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Value filter for entity: Composition of a succession forest(id: 801) of dataset: Forest structure parameters of natural forest and successive vegetation (dsid: 1051)

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datetime (Date and Time)
BranchNo (Number of branches)
DBH (Diameter at breast height)
PlantHeight (Plant height)


page: 1 / 16 , page size: , max results: 761

PlotID El_rank datetime Family Species BranchNo DBH PlantHeight
T1-P0 1 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 4.5 4.0
T1-P0 1 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 2.7 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 2.8 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Melastomataceae Miconia sp null 2.5 3.5
T1-P0 1 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 5.7 3.5
T1-P0 1 null Podocarpaceae Podocarpus oleifolius null 2.5 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 5.8 3.5
T1-P0 1 null Rubiaceae Palicourea andaluciana null 6.5 4.5
T1-P0 1 null Podocarpaceae Podocarpus oleifolius null 2.5 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 3.2 3.5
T1-P0 1 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 2.5 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 2.4 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 3.9 4.5
T1-P0 1 null Euphorbiaceae Alchornea pearcei null 2.5 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 2.7 3.0
T1-P0 1 null Myrtaceae Myrcia sp null 11.6 10.0
T1-P0 1 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 12.2 11.0
T1-P0 1 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 12.6 11.0
T2-P0 2 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 6.0 4.0
T2-P0 2 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 8.2 4.5
T2-P0 2 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 5.5 4.0
T2-P0 2 null Melastomataceae Miconia sp null 2.5 4.5
T2-P0 2 null Piperaceae Piper sp null 2.2 5.0
T2-P0 2 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 8.8 4.5
T2-P0 2 null Euphorbiaceae Hyeronima sp null 3.1 6.0
T2-P0 2 null Melastomataceae Graffenrieda emarginata null 5.3 4.0
T2-P0 2 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 2.5 5.5
T2-P0 2 null Proteaceae Roupala sp null 6.7 3.5
T2-P0 2 null Cyrillaceae Purdiaea nutans null 6.5 6.0
T2-P0 2 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 6.8 5.5
T2-P0 2 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 6.2 4.5
T2-P0 2 null Euphorbiaceae Alchornea pearcei null 2.3 3.5
T2-P0 2 null Myrtaceae Myrcia sp null 6.5 5.0
T2-P0 2 null Rosaceae ? null 2.3 4.0
T2-P0 2 null Myrtaceae Myrcia sp null 5.3 4.5
T2-P0 2 null Ericaceae Thibaudia floribunda null 2.3 4.0
T2-P0 2 null Sapindaceae Matayba sp null 11.0 9.0
T3-P0 3 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 2.7 3.0
T3-P0 3 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 2.3 2.5
T3-P0 3 null Clusiaceae Clusia sp null 2.5 3.0
T3-P0 3 null Cyrillaceae Purdiaea nutans null 2.6 2.0
T3-P0 3 null Rubiaceae Faramea sp null 2.7 3.5
T3-P0 3 null Araliaceae Schefflera sp null 2.5 3.0
T3-P0 3 null Lauraceae Persea subcordata null 2.2 3.0
T3-P0 3 null Euphorbiaceae Alchornea pearcei null 8.7 4.0
T3-P0 3 null Melastomataceae Miconia sp null 2.5 3.5
T3-P0 3 null Melastomataceae Miconia sp null 5.6 4.5
T3-P0 3 null Rosaceae Prunus huantensis null 2.9 3.5
T3-P0 3 null Cyrillaceae Purdiaea nutans null 5.0 4.0
T3-P0 3 null Cyrillaceae Purdiaea nutans null 4.1 3.5

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