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FACE Geisenheim - Weather data
Dataset ID: 139
Last updated: 2024-01-12
Dataset creators: Andreas Ehlig
Claudia Kammann
Contact: Claudia Kammann
Andreas Ehlig
Temporal coverage: 2016-01-01 00:00:00 - 2022-12-31 23:59:00
Geographic coverage: Geisenheim-FACE
Abstract: Geisenheim FACE weather data...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | eCO2 | aCO2 | elevated CO2 | ambient CO2 | solar radiation | wind speed | precipitation | wind direction | relative humidity | Air temperature | Elevated carbon dioxide |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: FACE Geisenheim Weather-data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Air Temperature (Temp_air) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative Humidity (RH) [Percent]
Precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Solar radiation (SR) [Watt per square meter]
Wind Speed in 2m (WS_2m) [Meter per second]
Wind Direction (WD) [Degree]

Meteorological Data Before 2014
Dataset ID: 43
Last updated: 2016-09-07
Dataset creators: Naiming Yuan
Contact: Naiming Yuan
Temporal coverage: 1995-01-01 00:00:00 - 2014-12-31 00:00:00
Geographic coverage: GiFACE
Abstract: In this data set, you can find the Meteorological...
Additional info: Please note, if you see -9999 in the data file, t...
Keywords: | precipitation | relative humidity | Air temperature | global radiation | Gi-FACE |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: Meteorological data from 1995-2014 (Gi-FACE,Daily)
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Daily mean air temperature (Air_Temp_mean_Daily) [Degrees Celsius]
Daily maximum air temperature (Air_Temp_max_Daily) [Degrees Celsius]
Daily minimum air temperature (Air_Temp_min_Daily) [Degrees Celsius]
Daily sum of Precipitation (Prec_Daily) [Millimeter]
Daily mean Relative Humidity (RH_Daily) [Percent]
Daily mean Global Radiation (GR_Daily) [Watt per square meter]

Meteorolgoy Gi-FACE
Dataset ID: 64
Last updated: 2017-01-26
Dataset creators: Gerald Moser
Jochen Senkbeil
Contact: Jochen Senkbeil
Ludger Grünhage
Gerald Moser
Temporal coverage: 2016-02-10 15:40:00 - 2016-08-15 07:50:00
Geographic coverage: GiFACE
Abstract: Logger-based data of the meteorological station a...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | grassland | meteorological | solar radiation | wind speed | precipitation | wind direction | air pressure | Air temperature | global radiation | Gi-FACE |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: GiFACE Meteorolgy
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Air temperature (2m, 10min) (AirTC_Avg) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative Humidity (RH) [Percent]
Solar radiation (2m, 10min) (SlrW_Avg) [Watt per square meter]
Solar radiation (2m, sum 10min) (SlrkJ_Tot) [Kilojoules per square meter]
Air pressure (local, 10min) (BP_hPa_Avg) [Hectopascal]
Air pressure (sea level, 10min) (BP_hPa_sealevel_Avg) [Hectopascal]
Precipitation (150cm, 10min) (Rain_mm_Tot) [Millimeter]
Windspeed (max, 2m, 10min) (Wspeed_max) [Meter per second]
Windspeed (mean, 2m, 10min) (Wspeed_mean) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (mean, 2m, 10min) (Wdirect_Vec_mean) [Degree]
Wind direction (sd, 2m, 10min) (Wdirect_Vec_sd) [Degree]

Meteorology Thermo-FACE Giessen
Dataset ID: 38
Last updated: 2017-01-26
Dataset creators: Gerald Moser
Jochen Senkbeil
Contact: Jochen Senkbeil
Gerald Moser
Temporal coverage: 2015-12-01 14:50:00 - 2016-08-15 07:50:00
Geographic coverage: GiFACE
Abstract: This dataset includes logger-based sensor measure...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | temperature | FACE | grassland | Giessen_F2F | meteorological | solar radiation | wind speed | precipitation | wind direction | air pressure | relative humidity |
Intellectual rights: FACE2FACE data user agreement.
1. Entity:
Entity name: meteo3-10mindec15-16
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (Datetime) (Unitless)
Air temperature (2m, 10min) (AirTC_Avg) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative Humidity (RH) [Percent]
Solar radiation (2m, 10min) (SlrW_Avg) [Watt per square meter]
Solar radiation (2m, sum 10min) (SlrkJ_Tot) [Kilojoules per square meter]
Air pressure (local, 10min) (BP_hPa_Avg) [Hectopascal]
Air pressure (sea level, 10min) (BP_hPa_sealevel_Avg) [Hectopascal]
Precipitation (150cm, 10min) (Rain_mm_Tot) [Millimeter]
Windspeed (max, 2m, 10min) (Wspeed_max) [Meter per second]
Windspeed (mean, 2m, 10min) (Wspeed_mean) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (mean, 2m, 10min) (Wdirect_Vec_mean) [Degree]
Wind direction (sd, 2m, 10min) (Wdirect_Vec_sd) [Degree]

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