Date and Time (datetime)
ID of the plot (PlotID)
Aluminium measured in throughfall (Alw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Manganese measured in throughfall (Mnw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Zinc measured in throughfall (Znw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in throughfall (Caw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in throughfall (Kw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in throughfall (Mgw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in throughfall (Naw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in throughfall (NH4w_pcpt)
[Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in throughfall (NO3w_pcpt)
[Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in throughfall (Ntotw_pcpt)
[Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total sulphur measured in throughfall (Stotw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Chloride measured in throughfall (Clw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in throughfall (DOCw_pcpt)
[Milligram per liter]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in throughfall (PO4w_pcpt)
[Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in throughfall (Ptotw_pcpt)
[Milligram of phosphorus per liter]