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Jansen-Willems, A.B.; Lanigan, G.J.; Grünhage, L. & Müller, C. (2016): Carbon cycling in temperate grassland under elevated temperature. Ecology and Evolution In press, In press
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DOI: press.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Haas, E.; Kraus, D.; Klatt, S.; Kiese, R. & Breuer, L. (2014-07-15). Simulating fluxes of N and C under elevated atmospheric CO2 in a coupled ecosystem response model. Presented at BIOGEOMON 2014, Bayreuth, Germany.
Obermeier, W. (2017-07-04). Future summer aboveground biomass in a temperate C3 grassland. Presented at General Assembly - FACE2FACE, Giessen.
Keidel, L.; Lenhart, K.; Moser, G. & Müller, C. (2018): Depth-dependent response of soil aggregates and soil organic carbon content to long-term elevated CO2 in a temperate grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123, 145-154
Moser, G.; Gorenflo, A.; Brenzinger, K.; Keidel, L.; Braker, G.; Marhan, S.; Clough, T.J. & Müller, C. (2018): Explaining the doubling of N2O emissions under elevated CO2 in the Giessen FACE via in-field 15N tracing. Global Change Biology 24, 3897-3910
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Kraus, D.; Haas, E.; Klatt, S. & Breuer, L. (2015-04-17). Uncertainty analysis of a coupled ecosystem response model simulating greenhouse gas fluxes from a temperate grassland. Presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P. & Breuer, L. (2016-09-13). Simulation von Biomasse und Treibhausgasemissionen eines FACE-Grünlandexperiments unter Grundwassereinfluss. Presented at Begutachtung LOEWE-Schwerpunkt FACE2FACE, Giessen, Germany.
Keidel, L.; Kammann, C.; Grünhage, L.; Moser, G. & Müller, C. (2015): Long term CO2 enrichment in a temperate grassland increases soil respiration during late autumn and winter. Biogeoscience 12, 1257-1269
Kellner, J. (2014-09-18). Development of a coupled hydrological-plant growth model for grasslands under elevated CO2. Presented at 7th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Aydogan, E.; Busse, H.; Moser, G.; Müller, C.; Kämpfer, P. & Glaeser, S.P. (2016): Aureimonas galii sp. nov. and Aureimonas pseudogalii sp. nov. isolated from the phyllosphere of Galium album. International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology 66, 3345-3354
Moser, G.; Gorenflo, A.; Brenzinger, K.; Keidel, L.; Braker, G.; Marhan, S.; Clough, T.J. & Müller, C. (2018): Explaining the doubling of N2O emissions under elevated CO2 in the Giessen FACE via in-field 15N tracing. Global Change Biology early view, 1-14
DOI: | Revised: 12 January 2018.
DOI: | Revised: 12 January 2018.
Aydogan, E.; Moser, G.; Müller, C.; Kämpfer, P. & Glaeser, S.P. (2018): Long-term warming shifts the composition of bacterial communities in the phyllosphere of Galium album in a permanent grassland field-experiment. . Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 144
Grünhage, L.; Kammann, C. & Moser, G. (2016-01-07). GiFACE Sampling Design. Presented at Internal Presentation, Giessen.
Seibert, R. (2016-09-20). Impacts of long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the species dynamics and aboveground biomass production of a periodically wet grassland. Presented at 9th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.W.; Kammann, C.; Müller, C.; Grünhage, L.; Luterbacher, J.; Erbs, M.; Moser, G.; Seibert, R.; Yuan, N. & Bendix, J. (2016): Reduced CO2 fertilization effect in temperate C3 grasslands under more extreme weather conditions. Nature Climate Change 7(2), 137-141
Seibert, R. (2015-10-01). Impacts of long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the soil seed bank in a temperate grassland. Presented at 8th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen, Germany.
Seibert, R. (2017-07-04). Populationsdynamik, Phänologie und Ertrag im Grünland. Presented at FACE2FACE-Vollversammlung, Gießen.
Seibert, R. (2014-09-18). Population dynamics, phenology and yield of grassland. Presented at 7th GGL Conference on Life Sciences, Gießen.
Liebermann, R.; Kraft, P.; Houska, T.; Müller, C.; Kraus, D.; Klatt, S.; Haas, E. & Breuer, L. (2016-09-21). How groundwater controls the cycles of C and N - A modelling study from a temperate grassland experiment. Presented at 9thAnnual GGL Conference 2016, Giessen, Germany.
Liebermann, R. (2017-07-04). Interaktion der simulierten Wasser- und N-Kreisläufe des Linden FACE Grünlands. Presented at FACE2FACE Vollversammlung 2017, JLU Giessen.
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