C3.1 The threat of southern bracken: Investigation and modelling of a fire-triggered succession that leads to the destruction of pastures in the area of the tropical mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador, and the potential for repastorization of abandoned areas - Project staff

  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix (PI)
    Jörg Bendix
    Faculty of Geography
    Deutschhausstraße 10
    Philipps University of Marburg
    Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing
    35032 Marburg

    +49 06421/2824266
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erwin Beck (PI)
    Erwin Beck
    Universitätsstr. 30
    Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience
    University of Bayreuth
    95440 Bayreuth