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Search results for: "keyword:"treatment""


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Natural forest experiment - forest structure in quebradas 2, 3 and 5
Dataset ID: 1062
Last updated: 2011-12-19
Dataset creators: Sven Günter
Contact: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
Temporal coverage: 2004-06-01 00:00:00 - 2004-06-01 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Abstract: FOR402-Metainformation: "Basisdatei für Q2, Q3 ...
Additional info: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 51004; Creator...
Keywords: | treatment | tree | dbh | forest | Phenology | forest structure |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Forest Structure per Quebradas
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (Unitless)
Indiv-ID (Indiv_ID) (Unitless)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
Family name (Family) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Treatment (treatment) (Unitless)
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]
Dominance of tree (tree_dominance) (Unitless)

Survival and height of trees in reforestation
Dataset ID: 586
Last updated: 2009-06-24
Dataset creators: Sven Günter
Contact: Sven Günter
Temporal coverage: 2003-06-01 11:09:00 - 2009-06-24 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF forest and pasture
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | treatment | growth | tree | tree growth |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: reforestation
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (Unitless)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
Diameter (Diameter_x) [Meter]
Presence/absence (PresAbs) (Unitless)

Data of the repasturisation experiment: Phase 1 - Bracken control
Dataset ID: 446
Last updated: 2012-09-26
Dataset creators: Kristin Roos
Erwin Beck
Contact: Kristin Roos
Temporal coverage: 2004-12-01 00:00:00 - 2007-12-25 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Llashipa site
Abstract: Conclusion of the control experiment: -Spraying ...
Additional info: Treatments: Asulam with 400g/l active agent: 6l/h...
Keywords: | bracken | frond development | vegetation dynamics | herbicide | treatment |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: control of bracken
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
land use (Land_use) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
Species coverage per area (SpecCov) [Percent]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Entity name: Overview of the applied bracken control treatments and its design
Entity info: Plot location and number as well as the treatment of the respective plots are shown in a sketch of the experimental site. Further details (sequence, dates etc.) of treatments are also added.
Entity type:otherEntity
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Time step in time series (timestep) (Unitless)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - reforestation plots (June 2009)
Dataset ID: 668
Last updated: 2010-10-10
Dataset creators: Claudia Krüger
Arthur Schüßler
Contact: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
Temporal coverage: 2009-06-10 00:00:00 - 2009-06-20 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF pasture
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | biomass | treatment | height | RCD | Cedrela montana | count of leaves | Heliocarpus americanus | Tabebuia chrysantha |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-plot_data(06-09)
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (Unitless)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
freshweight of roots (freshweight_root) [Gram]
freshweight of shoots (freshweight_shoot) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

Data of the repasturisation experiment: Phase 3 - Pasture management
Dataset ID: 1185
Last updated: 2012-09-26
Dataset creators: Kristin Roos
Erwin Beck
Contact: Kristin Roos
Temporal coverage: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 - 2012-10-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Llashipa site
Abstract: Data of repasturisation experiment with informatio...
Additional info: Sketch of the site: different plot colour indicate...
Keywords: | bracken | treatment | pasture | fertilization | abandoned pasture | grazing |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: LAI and related plant characteristics from the repasturisation experiment
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
land use (Land_use) (Unitless)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
leaf area index (LAI) [Square meter per square meter]
Standard Error of LAI (SEL) [Square meter per square meter]
Diffuse non-interceptance (DIFN) [Ratio]
Mean tip angle based on the distribution (cls_MTA) [Degree]
Entity name: Vegetation dynamics of Setaria sphacelata and bracken after different pasture management
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
land use (Land_use) (Unitless)
Organism part (OrgPart) (Unitless)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
Species coverage per area (SpecCov) [Percent]

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