully be repaired within the next days.

Another problem for us is that Tame has now one aircraft less, which has a major impact on the flight schedules between Quito and Loja:

  • There will be until further notice from Monday to Saturday only one morning flight instead of two. The morning flight on Sunday and all flights in the afternoon from Monday to Friday and on Sunday should be operated normally.
  • Tame has assured that all passengers who already have a ticket for a canceled morning flight are transferred automatically to the operated morning flight.
  • Please check for all flights in advance and again the day before your trip with Tame if there’s any change. You can do this:
  1. At the Confirmed bookings site of the Tame webpage. You need your ID/passport number and the ticket number (NOT the flight number as quoted on the website). Both numbers  you find in the upper part of your E-Ticket. Don’t put the first three numbers (269); start with the fourth number.
  2. Tame counters at the airports and the Tame offices
  3. By phone: 1 800 500800 or +593 / (0)2 / 3977100
Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
29.09.2011 - 02.10.2011

Due to the Ecuadorian census 2010 there will be severe restrictions of the freedom of movement the 28 of November in the whole country. Please read the actual advices of the German Federal Foreign Office (only in German available) and avoid any traveling this day.

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
19.11.2010 - 29.11.2010

The situation in Ecuador went back to normal. If there’re important changes, we will keep you informed.

Please find the actual advices of the German Federal Foreign Office (only in German available).


Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
05.10.2010 - 31.10.2010

You find the protocol of the Upload Workshop (11.-12.06.2010) in Marburg in the rubric "documents -> protocols"

Author: Thomas Lotz | posted in general
11.06.2010 - 12.06.2010

Sunday, October 5 - Thursday, October 9, 2008

Located the Jayakarta Bali Resort & Spa on the island of Bali, Indonesia

We are very pleased to inform you that registration is available as of 1
March, 2008.

Starting immediately, there is a call for submissions of oral presentations
and posters.

Ensure that your submission arrives by 30 May, 2008 at the very latest. For
more detailed information and to submit your abstract please visit the
conference webpage and register on-line.


Take advantage and register early to avoid the additional late registration
charge and at the same time book your hotel accommodation to secure the
specially arranged conference rates and room availability.

Accommodation at the conference hotel must be booked by 30 March to secure a
room, as we will have to return the rooms after that date.  It will not be
possible to book a room in the conference hotel after that date. October is
high season in Bali and hotel accommodation is at a premium.

The Organizing Committee



Author: Sonja Haese | posted in general
04.04.2008 - 30.05.2008

This is a call for papers for Gloss2008 as reminder to hand in your abstracts for the "First Global Summit on Sustainable Development and Biodiversity" (Gloss2008), Symposium + exhibition, taking place from 10.12. to 13.12. 2008 in Raipur, India, (state Chhattisgarh)and followed by a four-days excursion through the forests of Chhattisgarh. This might allow your institute to have a look at the site for future field research in connection with a possible partnership with the conference host, IK Foundation of India.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is May 15 2008.

For further information, please visit us at at the Official Gloss-page:


where you will find further information about the full range of issues, submission procedure, and registration by clicking on "Technical sessions" (Symposium), "Submission of abstracts", "Early Registration" and "Registration form".

Eco Tourism in Chhattisgarh

Call for papers Robert Stüssi

Call for paper Prof. Dr. R.N. Pati, Prof.Dr. Trinh, Dr. Schwarz--1

Call for paper Dr. Schwarz-Herion


Author: Sonja Haese | posted in general
04.04.2008 - 15.05.2008

A workshop on Mycorrhizas in Tropical Forests will be organized at UTPL, Loja, 22 to 25 September 2008. Further information see www.mycorrhiza-research.de.

Ingrid Kottke and Juan Pablo Suarez

Author: Ingrid Kottke | posted in general
18.02.2008 - 25.09.2008

Invitación para el 5° Coloquio Mensual

Tenemos el placer de invitarles al quinto Coloquio Mensual de la Unidad de Investigación en lo cual Juan Pablo Suarez nos explica en su exposición “Una visión general de las micorrizas y sus roles en los ecosistemas” porque las micorrizas son quizá uno de los mejores ejemplos como una red de interacciones entre organismos ayuda a mantener nuestros ecosistemas.


Lugar: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo de Loja

Día: Martes 12 de febrero de 2008

Hora: 8 de la noche

Author: Joerg Zeilinger | posted in general
07.02.2008 - 13.02.2008

In honor of its 25th anniversary in December 2007 the national park "Podocarpus" released the following program of the celebrations.


Author: Maik Dobbermann | posted in general
04.12.2007 - 15.12.2007

On Saturday, 22. September, an extensive fire started at a hillside close to the research station. Thanks to the 24 people that have currently stayed at the station, 4 firemen from Loja and local residents from Sabanilla, the fire had been under control after six hours without damaging the test sides from the research unit nor the ones from the Technical University of Loja. Nobody was injured and a house from a local resident (lower central part of the image) could be safed from the flames.

Fire close to the research station on 22. September (the building in the image belongs to a local resident and is not associated to the research station).


Author: Thomas Nauss | posted in general
23.09.2007 - 23.09.2008

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