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Cordova, M.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Rollenbeck, R. & Celleri, R. (2022): Determination of climatic conditions related to precipitation anomalies in the Tropical Andes by means of the random forest algorithm and novel climate indices. International Journal of Climatology 42(10), 5055--5072.
Grigusova, P.; Larsen, A.; Achilles, S.; Brandl, R.; del Ro, C.; Farwig, N.; Kraus, D.; Paulino, L.; Pliscoff, P.; Übernickel, K. & Bendix, J. (2022): Higher sediment redistribution rates related to burrowing animals than previously assumed as revealed by time-of-flight-based monitoring. Earth Surface Dynamics 10(6), 1273--1301.
Noskov, A. (2022): Radar as a Key to Global Aeroecology: Essentials of Technology and Development Milestones. In: IGI Global (eds.): Handbook of Research on Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change, and Digitalization ( ), IGI Global, 482--505.
Jung, P.; Lehnert, L.; Bendix, J.; Lentendu, G.; Grube, M.; Alfaro, F.D.; Rio, C.d.; Gutiérrez Alvarado, J.L.; van den Brink, L. & Lakatos, M. (2022): The grit crust: A poly-extremotolerant microbial community from the Atacama Desert as a model for astrobiology. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9, 1052278.
Berdugo Moreno, M.B.; Heyer, L.; Contento, K.Y.S.; Déleg, J.; Bendix, J. & Bader, M. (2022): High-resolution tropical rain-forest canopy climate data. Environmental Data Science 1, e13.
Berdugo Moreno, M.B.; Gradstein, S.R.; Guérot, L.; León-Yánez, S.; Bendix, J. & Bader, M. (2022): Diversity patterns of epiphytic bryophytes across spatial scales: Species-rich crowns and beta-diverse trunks. Biotropica 54(4), 893-905.
Wagemann, J.; Fierli, F.; Mantovani, S.; Siemen, S.; Seeger, B. & Bendix, J. (2022): Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for Earth Observation Data Education. Remote Sensing 14(14), 3359.
Vorndran, M.; Schütz, A.; Bendix, J. & Thies, B. (2022-09-16). The effect of filtering and preprocessed temporal information on a classification based machine learning model for radiation fog nowcasting. Presented at AK Klima, Würzburg.
Vorndran, M.; Schütz, A.; Bendix, J. & Thies, B. (2022): Current training and validation weaknesses in classification-based radiation fog nowcast using machine learning algorithms. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems 1(2), e210006.
Kraus, D.; Brandl, R.; Achilles, S.; Bendix, J.; Grigusova, P.; Larsen, A.; Pliscoff, P.; Übernickel, K. & Farwig, N. (2022): Vegetation and vertebrate abundance as drivers of bioturbation patterns along a climate gradient. PLOS ONE 17(3), 1-14.
Rollenbeck, R.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Bendix, J.; Rodriguez, R.; Pucha-Cofrep, F.; Guallpa, M.; Fries, A. & Celleri, R. (2022): The Coastal El Niño Event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A Weather Radar Analysis. Remote Sensing 14(4), 824.
Baumann, K.; Jung, P.; Lehnert, L.; Samolov, E.; Baum, C.; Bendix, J.; Karsten, U.; Büdel, B. & Leinweber, P. (2022): Die Grüne Wüste Südamerikas? Ökologische Nischen für Pioniere in der Atacama. Biologie in unserer Zeit 52(1), 58--65.
Adams, J.; Samimi, C.; Mitterer, C.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2022): Comparison of pasture types in the tropical Andes: Species composition, distribution, nutritive value and responses to environmental change. Basic and Applied Ecology 59, 139-150.
Salomón, R.L.; Peters, R.L.; Zweifel, R.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.; Stegehuis, A.I.; Smiljanic, M.; Poyatos, R.; Babst, F.; Cienciala, E.; Fonti, P.; Lerink, B.J.W.; Lindner, M.; Martinez-Vilalta, J.; Mencuccini, M.; Nabuurs, G.; van der Maaten, E.; von Arx, G.; Bär, A.; Akhmetzyanov, L.; Balanzategui, D.; Bellan, M.; Bendix, J.; Berveiller, D.; Blaženec, M.; Čada, V.; Carraro, V.; Cecchini, S.; Chan, T.; Conedera, M.; Delpierre, N.; Delzon, S.; Ditmarová, L.; Dolezal, J.; Dufrene, E.; Edvardsson, J.; Ehekircher, S.; Forner, A.; Frouz, J.; Ganthaler, A.; Gryc, V.; Güney, A.; Heinrich, I.; Hentschel, R.; Janda, P.; Ježík, M.; Kahle, H.; Knüsel, S.; Krejza, J.; Kuberski, u.; Kučera, J.; Lebourgeois, F.; Mikoláš, M.; Matula, R.; Mayr, S.; Oberhuber, W.; Obojes, N.; Osborne, B.; Paljakka, T.; Plichta, R.; Rabbel, I.; Rathgeber, C.B.K.; Salmon, Y.; Saunders, M.; Scharnweber, T.; Sitková, Z.; Stangler, D.F.; Sterenczak, K.; Stojanovic, M.; Střelcová, K.; Světlík, J.; Svoboda, M.; Tobin, B.; Trotsiuk, V.; Urban, J.; Valladares, F.; Vavrčík, H.; Vejpustková, M.; Walthert, L.; Wilmking, M.; Zin, E.; Zou, J. & Steppe, K. (2022): The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Nature Communications 13(1), 28.
Thiemig, V.; Gomes, G.N.; Skøien, J.O.; Ziese, M.; Rauthe-Schöch, A.; Rustemeier, E.; Rehfeldt, K.; Walawender, J.; Kolbe, C.; Pichon, D.; Schweim, C. & Salamon, P. (2022): EMO-5: a high-resolution multi-variable gridded meteorological dataset forEurope. Earth System Science Data 14(7), 3249--3272.
Wallis, C.I.B.; Tiede, Y.; Beck, E.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Donoso, D.A.; Espinosa, C.I.; Fries, A.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Maraun, M.; Mikolajewski, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Scheu, S.; Schleuning, M.; Suárez, J.P.; Tinoco, B.A.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11(1), 24530.
Muñoz, P.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Bendix, J.; Feyen, J. & Celleri, R. (2021): Flood Early Warning Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques: The Case of the Tomebamba Catchment at the Southern Andes of Ecuador. Hydrology 8(4), 183.
Turini, N.; Thies, B.; Rollenbeck, R.; Fries, A.; Pucha-Cofrep, F.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Horna, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Assessment of Satellite-Based Rainfall Products Using a X-Band Rain Radar Network in the Complex Terrain of the Ecuadorian Andes. Atmosphere 12(12), 1678.
Rollenbeck, R.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Rodriguez, R.; Macalupu, S. & Nolasco, P. (2021): Calibration of X-Band Radar for Extreme Events in a Spatially Complex Precipitation Region in North Peru: Machine Learning vs. Empirical Approach. Atmosphere 12(12), 1561.
Vorndran, M.; Schütz, A.; Bendix, J. & Thies, B. (2021-11-05). Training and validation weaknesses in pointwise classification-based radiation fog forecast using machine learning algorithms . Presented at AK Klima, Passau.
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