Cite as:
Yuan, N. (2016): <b>Total Biomass Yield with quality flag.</b> <i>Available online ( from F2Fdw.</i> [Date of download: 2024-09-21].

Resource Description

Title: Total Biomass Yield with quality flag
Short Name: Total_Bio_quality_flag
F2Fdw ID: 21
Publication Date: 2016-06-20
Last Update Date: 2016-06-20
License and Usage Rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
Temporal Coverage:
Begin: 1993-06-16
End: 2013-09-02
Geographic Coverage:
Geographic Description: Gießen-FACE
Bounding Coordinates:
- lon/lat [degrees]
- WGS 84
North: Information not publicly available, please log in. Max: 172.0 ( meter )
West: Information not publicly available, please log in. East: Information not publicly available, please log in. Elevation
South: Information not publicly available, please log in. Min: 172.0 ( meter )
Dataset Owner(s):
Individual: Yuan, Naiming
Associated Person(s):
Individual: Luterbacher, Jürg
This is upload data with quality flag
Additional Infos:
some additional information
| biomass | elevated CO2 |
Associated entities to this dataset:
-------- 1 . data table entity --------
Table Name: test_quality_flag(Total_Biomass_E1)
Tech. Details ...
Attribute(s) ...
-------- 2 . data table entity --------
Table Name: test_quality_flag_test2
Tech. Details ...
Attribute(s) ...
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Yuan, Naiming
Contact Person:
Individual: Yuan, Naiming
Online Distribution:
Download File:
Data Publisher:
Organization: LOEWE-FACE2FACE

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