Date and Time (datetime)
Record number (record)
Averaging_period in seconds (averaging_period)
Measurement rate in Hertz (measurement_rate)
Azimuth of the mounting angle (mounting_angle)
Data quality percentage (dataquality)
Wind vector x in m/s (windvector_x)
[Meter per second]
Wind vector y in m/s (windvector_y)
[Meter per second]
Wind vector z in m/s (windvector_z)
[Meter per second]
Air temperature (Ta)
[Degrees Celsius]
Standard deviation of wind vector x in m/s (windvector_x_sig)
[Meter per second]
Standard deviation of wind vector y in m/s (windvector_y_sig)
[Meter per second]
Standard deviation of wind vector z in m/s (windvector_z_sig)
[Meter per second]
Standard deviation of the temperature (Ta_sig)
[Degrees Celsius]
Covariance of X and Y wind vectors (windvector_xy_cov)
[Square meter per square second]
Covariance of X and Z wind vectors (windvector_xz_cov)
[Square meter per square second]
Covariance of X and T (windvector_xta_cov)
[Millikelvin per second]
Covariance of Y and Z wind vectors (windvector_yz_cov)
[Square meter per square second]
Covariance of Y and T (windvector_yta_cov)
[Millikelvin per second]
Covariance of Z and T (windvector_zta_cov)
[Millikelvin per second]
Standard deviation of the wind component parallel to the mean wind direction (psig)
[Meter per second]
Standard deviation of the wind component horizontal perpendicular to the mean wind direction (qsig)
[Meter per second]
Standard deviation of the wind component vertical perpendicular to the mean wind direction (rsig)
[Meter per second]
Longitudinal turbulence intensity (tp)
Transversal turbulence intensity (tq)
Vertical turbulence intensity (tr)
Shear stress velocity (ustar)
[Meter per second]
Characteristic temperature (tstar)
[Degree Kelvin]
Ground friction coefficient (cd)
Monin-Obukhov stability parameter (mos)
[One per meter]
Vertical pulse current (mf)
[Kilogram per meter second]
Vertical heat flow (hf)
[Watt per square meter]
Mean wind component in east-west direction (u)
[Meter per second]
Mean wind component in north-south direction (v)
[Meter per second]
Mean vertical wind component (w)
[Meter per second]
Wind speed (vel)
[Meter per second]
Wind direction (dir)