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Found 8 publication(s)

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Müller, C. & Moser, G. (2018): Global Change Biology Introduction - FACEing the future conference. Global Change Biology 9, 3873-3874

Obermeier, W. (2017-07-04). Future summer aboveground biomass in a temperate C3 grassland. Presented at General Assembly - FACE2FACE, Giessen.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Haas, E.; Kraus, D.; Klatt, S.; Kiese, R. & Breuer, L. (2014-07-15). Simulating fluxes of N and C under elevated atmospheric CO2 in a coupled ecosystem response model. Presented at BIOGEOMON 2014, Bayreuth, Germany.
Kahlen, K.; Zinkernagel, J. & Chen, T. (2015): Towards Virtual Plant Modelling as a Tool in Climate Change Impact Research. Procedia Environmental Sciences 29, 245-246

Seibert, R. (2017-07-04). Populationsdynamik, Phänologie und Ertrag im Grünland. Presented at FACE2FACE-Vollversammlung, Gießen.
Jansen-Willems, A.B.; Lanigan, G.J.; Grünhage, L. & Müller, C. (2016): Carbon cycling in temperate grassland under elevated temperature. Ecology and Evolution In press, In press
DOI: press.

Moser, G.; Müller, C. & Grünhage, L. (2016-01-07). Klimawandel vor der Haustür. Presented at UKL, UKL.
Seibert, R. (2016-09-20). Impacts of long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the species dynamics and aboveground biomass production of a periodically wet grassland. Presented at 9th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
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